
The queen's sister-in-law failed in the palace fight, and the eldest lady withdrew my marriage contract with the son of the Fang family without authorization and insisted on sending me into the palace

author:Xiao Yueyue's Digest

The queen's sister failed in the palace fight, and the doctor remembered me, a lowly concubine.

She renounced my marriage contract with the little son of the Fang family without authorization, and insisted on sending me into the palace.

I refused, so she imprisoned my aunt and ordered someone to break Fang Xiaogongzi's leg.

I begged her on my knees, but I received this answer:

"Since you are a member of our Shen family, you should put the honor and disgrace of the Shen family first. 」

"Only if you are obedient and win the emperor's favor, they will be fine. 」

I had no choice but to enter the palace.

But I also secretly swore in my heart that when the Shen family collapsed, it would be the time for me to resign from Nirvana and be reborn.

The queen's sister-in-law failed in the palace fight, and the eldest lady withdrew my marriage contract with the son of the Fang family without authorization and insisted on sending me into the palace

The carriage drove slowly through the streets, the wheels making a bone-chilling sound.

Seeing that he was about to enter the Zhengyang Gate, the carriage was suddenly stopped.

I lifted the curtain and saw the face that made me think about it.

But when my eyes touched the wheelchair under him, my eyes turned red.

"Yizhi, your legs ......"

Fang Yizhi showed a very shallow smile and comforted, "I forgot to say that I am a doctor myself, and it will be good to raise it for a while. 」

I felt guilty: "I'm sorry for you. 」

Originally, Fang Yizhi was the one who made a marriage contract with me.

We once agreed to have a couple for the rest of our lives, but now I want to enter the palace to serve the emperor.

Just because my queen's sister failed in the palace fight, she was given a cup of poisoned wine by the emperor.

In order to consolidate his position in the court, my father tried his best to send me to the palace.

Naturally, I don't want to.

The eldest lady made her own decisions and withdrew my marriage contract with Fang Yizhi.

That night, Fang Yizhi ignored the heavy rain outside and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion to ask me clearly, but was blocked by the housekeeper.

Fang Yizhi wanted to break in, but the eldest lady ordered: "Dare to trespass into the Prime Minister's Mansion, I think you are tired of living." 」

After receiving the order of the eldest lady, the family rushed out with a stick.

Across the door, I knelt on the ground and kept begging the eldest lady.

"I just want to marry Fang Yizhi in this life, I don't want to enter the palace, and I ask my mother to fulfill it. 」

The eldest lady sneered, her face full of bitterness: "I don't want you to enter the palace or not. 」

At this time, Ah Niang dragged her sick body and wanted to intercede for me, but was pushed into the puddle by the eldest lady.


I immediately rushed over and helped my soaked aunt up.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the dull sound of sticks falling was constantly heard outside the door.

The eldest lady spoke again: "Shen Tianci, if you don't agree again, I'm afraid that the people outside the door will be beaten to death. 」

I bit my lip and stubbornly wiped the rain off my face, never letting go.

The eldest lady was angry and glanced at Grandma Sun, and several people quickly detained my aunt.

I clenched my fists, "What do you want to do?"

The eldest lady glanced at me, but didn't pay attention to me at all.

"Shen Tianci, your mother has been able to sustain her life with medicine every day, if it weren't for my kindness, how could she have lived to this day?"

"Since you are a member of our Shen family, you should put the honor and disgrace of the Shen family first. 」

"Only if you are obedient and win the emperor's favor, they will be fine. 」

I sneered, "What a member of the Shen family, when did my grandmother treat us as members of the Shen family?"

To put it bluntly, we are not even as good as the descendants of the Shen family.

Since my mother gave birth to me, she has injured her body and is often sick in bed.

I grew up being bullied by my sister and brother.

When I was eight years old, my sister Shen Liuli broke off one of my little fingers in order to snatch the lotus sachet I embroidered.

My brother Shen Fu practiced archery and asked me to use the apple on my head as a target, but I accidentally missed it.

I hurt my arm and it took me two months to recover.

The list goes on and on.

When the news of Shen Liuli's death was transmitted back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, I was punished by the eldest lady.

But in the blink of an eye, she was going to force me into the palace.

I had no choice but to say yes.


Fang Yizhi shook his head: "Ci'er, it's not your fault. If so, if I had a better background, or if I had chosen the path of the imperial examination, I would not be as helpless as I am now, I am sorry for you......

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and I choked up, "No, it's not us who are at fault......

After I calmed down a little, Fang Yizhi handed me a box.

His voice was stiff: "Here are some medicines to cure diseases, and they may be used in the palace. You have studied medicine with me, so you can judge for yourself. 」

I reached out and took it, and at the same time handed him a purse embroidered by hand.

"I didn't want to give it to you so early, but I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future. 」

"Easy to take care. 」

After I finished speaking, I lowered the sedan curtain and covered my mouth and wept silently.

After the carriage drove out of a distance, Fang Yizhi's voice came from behind him.

He said, "Wait for me. 」


After entering the palace, it was already evening.

My aunt asked me to visit the queen tomorrow.

That night, I slept extremely restlessly.

In the dream, it was all the sinister and vicious face of the eldest lady.

After studying medicine with Fang Yizhi, I learned why A-Niang's health was so bad.

She was poisoned in her early years.

The poison made it impossible for her to do the things of men and women again.

Since then, my father has never been to A-Niang's yard.

And this poison has long been in the heart over time.

I tried many methods with Fang Yizhi, but we couldn't solve this poison.

Although there is no evidence, I can't think of anyone who can do this, except for the eldest lady.

The next day, under the leadership of my aunt, I went to the Liuhua Palace, where the queen lived.

It is said that Sister Chang used to live in Fengyi Palace.

The current queen felt that she should not move, and the emperor agreed.

I don't know much about the harem.

But thinking about it, the emperor should be very fond of the current queen.

I waited for about half a cup of tea to meet the current queen Meng Wushuang.

Her appearance is extremely beautiful, her skin is as white as jade, and the best thing is her clear and translucent almond eyes, which inexplicably have a pure and delicate feeling when she looks at people.

I've heard that this queen used to be an idiot, but then it seemed to be overnight.

I didn't dare to think about him anymore, so I bowed properly.

"You're Shen Tingci?" she asked.

"Back to the queen's mother, it is the courtier. 」

"The emperor asked the palace to arrange it, and then he will give you the Nishang Palace, what do you think?"

I quickly knelt down and thanked him.

What does it matter what palace you live in, there will be no one else in my heart except Fang Yizhi.

At night, I was about to go to bed, and the palace maid Riyue hurriedly told me that the emperor was coming in the direction of the Nishang Palace.

My heart suddenly lifted, and I still can't hide from what I'm most afraid of?

The palace maids at the door knelt down in unison, and I did the same, putting my forehead against the back of my hand, and prostrate on the ground.

After a while, the man's calm voice sounded above his head.

"Let's all be flat. 」

But I didn't move, neither did I look up.

When the palace maids saw this, they didn't dare to get up.

After a while, the man said, "Lift up your head and let me see." 」

I still didn't move.

Seeing this, the father-in-law on the side shouted angrily: "Bold! The emperor is talking to you. 」

As if I couldn't hear, I kept my posture to the lowest level, but I was also telling the person my persistence.

"Let's go, Grandpa An. 」

But in an instant, the Neon Dress Palace returned to calm.

I breathed a sigh of relief and got up from the ground.

After this time, I don't think the emperor will come to the Nishang Palace again.

As long as I keep a low profile, I won't attract attention.

As for the eldest lady, I still have to find a way to fool the past.


A few days later, I stayed on the way for my father to go down to the court, but I only saw my brother Shen Fu.

He found a place to talk to me, and there was a little impatience on his face.

"What's the matter, has the emperor favored you?"

I shook my head and said nothing.

Shen Fu snorted coldly:

"Didn't you have a lot of ability when you seduced Fang Yizhi? Why can't you do it now? Aren't you still thinking about him in your heart?"

My nails sank deep in my palms, and I straightened my spine and said, "Since I entered the palace, I have given up that thought, I have already thought of a way to win the emperor in one fell swoop, and I also asked my brother to tell my father to wait a little longer. 」

"It's better to be like this, but you have to hurry, the day before yesterday, the emperor accused Daddy of inaction in public in the court, and Daddy took sick leave in a fit of anger, and he hasn't been to the morning court for two days. 」

"This was absolutely impossible to happen before, if Liuli hadn't been framed by Meng Wushuang, it wouldn't have been your turn to enter the palace. 」

"You can wait, your mother may not be able to wait. 」

I tugged at his sleeve pitifully and begged, "I will be obedient, please give me some more time, and please be kind to my aunt." 」

Shen Fu shook off my hand mercilessly and left very arrogantly.

I looked at the red walls and green tiles of the palace road, and I just felt that I couldn't breathe.

The Shen family wants me to win the emperor's favor, but they want me to defeat the queen.

But I will not do what they wish.

Not to mention that this Meng Wushuang is deeply favored by the emperor, I don't have this ability.

Just because of the queen's personality, I can't offend her.

On weekdays, when she asks for peace, she never embarrass anyone, and upholds fairness and justice in everything.

It is a blessing for all people for such a person to be a queen.

Besides, she is about to give birth to an heir for the emperor, and no one can shake her status in the emperor's heart.

I won't kill myself, even if I really want to die, I will pull the Shen family.

But I never dreamed that I would see Fang Yizhi in the palace......


When she was greeting her to say goodbye that day, the queen suddenly had abdominal pain and seemed to be showing signs of premature birth.

The stakes were so high that the people below immediately went to ask for a doctor.

The emperor also came at this time.

But after all the imperial doctors saw it, they all looked embarrassed, and the emperor suddenly lost his temper.

"Waste, it's all a bunch of waste, what's the use of raising you!"

"Father-in-law An, pass on my will, if anyone can keep the fetus in the queen's womb, I will have a heavy reward. 」

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the door: "Can the emperor let the humble post try?"

The crowd followed the sound.

I was not surprised in the crowd, but after seeing the appearance of the person who came, I froze instantly.

How could it be Fang Yizhi? When did he enter the palace?

As far as I know, he studied under the Medicine King Pavilion and was not allowed to be an official.

I saw him step forward a few steps forward and fall to his knees.

"Your Majesty, can you give it a try?"

Several old ladies didn't know whether they felt that their faces were dull, or if the queen's condition was really tricky, so they immediately scolded Fang Yizhi:

"Ignorant child, how long have you been in the palace, do you know who you want to treat?

"Can you afford something happening......

The emperor swept over with a look, and those imperial doctors were immediately silenced.

"Come up and show the Queen. 」

After getting the order, Fang Yizhi immediately got up and went in.

I waited outside like the other concubines, but I was very worried when they watched the excitement.

In case Fang Yi is not sure, it is not impossible whether the emperor will kill him in a fit of anger.

Thinking of this, cold sweat kept breaking out on my back.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Fang Yizhi to come out of it.

Gonggong An then passed on the emperor's message: "From today on, Fang Yizhi will be promoted to the imperial physician in front of the palace, and he will raise the queen's mother and give birth until the mother successfully gives birth to the emperor's heir. 」

After Fang Yizhi thanked him, he tilted his head slightly, and his gaze swept to the place where I was.

One of my hearts suddenly rose to my throat.

Still, he withdrew his gaze in time.

On the way back to the Nishang Palace, Ritsuki was suddenly called away by her father-in-law in the imperial dining room.

When I passed the rockery, as if I had a soul, I turned around and saw Fang Yizhi standing behind me.

"Confession. 」

Just two words made my nose sour.

I resisted the urge to rush up and hug him, and said, "Yi Zhi, long time no see. 」

He dragged me to a place where I could not be easily discovered, and then asked, "Is everything good in the palace?"

"I'm fine. 」

Actually, I have a stomach for asking him, but time is pressing, so I can only pick out some important questions.

"Yi Zhi, why did you enter the palace, did your master and his old man agree?"

Fang Yizhi's eyes dodged and did not answer.

I asked, "What about my mother, have you seen her?"

With this question, Fang Yizhi's fist suddenly tightened.

Realizing something, I panicked inside.

"Did something happen to my mother?"

"Fang Yizhi, you answer me!"

I was a little devastated, and I couldn't help but shout at him.

Fang Yizhi looked at me, with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry. 」

Tears slid down her cheeks, and the hatred in her heart continued to grow and spread......

I gritted my teeth and asked, "Is it the Grand Lady?"

"After you entered the palace, your mother was imprisoned by the eldest lady. Maybe she didn't want to bother you, she hanged herself. 」

"The news came from Xiaoyue, and the Shen family should still want to hide it from you. 」

"They thought that my leg was not good, so they only sent someone to keep an eye on me, but I know very well that as long as I am in the capital for a day, they will use me to threaten you, no matter how long the Shen family's hands are, they can't spread all over the palace. 」

Xiaoyue is my mother's personal maid, and she has always been loyal, and she will never joke about it.

I choked up and said, "So you disobeyed the master's order, entered the palace, and showed your face in front of the emperor, so that the Shen family would not dare to touch you. 」

"Yi Zhi, it's me who has caused you. 」

Fang Yizhi shook his head: "You and I shouldn't say this between you, sooner or later they will have to pay the price for what they have done. 」

I looked ahead and said slowly, "Definitely. 」


Since then, Fang Yizhi has come to consult the queen mother every day when we are asking for peace.

We see each other every day.

At this time, the Shen family began to get anxious.

Shen Futuo brought me a letter.

It was nothing more than asking me to hurry up and get the emperor's favor, and I also put a personal item of my aunt in the letterhead.

They really thought I didn't know the news that Ah Niang was dead.

Then I'll pretend I don't know.

I began to approach Empress Meng Wushuang, intentionally or unintentionally.

From some concubines, I learned that she used to like to eat pastries in the palace very much, and once she was poisoned, she didn't dare to eat them again.

However, I am quite good at making pastries, and every time I make them, I will give the pastries to Fang Yizhi, and he will give them to the queen mother after he has checked them.

In this way, after a few times, Meng Wushuang would occasionally ask me to talk.

Recently, the peonies in the Imperial Garden have been in excellent bloom, and it has been suggested that the Queen Mother hold a flower-viewing party.

Meng Wushuang was a little overwhelmed, so he asked me to handle it.

But I never thought that something would go wrong.

Originally, everything was ready, and Meng Wushuang also came to the Imperial Garden as soon as possible with the support of the palace maid.

But just as she was seated, she suddenly slipped and fell straight backwards.

Everyone's eyes widened, and even the palace maid beside Meng Wushuang didn't react.

At this critical moment, I quickly rushed forward, and one knelt down, steadily supporting Meng Wushuang's body.

Our faces turned white with fright.

Helping her to sit next to her, I dared to ask:

"Queen, are you alright?"

She was also shocked, looked at the ground, and suddenly said, "Someone has sprinkled oil on the floor. 」

As soon as these words came out, I immediately knelt on the ground: "The queen mother, she is not effective in her resignation, she didn't find it in time, and she almost caused the mother to fall, please punish the queen mother." 」

I didn't dare to think that if I hadn't caught Meng Wushuang in time, not only would the fetus in my womb not be saved, but even I would have suffered.

Who is so vicious?

Fang Yizhi got the news and came quickly.

Fortunately, there was no major problem with the fetus in Meng Wu's womb.

I was secretly relieved.