
It's not just spicy, it's as simple as unlocking the authentic Hunan flavor password of fried yellow beef!

author:A culinary journey of sugar adzuki beans

In the vast river of Chinese food culture, beef is not only a symbol of strength and nutrition, but also carries a profound historical and cultural heritage. It has long been recorded in the "Book of Rites and Internal Rules" that beef was an indispensable delicacy in the banquets of nobles in ancient times. Although the history of stir-fried yellow beef, a classic dish originating from Hunan, cannot be traced exactly, the accurate grasp of the heat of the ingredients by Hunan people has undoubtedly given it a unique Hunan cuisine soul. According to legend, in the late Qing Dynasty, a Hunan general invited guests to a banquet, and the chef used local yellow beef, supplemented by chili peppers and garlic sprouts to stir-fry, which was full of color and flavor, and since then "small fried yellow beef" has become famous and has become a classic table that has been handed down to this day.

It's not just spicy, it's as simple as unlocking the authentic Hunan flavor password of fried yellow beef!

Cooking Steps:

**Preparation Materials**:

- Yellow beef 300g (selected hind leg meat, firm meat)

- 50g green and red peppers each (for color and fragrance)

- 100g garlic sprouts (remove smell and increase freshness)

- 10 g of ginger, 15 g of garlic cloves

- 1 tablespoon bean paste, 1/2 tablespoon each of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce

- 1 tbsp cooking wine, salt to taste


1. Cut the beef into thin slices against the texture, shred the green and red peppers, cut the garlic sprouts into sections, and mince the ginger and garlic.

2. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce and a little starch to the beef, mix well, and marinate for 15 minutes.

3. Heat the oil in the pan until 70%, add the minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Stir-fry the beef quickly over high heat until it changes color and then remove from the pan to keep it tender.

5. Leave the bottom oil, add the green and red peppers, and garlic sprouts and fry them quickly until they are broken.

6. Add the beef, quickly add the bean paste and dark soy sauce to taste, stir-fry evenly and then remove from the pan.

It's not just spicy, it's as simple as unlocking the authentic Hunan flavor password of fried yellow beef!


- Thinly slice the beef, and mix well with a small amount of oil to increase tenderness before stir-frying.

- Stir-fry on high heat throughout the stir-frying process to avoid the beef from turning into firewood.

- Chili peppers and garlic sprouts should not be overcooked to preserve their crisp texture.

It's not just spicy, it's as simple as unlocking the authentic Hunan flavor password of fried yellow beef!

When a steaming plate of stir-fried yellow beef is served, the golden buttery beef is intertwined with the emerald green chili peppers, exuding an alluring spicy aroma, the entrance is first slightly spicy, followed by the mellow of the beef and the freshness of the garlic sprouts, and each bite is the ultimate teasing of the palate. Listening to the crisp sound of the spatula colliding with the iron pot, it seems to tell the story behind this dish, and people can't help but indulge in this food.

It's not just spicy, it's as simple as unlocking the authentic Hunan flavor password of fried yellow beef!

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