
spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

author:Beiqing Net

Xiao Fu began to invest in the equipment of Fantasy Journey to the West two years ago

It is said that more than two million have been invested

A month ago

He found that the equipment was frozen by the system

The person who sold it to him also lost contact

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiaofu lives in Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing

I'm in my twenties

I have been playing the game Fantasy Journey to the West for more than ten years

He said that the equipment of this game retains its value

I started investing in this area two years ago

Xiaofu: At the beginning, I saw something valuable on the trading platform and bought it. Maybe it will go up a little bit in a month, and then it will be sold. There is that Treasure Pavilion trading platform, officially, it charges a handling fee of 5 points, but there is a cap, which is 1000 yuan. Later, when there are more people in contact, I introduce business or something through friends, advertise or something. I have had a lot of contact, and this Sun Moumou was introduced to me by someone else.

Xiao Fu took out a few copies of the "Network Virtual Property Transfer Contract"

The transferor is Mr. Sun

The contract states the name and ID of the game

Equipment prices, payment methods, etc

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiaofu: He directly showed me what equipment he sold me, and then sent it to me and asked me to estimate it. I gave him a direct offer, and then he said that if he sold it to me, I would directly sign a contract with him, and then transfer money to him.

Reporter: So where did his equipment come from?

Xiaofu: I didn't know him well at first, he had these equipment, so I asked him directly to buy it. On October 2, 2023, I asked him to buy a 150 magic wand for 300,000 yuan. On November 30, 2023, I asked him to buy 150 shoes for 500,000 yuan. On December 28, 2023, I asked him to buy a 150 belt, which was 300,000 yuan. On February 18, 2024, I asked him to buy 3 pieces of equipment and an account, in fact, the account was also directly designated, that one went through the official trading platform, and he also brought a weapon at that time, a total of 1.1 million yuan. On March 13, 2024, the final equipment and spirit ornaments will be counted together for a total of 6 pieces, with a total of 450,000 yuan.

Reporter: How much did you buy?

Xiaofu: 265 (10,000).

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiao Fu showed the transfer records of these contract amounts

He said to do this business

I made about a million in two years

More than half of the money to buy equipment

I borrowed or borrowed money from friends

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiao Fu: Ninety percent of the equipment was transferred directly to him through the bank card, and then he threw it to me in the game. Player-to-player can be given directly.

Reporter: Then there is no handling fee, right?

Xiaofu: Well, I'm not greedy for this handling fee, the handling fee is actually negligible.

Reporter: Then why not go through this official deal?

Xiaofu: Because if you go through the official trading platform, it will take seven days to arrive. He is in the Moutai business, and he said that his bank card is suspected of money laundering and frozen, because he is in the Moutai business and has a relatively large turnover.

Reporter: Then you won't worry about the risks involved?

Xiaofu: I didn't think about it so much at the time, after all, I have been trading with him since October last year, and there has been no problem.

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiao Fu said that after the equipment arrived

Because the price has fallen a lot

He just hung it up and didn't sell it

Unexpectedly, something happened in March

Xiaofu: At about 1 p.m. on March 17th, I talked to him, but I couldn't get in touch with him later. He disappeared directly, his mobile phone number was turned off directly, WeChat may not be used, and his voice (phone) did not respond.

Reporter: Have you met him before?

Xiaofu: I've watched the video, and I've also seen my ID card. From March 18th to March 22nd, they were (frozen) one after another, and the official hint to me was that some were recovered by players, and some were directly locked by the official.

Reporter: What does it mean to be recovered?

Xiaofu: Retrieval means that someone else applies for a stolen retrieval, so I can't see who applied for theft, and the official won't tell me.

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiao Fu's game account

At present, he can only see three or four pieces of equipment that he bought from Mr. Sun

When selected, a system message is displayed

"Retrieval failed, the item has been locked"

Xiao Fu: All the equipment is gone. NetEase customer service's answer is that the item is stolen by other players, so lock it or something, and then say that you should call the police to deal with it yourself, or take legal channels.

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

March 19th

Xiao Fu received it

Jiaxing Municipal Public Security Bureau Economic and Technological Development Zone Bureau

Notice of case filing

It is believed that Xiaofu's theft meets the criteria for filing a criminal case

At the scene, Xiaofu dialed the two mobile phone numbers of the seller, Mr. Sun

The mobile phone number of the seller, Mr. Sun: Hello, the call you made is down.

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiaofu: The police said that they couldn't contact Sun Moumou yet, and there was no progress yet. After the incident, I called the police, and I learned that the equipment had also reached more than a million from other merchants. My strange point is, if he has received more than a million from other merchants, why can he still sell me equipment? The equipment has been on my ship for months. It stands to reason that if he resists equipment, he will use money to offset equipment, and he will definitely give the equipment to others, and others will transfer money to him.

Reporter: Could it be a different piece of equipment? Not yours?

Xiao Fu: If it's different equipment, why can he freeze my equipment?

spent 2.65 million to buy game equipment, but I didn't expect something to happen

Xiao Fu hopes to have a clear time

When will the equipment be unfrozen and traded normally

After all, the money from the sale still needs to be used to pay off debts

To this, NetEase staff replied

Xiao Fu and the seller, Mr. Sun, traded privately

Moreover, the game props involve multiple disputes

Temporarily frozen and protected by the authorities

After the subsequent dispute between the parties is not disputed

Or wait for the public security organs to clarify the ownership of the items

NetEase will cooperate with the unfreezing or transfer of equipment

At present, Xiaofu is still cooperating with the police investigation

(1818 GoldenEye)

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