
Which excellent films have been remade many times in different countries? The one with the most remakes was 12 times

author:Bean Ding A Dream

There is a phenomenon in the film and television industry, a good work, after a period of time. It will be remade by another group of people. Good films include "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog", "Infernal Affairs" and so on.

Which excellent films have been remade many times in different countries? The one with the most remakes was 12 times

The United States remade "Infernal Affairs" into "Infernal Affairs" and won the Oscar award. Some of them didn't shoot well and ruined the classics. Today, let's take a look at which films have been remade the most often by different countries?

1. "The Dedication of Suspect X"

Which excellent films have been remade many times in different countries? The one with the most remakes was 12 times

The Devotion of Suspect X is a suspense film based on the novel of the same name by Japanese mystery writer Keigo Higashino. There are three versions, the earliest of which was released in Japan in 2006, followed by South Korea in 2012, and the domestic version in 2017.

Among the 3 versions, the Japanese version has the highest degree of restoration in terms of plot and feelings. The Korean version will have some details that are not highlighted. In the domestic version, the voice was quite high when it was not released, and it behaved decently after the release.

2. "The Twelve Angry Men"

Which excellent films have been remade many times in different countries? The one with the most remakes was 12 times

Twelve Angry Men was first released in the United States in 1957, and although it was released for a long time, it did not prevent it from becoming the greatest legal film of the 20th century. Such a classic film has been remade in several countries.

Japan's 1991 "12 Gentle and Kind Japanese", Russia's 2007 "12 Angry Men", and the Chinese version of "Twelve Citizens" in 2014. Each adaptation is localized according to local laws and regulations. The actors are also all old drama bones, which is worth watching.

3. "Strange Her"

Which excellent films have been remade many times in different countries? The one with the most remakes was 12 times

"Strange Her" tells the story of a 70-year-old grandmother who happens to see a "youth photo studio". The photo studio can make people rejuvenate, and the heroine becomes a girl in her 20s. Start chasing the dream of a young singer.

The film was first released in South Korea, and was later remade in China, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, and India.

Among the many versions, South Korea is the first to be released, and there are many powerful actors in the movie, many of the songs are original, and the word of mouth is relatively the best.

The Indian version is adapted with excellent localization, and the word-of-mouth is not inferior to the Korean original.

In the domestic version, the name of the film was changed to "Return to 20 Years Old", familiar actors and classic Teresa Teng songs, making it second only to the Korean and Indian versions.

4. "Perfect Stranger"

Which excellent films have been remade many times in different countries? The one with the most remakes was 12 times

The most remade is the Italian film "Perfect Stranger", which has been a box office hit in Italy since its release in 2016, winning the second place in the annual local box office and winning multiple awards.

This Italian film has been remade in more than 10 countries, and has been released in Greek, Spanish, German, Turkish, Mexican, French, Polish, Korean, Russian and so on. In addition, there are still some national versions that have not yet been released, and there are about 12 national remakes.

In the domestic version, the name of the movie was changed to "Caller Crazy". The director got the script in 2016, and because some of the topics of the original version could not appear, the director spent a long time and made an adaptation that met China's national conditions, and the film was released in 2018.