
Yuhang rushes to another 300 billion Liu Shilin: New quality youth, let the city cross the cyclical law of rise and fall

author:Tide News

Chao News Client Editor Wang Bin

[Editor's note] Chao News "Reading" column, inviting experts and scholars, party and government cadres, entrepreneurs and other people from all walks of life to comment on news reports, although only a few hundred words, but these unique short comments, can better help us understand or look at the news from a different angle. We collect these scattered pearls and string them together into a chain for more people to read. Everyone is also welcome to participate in the "read end" discussion.

The guest of this issue is Liu Shilin, Dean of the Institute of Urban Sciences of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Chief Expert of Zhejiang Provincial Urban Governance Research Center.

Yuhang rushes to another 300 billion Liu Shilin: New quality youth, let the city cross the cyclical law of rise and fall

Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City

In May, the season of the growth of all things, the Chao News client launched a special plan of "Why Youth" China's "County" Elephant to explore the password of the vitality of the "City of Youth".

Hangzhou's Yuhang District is the first stop for the search. In the spring of 2021, after the optimization and adjustment of Hangzhou's administrative divisions, the new Yuhang District continued to move forward, started the construction of an important new center of Hangzhou, and once again sat firmly in the first economic zone of Zhejiang, and is currently making every effort to sprint to GDP "back to 300 billion". Yuhang, why do you continue to rejuvenate and rejuvenate?

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Why is it youth丨300 billion in three years, how can Yuhang seize the new outlet of artificial intelligence?

Yuhang rushes to another 300 billion Liu Shilin: New quality youth, let the city cross the cyclical law of rise and fall

Liu Shilin, Dean of the Institute of Urban Sciences of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Chief Expert of Zhejiang Provincial Urban Governance Research Center:

New Youth: Let the city cross the cyclical law of rise and fall

The city is an organism that must follow the cyclical law of rise and fall. But cities are also human cities, and people will help cities slow down or surpass their natural development process, and many cities in history have prospered for thousands of years because of this. In today's China, there are many such cities, and the secret of their eternal youth lies in the accumulation of a large number of young people with active thinking, passion, vitality and creativity. Hangzhou's Yuhang District is one of the best.

First, it gathers "new quality youth". Shenzhen used to be the youngest city in China, relying on "working boys" and "working girls" from all over the world to create the world's attention to the "Shenzhen speed". In Yuhang's Future Science and Technology City, the average age of employees is only 32 years old. However, unlike the "working youth" staged in Shenzhen back then, the modern laboratory has become a stage for young people in Yuhang. Compared with the former, the public computing power, brain-computer intelligence, "artificial intelligence +", etc., which are typical "new quality productivity", so their youth can be called "new quality youth". And young people with this kind of youth will also create different youth landscapes and youth cities.

The second is to create "economic quality". In today's high-quality development, many former "world factories" are experiencing a critical stage of transformation and development from the traditional industrial economy characterized by the "old three highs" (high pollution, high energy consumption, and high emissions) to the future industries represented by the "new three highs" (high-tech manufacturing, high-quality service industry, and high-level agriculture). In Yuhang, the roar of modern factories and the busy figure on the assembly line have long been gone, represented by "big factories" such as Alibaba and CLP Haikang and the new generation of strong brain technology and Xunant technology, etc., the digital economy has become the city's leading industrial system, accounting for nearly ninety percent of GDP, becoming a vivid demonstration of high-quality economic development.

Pei Duofei famously said: "The amount of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution." Looking forward to the future, while doing a good job in its own work, Yuhang District should have a bigger mind and a broader vision, and have more responsibilities and services in the construction of Hangzhou's "first city of digital economy", Zhejiang Province's "digital economy innovation and quality improvement" project, and even the Yangtze River Delta layout of "world-class industrial clusters" and "digital China" strategy. This kind of youth is a more valuable youth, and such a city is a city that will never decline.

Yuhang rushes to another 300 billion Liu Shilin: New quality youth, let the city cross the cyclical law of rise and fall

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