
Memories of fifty-two years ago

author:Grassroots sword training

The information is excerpted from the Internet, and the original Fenzhou Nostalgia Editorial Department ■ / Hao Qiuyue

On September 20, 2023, Zhang Guotian and Chen Xiaobo, famous photography curators in mainland China, grandly launched "Art Troupe on Luliang Mountain" at the Pingyao International Photography Festival. They appeared in the exhibition area, relived the past, and shared the 52 years of ups and downs of the art troupe with domestic and foreign tourists. Infinite emotion, put pen to paper.

The two yellowed old photos in the WeChat group of the propaganda team of the experimental primary school awakened our memories of 52 years ago. Usually there is no contact, no text message, no phone call, far away from thousands of mountains and rivers. As soon as they met, they turned over the river and the sea, and their feelings gushed out. Every sentence in the memories will cause exclamations and make people cry. Fifty-two years of separation and fifty-two years of concern have given us enough memories of meeting and getting together online.

The classmates have been separated for 52 years, and it is as long as yesterday, but it is short, and now there are three generations in the same house. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and summer, how many people and things do not think about it later, only the friendship between teachers and students, and the good memories are always unforgettable. It's as if we're back in the age of innocence. At that time, we were naïve, like brothers and sisters, and had a strong desire to learn. At that time, the Red Propaganda Team had the support of Principal Yuan Ruiqian, and the teachings of teachers Wu Peizhi, Li Zhishun, Ma Aimei, and Jia Liankai (Jia Zhangke's father). Words and deeds are earnest, not only imparting cultural and artistic knowledge, but also giving us the nutrition of life. The words and deeds of the teacher are silent examples, and the students are eager to increase their wisdom and look forward to the future.

Memories of fifty-two years ago

In 1972, after the New Year's Day performance, he took a group photo with his teammates of the Luliang Art Troupe. The first from the right in the last row is me. The first from the left in the first two rows is the teacher of our propaganda team, "Jia Liankai", is Jia Zhangke's father.

Fifty-two years seem to see that youthful era in its prime, passion burning innocent and flawless, the rich and colorful activities of the Red Propaganda Team, and the special performances in the countryside have been reproduced in the past: counterwords, allegro, dance, double reeds, puppets, smooth mouths, solo singing, model plays and other forms, which really show that the talent is thousands of leisurely, and the versatility is wonderful. What I remember the most is "Little Eight Roads to Meet Chairman Mao", we were passionate and unrestrained on the stage, and the fatigue of the long journey was swept away. At that time, the eldest was 16 years old, the youngest was 9 years old, and we couldn't wade into the stream, and the eldest brother carried the little sister, humming a happy tune and laughing all the way. Every day, I started practicing before dawn and went home at night after rehearsals. In those days, there were no street lights, and it was customary to send them home.

At that time, I mainly studied and learned other things, learning vocal music, practicing dancing instruments, practicing hard in the rehearsal room, learning engineering and agriculture, and digging air-raid shelters.

In my memory, I left many good memories of growing up. When it was vigorous, Shanxi Provincial Art School, 873 Airport, Luliang Art Troupe and other units recruited people one after another. We are inseparable and parting.

Memories of fifty-two years ago

When the propaganda team was first established in 1970, he studied revolutionary drama and became a revolutionary. Li Tiemei (actor Hao Qiuyue) in "Red Lantern" was promoted on the street and took a group photo on the playground stage of the experimental primary school.

Fifty-two years of nostalgia, no matter where we go, whenever we think of these, the road ahead is bright. In those years, we were full of enthusiasm, but we were ignorant and kind, sometimes we may not think enough, and we will inevitably be absurd in doing things. However, our generation is healthy and positive. The classmates get along with each other sincerely and simply, like brothers and sisters, and the relationship is unforgettable. If one person is in difficulty, all classmates will help, and whoever wants to have good things will be happy together. Fifty-two years, not short or long, the years are in a hurry, time flows, youth is no more, the old man is still vicissitudes, how many interesting stories have become a thing of the past.

Fifty-two years of nostalgia, although it can take away the youth, but it can't take away the deep friendship of classmates. Today, we meet online, drink and talk, and our hearts are full of joy, and we have nothing else to ask for, just to be refreshed. You and I are very ordinary, but we live openly, and in the days to come, we must live a wonderful life, chase our dreams with health, and let us sing all the way to embrace the future.

Memories of fifty-two years ago

At that time, the propaganda team took a photo when they went to the countryside to perform

Fifty-two years of good times, year after year, we are old, nostalgic, reminiscing, looking through the previous photos, the most sighing is a sentence: When you are young, it is so good!