
Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present

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Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

The moment we saw Yue Lina appear gracefully and luxuriously in front of the screen, the simple heartstrings were instantly touched by her unique charm. The sharp blade of time did not wipe out her brilliance, on the contrary, it gave her a deeper and more atmospheric charm.

On the screen, we carefully observed that she was wearing a cheongsam inlaid with exquisite embroidered patterns, her face was heroic, and her eyes were firm and powerful. Dressed in traditional costumes, she not only shows the gentle and graceful beauty of oriental women, but also exudes a strong quality that is not afraid of hardships and dangers.

However, Yue Lina's life outside the screen is also colorful. Her family is happy, her husband Guo Jingyu is a strong pillar of her career, and her three children are like three bright pearls, illuminating her life path.

Yue Lina's career is as dazzling as the sun, and the classic images she has created in many film and television dramas have made countless audiences fall in love with her.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

Looking back on her life, Yue Lina was full of emotion. From a girl with dreams to a shining screen superstar, she uses her personal experience to interpret the tenacity of modern women.

When she was young, she bravely pursued her ideals and devoted herself to her acting career despite the opposition of her family; in middle age, she was able to move between career and family with ease, and went all out to play every role; now in the second half of her life, she still sticks to her original intention and inspires more young people with practical actions.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yue Lina's life is a big gamble on her own life, and she finally won this victory with her unremitting efforts. With her own experience, she perfectly interprets the true meaning of "struggle", "tenacity" and "pursuit of ideals".

This kind of perseverance and noble character is the positive energy that needs to be promoted most urgently in today's society.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

Yue Lina was born in a well-off family in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, her parents are intellectuals, in order to pave a broad road for their daughter, they carefully designed Yue Lina's life development blueprint.

However, contrary to her parents' expectations, Yue Lina showed extraordinary personality and artistic talent from an early age.

In the seventies and eighties of the last century, compared with her peers, Yue Lina undoubtedly lived in a relatively superior environment. According to common sense, she should live a carefree life, but against the wishes of her parents, she resolutely pursued her ideals and resolutely chose to apply for art schools.

At the beginning of the feast, the father-in-law and mother-in-law actively opposed their daughter's decision, but after careful consideration, they finally respected her firm determination and had to hope that she would be fully committed to every moment. Her talent and hard work led her to her dream art school.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

Yue Lina bid farewell to her hometown of Qinhuangdao and embarked on a study journey to the ancient city of Chengde, which marked the official opening of a new chapter in her life. When she first stepped into the new school environment, her classmates enthusiastically introduced themselves, and one of them, a slightly wooden boy, was none other than her future husband, Guo Jingyu.

When they first met, Yue Lina was in the stage of adapting from her hometown to a different place, her physical condition was not good, and she urgently needed to take a good bath. At that time, the conditions of the school were relatively difficult, and she had to ask her fellow villager Guo Jingyu for a bathing place, but Guo Jingyu missed the appointment and asked her to wait for a long time at the agreed place.

In anger, Yue Lina broke into the boys' dormitory and "educated" fiercely, but Guo Jingyu was not present, and the misunderstanding arose.

This move made Guo Jingyu deeply impressed by Yue Lina. Since then, the communication between the two has increased, and friendship has gradually turned into love. When they were about to graduate, they decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand, but they were strongly opposed by Yue Lina's parents.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

In the face of strong opposition from her family, Yue Lina still adhered to her beliefs and resolutely decided to elope with her sweetheart Guo Jingyu to Beijing. Newcomer to this bustling metropolis, the young couple has gone through all the trials and tribulations of life.

At that time, they were penniless and had no choice but to rent a narrow 6-square-meter basement. The dark and damp basement can only accommodate a bed and a chair, and the living environment can be imagined.

However, even in such a difficult environment, they still have to follow the true love in their hearts and support each other to get through this difficult time together.

In order to make ends meet, they work in a variety of basic and low-paying manual jobs and live a barely subsistence life. Ms. Yue sometimes works as a van driver, sometimes in a restaurant, and Ms. Guo works on a construction site.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

Despite their meager income, living expenses are unavoidable, and their lives are in trouble.

Gradually, Guo Jingyu realized that the predicament they were facing could not last long. If you want to establish yourself in this bustling city, you must have a long-term and clear career plan.

Therefore, after careful consideration and repeated discussions, they resolutely made a difficult decision: Guo Jingyu will devote himself to directing studies, while Yue Lina will stick to her acting career and support a blue sky for her family.

Although this decision meant that they would once again find themselves in the difficult times of life, the two of them worked together with a strong belief that together they could get through this difficult time.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

Since then, Yue Lina has embarked on a busy and fulfilling acting career, and Guo Jingyu has been able to concentrate on pursuing his dream of directing. The deep love between them has undoubtedly become a strong spiritual pillar for each other to move forward.

With Yue Lina's tireless efforts, she finally made her mark in the film and television industry. In 1993, she successfully portrayed a key character in the TV series "Bloody Wolf Warrior", thus officially opening her brilliant chapter in the field of film and television.

With the popularity of the play, Yue Lina's superb acting skills have won warm praise from the audience, and she has gradually become a well-known actor.

In order to support family expenses, even in the face of intimate scenes, Yue Lina was not afraid and went all out to devote herself to the interpretation of every role. Sometimes, she will say to Guo Jingyu with an apologetic feeling: "Although I had to make sacrifices when filming these scenes, please understand that all this is for our better life in the future." ”

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

And Guo Jingyu always comforted affectionately: "I fully understand and support your choice." ”

In this way, Yue Lina used the salary she earned from her hard work to silently fund her husband Guo Jingyu's study. In 1998, Guo Jingyu completed his first directorial work "White-Collar Farmer", which is undoubtedly a solid big step on his life path.

On the show's premiere night, they had a low-key and grand wedding in that small, cozy 6-square-meter basement. Despite the simplicity of the environment, their faces were full of happiness.

originally thought that this would lead them to a broad road to happiness, but fate challenged them again.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

Although Guo Jingyu's directorial career officially kicked off, it was followed by an unprecedented heavy work pressure. In such a highly stressful and exhausting situation, the health problems hidden in Yue Lina's body resurfaced.

A sudden fainting at the shooting site made people feel very worried. After a detailed diagnosis at the hospital, Yue Lina was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor, which could have a serious impact on her future fertility.

Facing his wife's condition, Guo Jingyu was deeply worried, but he hoped that Yue Lina could have a healthy body. Therefore, as a husband, he decided to persuade Yue Lina to leave the crew temporarily, recuperate at home with peace of mind, and look forward to a speedy recovery.

Under Guo Jingyu's careful care, Yue Lina's condition was gradually relieved. At the same time, the TV series "The Girl in Red Mansions", which he directed and wrote by himself, also received warm praise from the audience, and his career finally ushered in a new peak.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

In 2008, an ecstatic news spread all over the world - Yue Lina was successfully pregnant! The long wait finally paid off with a happy result.

The couple is undoubtedly the darling of Lady Luck. Yue Lina not only gave birth to their first child, but also gave birth to a second and third child in the following years.

A family of five, happy and happy. The arrival of these new forces has undoubtedly injected endless happiness and warmth into this once difficult family.

As Guo Jingyu's career is booming, he is even more eager to push his partner to a bigger stage. So, he began to carefully plan and tailor a series of deeply rooted script roles for Yue Lina.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

The first is the 2018 blockbuster "Niangdao", in which Yue Lina brilliantly performed the acclaimed role of "Ying Niang".

At the beginning of his creation, Guo Jingyu made a firm vow to integrate Yue Lina's tenacity over the years into the character. As expected, Yingniang in the play has experienced many hardships in the family, but she always faces everything around her with a kind and tolerant attitude.

In the end, she got her wish and reaped a happy life. The plot of this work all reflects Yue Lina's own life trajectory.

With her unique theatrical works, Yue Lina has successfully climbed to a new peak in life. In order to dispel these groundless speculations and rumors, Guo Jingyu resolutely decided to make public the wedding photos they took more than 20 years ago to prove that his wife has a pure natural beauty.

Yue Lina, who married the director naked when she was young, gave birth to 3 children after marriage, and now her husband has made her popular with 7 dramas

In the past few years, Yue Lina has played a central role in many TV series such as "Dog Stick" and "Little Nyonya" directed by Guo Jingyu, and has successfully created a series of lifelike characters. Whenever she appears on the TV screen, her smooth line expression and rich expression changes always exude a unique charm that makes the audience fall in love with her and praise it.

There is no doubt that Guo Jingyu, with his seven carefully curated works, has succeeded in pushing his wife, Yue Lina, the "most familiar stranger", to a higher artistic stage again. Since then, she is no longer just a small role that "shows her face", but has become a powerful actress who can take the lead alone.

Yue Lina's achievements are not only due to her own hard work, but also inseparable from the full support and help of her husband Guo Jingyu. This loving couple perfectly illustrates the meaning and essence of the word "partner" with their actions.

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