
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?
A woman's body doesn't lie, what level are you and your lover at?

In the courtyard at noon in summer, the sun shone dappled light and shadow through the sparse leaves, Ah Xing sat on a wooden chair, holding a glass of lemonade that was already slightly cool, but his eyes were a little out of focus. He is haunted by the question of what kind of relationship he has reached with his lover.

"Ah Xing, what are you thinking?" A gentle female voice broke the silence, it was Ah Xing's wife, Xiao Wan. She walked over softly and sat next to Ah Xing, her eyes revealing a hint of concern.

Ah Xing was slightly stunned, and then smiled disguisedly: "It's nothing, it's just some things at work." However, his twinkling eyes betrayed his lie.

Xiao Wan seemed to see Ah Xing's abnormality, she gently held Ah Xing's hand, and asked softly, "Is there something bothering you?" ”

Ah Xing was silent for a moment, and finally mustered up the courage to speak: "Xiaowan, I'...... I have something I want to confess to you. ”

Xiao Wan looked at Ah Xing's serious expression, and her heart couldn't help but tighten, but she still tried to keep her composure: "Say it, I'll listen." ”

Ah Xing took a deep breath and slowly explained the matter between him and his lover. He recounts how they met, got to know each other, and the emotional entanglements between them. He candidly admitted his mistakes and expressed his guilt and regret for Xiaowan.

Xiao Wan listened to Ah Xing's narration, and her heart was mixed. She had thought that her marriage was indestructible, but the reality gave her a cruel blow. However, in addition to her anger and disappointment, she also realized that this was an opportunity to re-examine herself and her marriage.

"Ah Xing, do you know? A woman's body really doesn't lie. Xiao Wan said calmly, "However, true feelings are not just about physical contact and the satisfaction of desires. It's more about trust, understanding, and inclusion. ”

Ah Xing looked at Xiao Wan in shock, he didn't expect Xiao Wan to face this question so calmly and rationally. He felt a burst of guilt and self-blame, and at the same time admired Xiao Wan's deep understanding of righteousness.

"Xiaowan, I'm ......" Ah Xing didn't know what to say, he felt that he was already embarrassed.

Xiao Wan patted Ah Xing's hand lightly and continued: "Ah Xing, the relationship between us has gone through ups and downs for so many years. I believe that the feelings between us are real and deep. However, I also understand your inner struggles and confusion. I hope that we can be honest about each other's problems and mistakes, and work together to fix and make amends. ”

Ah Xing looked at Xiao Wan with emotion, he knew that he had met someone who really understood him. He held Xiao Wan's hand tightly and said firmly: "Xiao Wan, I swear that I will change my life and cherish our marriage and relationship again. I am willing to give everything for you to make up for my mistakes. ”

Xiao Wan looked at Ah Xing with a smile, she knew that this was the real commitment and decision in Ah Xing's heart. She believes that as long as they work together, be honest with each other, and support each other, their marriage and relationship will be able to regain their brilliance.

This story tells us a profound truth: a woman's body does not lie, but the real relationship needs to be managed and maintained by both parties. In marriage and relationships, we should be honest with each other, understand each other, tolerate each other, and work together to create our own happiness and beauty.