
Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

author:Instant new discoveries

Don't crowd with people, be with nature, don't go to the city and go to the countryside, be a villager...... During this May Day holiday, Shehong City, a "famous tourist county in Tianfu", presented a new experience of reverse tourism to tourists, attracting many young people in Chengdu to check in. Yesterday, with the visit of a large number of Chengdu bloggers, the 3536 third-tier city, Niuxin Village, Dengyunlou, Shuangjiang Village and other niche tourist routes immediately detonated the circle of friends and became a new check-in place in Sichuan.

This holiday, reverse tourism, city roaming, county tour and other "relaxation lying flat tours" are becoming a new choice for more and more Chengdu tourists.

Don't go to the city and go to the countryside Chengdu tourists prefer reverse travel on May Day

The unscripted music blind date in the 3536 third-tier city of Zhonghuang Village, the all-free starry sky camping in Shuangjiang Village, the atmosphere chance encounter concert, the golden wheat waves in Niuxin Village, the small Dengyun Building in Huaguo Mountain, and the neighborhood street corner food...... On May Day this year, a large wave of cultural and tourism activities launched by Shehong City focused on a sense of relaxation, attracting a large number of young people.

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

Young people in Chengdu organize a group tour of the countryside

After being planted on the Internet for a flood shooting tour, Chengdu's Douyin million-fan blogger and travel expert Li Li'an immediately called friends and organized a blogger team of more than 20 people to go to the flood shooting. Yesterday, the first stop of Lilian's entourage was 3536 third-tier city. There are a large number of old buildings in the 3536 factory area, as well as various retro scenes, "Walking here is like going back to the time when I lived in the factory and mine dormitory with my parents when I was a child, which is very kind." "Bloggers not only experienced the cross-dressing shooting of retro era blockbusters here, but also met a romantic retro concert at the Internet celebrity love tree here.

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

The dress-up experience adds a freshness to the tourist's journey

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

A large number of old buildings in the 3536 factory have attracted many young people to check in here

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

The solo performance under the love tree of Internet celebrities in the factory sends a romantic experience to tourists

No longer "special forces" style rush, choose a "atmosphere" of the countryside, to have a lazy, freewheeling, slow-paced, immersive family parent-child tour, is being sought after by more and more tourists in Sichuan. In Niuxin Village, the golden wheat waves make Chengdu tourists slow down and have an intimate date with nature. "It's not slow, it's very quiet and relaxing, it's completely different from the crowded travel in a big city, and it's too cost-effective." Cultural tourism blogger Lin Daiyu said.

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

Golden wheat waves are also a popular check-in place for tourists

In Shuangjiang Village, the crowded parking lot is mainly full, and tourists sit in the atmospheric camping scene listening to music, facing the river, watching the Zijiang River and the Fujiang River meet here, waiting for the romantic moment when the sunset sinks.

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

Shuangjiang camping base at night

Lilian said that the theme of their trip was "Countryside Roaming Plan - Shooting Flood Secret Tour", mainly to start a different trip, "This trip let us see a different side of Shooting Flood, and the experience was very good." ”

Seeking the near and the near is a new stargazing place for Chengdu star chasers

In addition to the comfort and comfort of choosing reverse tourism, many hidden corners of the county are also being "mined". Astronomy enthusiasts, the biggest gain of the "star chaser" Mimi is the discovery of the hidden treasure of stargazing known to senior star chasers - Shehong Heming Mountain. It is said that there is very little light pollution in Mt. Heming, and the starry sky is particularly bright, so if you shoot with a camera with a long exposure, you can not only capture the movement of the stars, but if you are lucky, you can also photograph the Milky Way.

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

Heming Mountain is a great place to watch the starry sky

According to reports, Heming Mountain, as the best stargazing spot in Sichuan, has attracted the pursuit of people in the inner circle of Sichuan. Mr. Zhang, a photographer from Chengdu, has been spending three consecutive years on May Day, all in Shehong, camping facilities are more and more complete, take his family to the city to eat old casserole during the day, taste Shede wine, climb the Ziang reading platform, at night, the family counts the stars on the mountain, this kind of family research roaming, so that the son of primary school has become an astronomy enthusiast.

Reverse tourism! Shehong has become a new Internet celebrity check-in place

According to data released by OTA platforms, there will be an explosion of tourism in May Day in 2024. According to the data of the Ctrip platform, the tourism market in fourth-tier cities and below, especially at the county level (county and county-level cities), has grown significantly, bringing new increments. During the May Day holiday, hotel bookings in the county market increased by 68% year-on-year, and scenic spot ticket orders increased by 151% year-on-year, which was higher than the national market.

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