
It turns out that "talent" can really make people feel suffocated! Netizen: People with talent are terrible!

author:A cup of fruit milk tea

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive world, people with special talents or talents are often seen as a symbol of luck. But few people pay attention to the heavy pressure that these individuals who have been labeled "geniuses" are under behind the halo. From a musical prodigy to a math wizard, every gifted person has an untold sad story behind them. Their lives are not as glamorous as the outside world imagines, but full of ununderstood loneliness and unspeakable suffering.

It turns out that "talent" can really make people feel suffocated! Netizen: People with talent are terrible!

Individuals who have been labeled "geniuses" since childhood are often deprived of the pleasures of a normal childhood at an early age. Their schedules are filled with a dense tape of practice and training, often requiring them to live under exacting expectations and standards. The high expectations of society and family not only cause them great psychological pressure, but also make them take on responsibilities and pressures beyond their age at an early age.

It turns out that "talent" can really make people feel suffocated! Netizen: People with talent are terrible!

However, the pressure that comes with this talent is not just psychological. As they grow older, these so-called "prodigies" also have to face brutal challenges from the real world. Not every child who is labeled a "genius" grows up to continue to be at the top of their field. When the aura of childhood fades, many of them find themselves unprepared for real-world competition.

It turns out that "talent" can really make people feel suffocated! Netizen: People with talent are terrible!

In addition to this, gifted people often suffer from loneliness. Their extraordinary abilities make them alien to their peers and difficult to find true friends. In their world, peers are both friends and competitors. This complex relationship exacerbates their sense of isolation and leaves them mentally suffering unimaginable loneliness.

It turns out that "talent" can really make people feel suffocated! Netizen: People with talent are terrible!

Society's perception of these "gifted" individuals is also often dualistic. On the one hand, people envy their talents and achievements, and on the other hand, they are also subjected to endless scrutiny and judgment. Every failure and misstep can become the focus of public discussion, which is none

It turns out that "talent" can really make people feel suffocated! Netizen: People with talent are terrible!