
I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

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I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

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Hong Jiantao, who has gone through the vicissitudes of life, has entered the age of knowing the destiny of heaven, although his head is full of gorgeous hair, but the romantic feelings in his heart are still as hot as ever. On the special occasion of his 25th wedding anniversary, he did his best to plan a touching surprise.

As the morning dawn first appeared, Hong Jiantao got up carefully, lest he wake up his sleeping beloved wife. He walked lightly into the flower shop not far away, carefully selected a delicate bouquet of roses, paired with tender green fern leaves, to add an organic beauty to the bouquet.

He paid and left, clutching the bouquet of flowers in his hand, and returned home with excitement and excitement.

Ran Zhijuan was slightly surprised by Hong Jiantao's actions, then smiled faintly and nodded slightly, with a deep sweetness hidden at the corner of her mouth. She had never expected her husband to remember this special day so carefully.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

The two of them walked leisurely along the forest path, the sun shining golden through the leaves, and the wildflowers blooming on the roadside, and the whole world seemed to be filled with the breath of spring.

Suddenly, a roadster drove slowly from the front.

Hong Jiantao proudly looked at his son Hong Yang in the driver's seat, who skillfully controlled the steering wheel, and his face showed a calm and unhurried expression.

Recalling the past time, Hong Jiantao was full of emotion. He was born into a poor family, and his life was very difficult on Father's Day. In the summer, my father would stop by the watermelon stall and buy a watermelon without hesitation whenever he saw it on the ground.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

Since these watermelons cannot be sold properly, the stall owners often sell them to their fathers at very low prices. It is with this spirit of perseverance, diligence and thrift that Hong Jiantao gradually accumulated wealth on the road of life in the future, and finally created his own business.

When he was 7 years old, Hong Jiantao and Zhu Xinyun participated in the selection of Pan Dongzi, the protagonist of the movie "Shining Red Star". They went through a lot of hardships and successfully passed the tests and finally reached the finals.

However, in the live performance session, Hong Jiantao, who was only 7 years old, was slightly nervous, and his singing and dancing movements seemed a little stiff, lacking the due temperament and appeal. In contrast, Zhu Xinyun's performance was even better, and in the end, the director team had to reluctantly cut their love and chose Zhu Xinyun to play the role of Pan Dongzi.

Seeing Hong Jiantao, whose eyes full of amazement and expectation in the past were gradually dimming, the directors were full of deep helplessness and regretful self-blame. In order to make up for this irreparable mistake, on the eve of the official opening of the next classic film "The Great Wall of the South China Sea", they carried forward the spirit of selflessness and sincerely invited Hong Jiantao to Hainan to guide the filming work, and carefully designed a challenging and very important role for him.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

This is not only an affirmation and reward for his past efforts, but also opens the door to a career that has already been shown at a young age.

Time flies, time flies, until the age of eighteen, Hong Jiantao once again and another equally talented actor Ouyang Fenqiang, in order to compete for the same role.

That year, the 87 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" was in full swing to prepare for the start-up, and Hong Jiantao and Ouyang Fenqiang, two excellent actors, were selected to play the role of Jia Baoyu at the same time.

In order to evaluate the performance strength of the two actors, the crew specially presented each of them with a jade pendant, which one performed better in the performance, and naturally was able to play this crucial role.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

However, during the tense and exciting audition session, a small negligence made Hong Jiantao rub shoulders with this important role again. While he was concentrating on his makeup style, the director accidentally noticed a faint scar on his forehead, which was very subtle but unusually striking.

"Baoyu is the king of jade, how can he tolerate the existence of flaws?" The director expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, and Hong Jiantao was directly eliminated because of this small scar.

In the face of this cruel reality, Hong Jiantao showed unexpected calmness and calmness. He once said frankly in an interview: "I once missed Pan Dongzi, and now I miss Jia Baoyu."

However, this calm does not reveal any negative and pessimistic emotions, but shows an otherworldly open-mindedness, as if he has already seen the nature of the impermanence and change of everything in the world, and is well versed in the wisdom philosophy of life that "some things should belong to you and belong to you, and if you don't have them, you don't have to force them".

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

At a youthful age, Hong Jiantao entered the palace of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, and became classmates and friends with a group of outstanding artists such as Gao Yalin and Li Bin. At that time, he was already a well-known young actor, not only with superb acting skills, but also with personal charm that attracted the attention of countless audiences.

One day, Hong Jiantao appeared on campus with a mink collar Caesar leather coat worth an astonishing 1,500 yuan, which instantly aroused enthusiastic attention. Although Gao Yalin comes from a rural background, he is still a little unfamiliar with fashion trends, and when he witnesses the exquisite craftsmanship and expensive price of Hong Jiantao's leather coat, he can't help but be dumbfounded, and his heart is full of admiration.

Since then, he has regarded his roommate Hong Jiantao as a wealthy person.

Not only that, Hong Jiantao's generous behavior is even more breathtaking. He often gave generously to pay various expenses for his classmates. He not only actively participates in the performance of various stage repertoire, but also founded his own company with his acting income, which can be called a veritable "rich second generation".

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

Once, he successfully reached an advertising cooperation with others, and the other party paid up to 50,000 yuan in cash on the spot. For the average person, this is undoubtedly a huge fortune.

However, Hong Jiantao didn't care about putting it in the dormitory at will.

Sun Tao was also shocked by Hong Jiantao's boldness. One day, he went to visit Hong Jiantao's dormitory, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Hong Jiantao counting the banknotes in his hand, and the thick stack was full of banknotes with a face value of ten yuan.

Hong Jiantao proudly showed Sun Tao with a calm expression, as if he was showing off his wealth, which Sun Tao still can't forget.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

On campus, Hong Jiantao has become the focus of attention, and no students are envious. The mature charm and chic temperament exuded by him, coupled with his frank and bold personality, make him a well-deserved "school grass" character.

When he was 16 years old, a well-known director deliberately invited Hong Jiantao to participate in a movie, and specially brought a young actress to his house, hoping to decide whether he was suitable for a couple role by observing the tacit understanding between them.

However, it is a pity that Hong Jiantao was not at home at that time, but had not returned from playing outside.

When he returned home, his parents told him that a director had just come to visit and brought a mysterious young girl. Although the parents only remembered that the girl was dark-skinned, they could not tell whether she was Chinese or foreign.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

A few days later, the parents brought up the mysterious young lady again and encouraged their son to try to take the initiative to pay a visit.

In fact, the mysterious girl is actually Ran Zhijuan herself, and their acquaintance process can be described as unique and unique!

However, from the first acquaintance to the true heart-to-heart fit, there is still a key opportunity. Once, the two had dinner with friends, and when they left, Hong Jiantao suddenly found that he had missed 5 yuan, and he was immediately panicked, and he had nothing to do for a while.

Just when he was anxious, Ran Zhijuan quietly took out the 5 yuan bill from his bag and handed it to him gently. This small act full of care made Hong Jiantao's heart surge with endless warmth, and he had a deep admiration and affection for Ran Zhijuan, so the two came together naturally.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

After marriage, Ran Zhijuan devoted herself wholeheartedly to her family, and even after quitting the entertainment industry, she still often went to the crew to visit her husband and prepared all kinds of food and drinks for the staff, fully demonstrating her kind and considerate side.

His son Hong Yang has also embarked on the road of acting, self-reliance, and despite countless setbacks and tribulations in his acting career, he has always maintained his love and vision for life, and firmly pursued his dreams.

In the face of the deep love of his family, Hong Jiantao is deeply grateful and often uses practical actions to repay the care of his wife and children. It is precisely because of the selfless support of his family that he can go further and further on the road of acting.

Entering middle age, Hong Jiantao's figure has changed, making him gradually move away from the stage of the protagonist, however, in the field of comedy sketch performance, he has found a new world. In the classic drama "Wulin Gaiden", he successfully created the image of a money shopkeeper who is afraid of guilt, humorous and deeply loved by the audience.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

Although there has been a new turn in his career, this has not affected Hong Jiantao's cherishing of friendship. Over the years, an unknown housekeeping aunt has taken care of his daily chores, and the relationship between the two is very deep.

Later, when the aunt was interested in buying a property but was helpless due to a lack of funds, Hong Jiantao did not hesitate to give generously and took the initiative to lend her a sum of money for the down payment.

The deep affection for the beloved partner is unmistakable. As the husband and wife spent their 25th year of marriage together, the incomparable generosity and love from Hong Jiantao was also deeply touched.

He did not hesitate to purchase a bouquet of bright roses for his beloved wife, and prepared a romantic and unexpected surprise feast for his wife.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

This seemingly ordinary little act actually shows Hong Jiantao's meticulous care and care for his wife.

Early that morning, he stepped into the nearby flower shop alone, carefully selected each delicate flower, and carefully woven this beautiful bouquet that symbolized endless love.

Then, he took his wife to stroll along the forest path, at this time, his son Hong Yang drove slowly in an open-top car, and in the carriage was the fragrant bouquet of flowers made by Hong Jiantao himself.

When the wife saw this scene, tears instantly welled up in her eyes, and her heart was full of gratitude to her husband. From youth to gray hair, this deep relationship is still as warm as ever.

I missed Pan Dongzi when I was young, I missed Jia Baoyu when I was young, and I was afraid that Hong Jiantao was a school grass when he was young

It is precisely because of the selfless support and encouragement of his lover that Hong Jiantao can move forward firmly on the road of art, and he has never given up even in the face of many difficulties. Although he is no longer young and can only play some insignificant small roles on the screen, he has always maintained a humble and studious attitude, which has won wide acclaim from industry insiders.

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