
Chairman Xiang Piaopiao appeared at the airport late at night to pick up the employees who returned to Japan!

author:Chubby forum

Dear readers and friends, there has been a warm and interesting news recently, let us witness a brave and caring entrepreneur, he is the chairman of the board of directors who leads many people to love!


As we all know, as a well-loved food company, Xiangpiaopiao has not only conquered the taste buds of countless consumers with its unique tea products, but also conquered the hearts of employees with its unique corporate culture and human touch. This time, the chairman personally greeted the employees at the airport, which once again allowed us to witness the deep care of Xiangpiaopiao Company for employees.

Chairman Xiang Piaopiao appeared at the airport late at night to pick up the employees who returned to Japan!

It is understood that this group of employees is a team of warriors working in Japan of Xiangpiaopiao, and they have gone through nearly a year of hard work and struggle, and finally successfully completed the important mission of Xiangpiaopiao in the Japanese market. In order to express his gratitude to these warriors for their hard work, the chairman personally decided to greet them at the airport and repay their hard work with warmth and care.

Chairman Xiang Piaopiao appeared at the airport late at night to pick up the employees who returned to Japan!

In the early hours of the same day, there were crowds of people inside and outside the airport, cheers and applause. And the focus of all this is on an inconspicuous corner, where it is Chairman Xiang Piaopiao who is waving a brightly colored "Welcome Home" sign. The chairman in casual attire smiled and shook hands with the employees from time to time, feeling the enthusiasm and gratitude from the employees.

Chairman Xiang Piaopiao appeared at the airport late at night to pick up the employees who returned to Japan!

This scene reminds us of the corporate culture and human touch that Xiangpiaopiao has always adhered to. Whether it is in daily work or employee care, Xiangpiaopiao always puts the happiness of employees in the first place. This time, the chairman personally picked up the airport at the airport, which not only showed Xiangpiaopiao's concern for employees, but also conveyed the company's warm corporate atmosphere to the outside world.

As a large enterprise, Xiangpiaopiao has always adhered to the core value of "humanism" and regards employees as the company's most valuable asset. And this act of holding up a sign to pick up the airport in the early morning is to deeply root this kind of care and goodwill in the hearts of the people. Perhaps for other companies, this is just a simple episode of holding up a sign to pick up the airport, but for the employees of Xiangpiaopiao, this simple gesture represents the company's recognition and gratitude for their hard work.

Let us feel the warmth from the inside, and at the same time extend our heartfelt congratulations to Chairman Xiang Piaopiao and all the hard-working employees! Such a company culture and human touch can not only make employees cherish their work more, but also convey positive energy for goodness. I believe that Xiangpiaopiao will win the love of more consumers with more exquisite products and higher service quality!