
Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

author:Railway soldier culture
Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

Written by Han Zhichen

Written on the front:

If human life also has the annual rings of trees, I have 12 circles with clear textures and almost complete shapes, which are condensed with those steel transportation lines built by the railroad soldiers on the land of the motherland, which is the condensation of life and emotion. Back then, in this mighty army of hundreds of thousands, there were outstanding descendants of our Chinese nation, who were simple and low-key and strong-blooded, "digging roads in the mountains, building bridges in the water, sleeping in the open air, and bathing in the rain and wind." "In a very difficult living environment and difficult construction conditions, we have built one steel road after another shining with youth and blood and sweat for the motherland and the people.

Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

/Under the sunset, the green train shuttling through the Great Khing'an Mountains (picture source: Internet)/

Living in such a group of people at that time, everyone was surrounded by extraordinary achievements created by ordinary life. Living in such a group environment, you will always be touched by all kinds of emotions from your surroundings, or in-depth inquiries about the meaning of your life, and the same frequency tremors in the depths of your soul. I am always proud and proud that they have glorified my life, and I have injected into my life and blood the fortitude and firm belief of soldiers and the will to defy difficulties! Today, the 75th anniversary of the birth of the railroad soldiers. In the mid-80s of the last century, hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers took off their military uniforms, but the song "Railway Soldiers Are Determined in the Quartet" has been sung loudly in the large-scale construction team of China Railway Construction and among the old comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers all over the country. Whenever this song is sung, the old comrades-in-arms are full of enthusiasm and tears. At that time, the railway army has now developed into one of the most powerful and large-scale large-scale comprehensive enterprise groups in China and even in the world. This is something to celebrate. Today, in the name of a veteran of the railway army, I solemnly pay tribute to the military flag that was born in the smoke of artillery fire, experienced the test of blood and fire, and made great contributions to the construction of the motherland.

Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

(Image source: Internet)

Squatting in a ravine and living in tents is a normal state of life for the railway troops stationed in the Daxing'an Mountains. Although the 4th Battalion of the 14th Regiment is stationed in Yalu, it is not in Yalu Town. There are only a few hundred households in the town, and because of its small size, there are many unique places: a restaurant with only a few salesmen hanging two red banners at the door, a small house with a green post box hanging on a big tree in front of the door is a post office, and a few tiled houses with wooden grilles open next to the windows are supply and marketing stores. No need to ask, there is no photo studio. I got off the train station, walked north along a dirt road on the edge of the town, crossed a low mountain beam, and about six miles away, and arrived at the station of the fourth battalion. Rows of white-flowered tents are neatly set up on the roots of the mountain, and the barracks are surrounded by mountains on all sides, which is a veritable "ravine".

One evening in the middle of summer, I came from the regimental office to the 16th company of the 4th battalion. The next day happened to be Sunday, and before the trumpet sounded, I got up and wanted to go outside. When I left the company department, I saw a group of soldiers gathered in front of the tent of the tenth class, some talking to each other, and some covering their mouths with their hands and giggling. Driven by curiosity, I took a closer look and realized that the "western view" was on the glass of the tent: the three tent glasses facing the sun were covered with black and white photographs of all sizes pasted from the inside out, and the soldiers were looking at these pictures and "making irresponsible remarks" with great interest! The most laughable thing was that there was a little soldier in the photo: he looked embarrassed, and the tip of his tongue was pushed up to his cheeks, making one cheek puff up quite high, and that appearance was very funny. Through the window of the photo, I looked into the room with my hands under the light, and saw a soldier squatting on the ground with his back on his back, his hands dipped in the basin to wash the photos. I couldn't figure out why the picture was on the glass of the tent, so I turned to a chubby, round-faced warrior behind me, who looked at me and smiled shyly. Pointing to the glass in a slow voice, he said: This glass is the glazing machine of the potter's photo studio, and these pictures are to be dried and polished on the glass! After the round-faced warrior finished speaking, he was embarrassed to habitually put the tip of his tongue on his cheek, haha, yes, yes! It was the one in the photo. The term "potter's photo studio" made me feel a little novel, and it made me want to find out more about the people and things in it.

Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

(Image source: Internet)

After breakfast, I chatted with the instructor Deng Bangyin about the potter and his photo studio.

At this time, I learned that the potter was not his own name, his real name was Tao Anjin. In 1973, he enlisted in the army from Weiyuan, Sichuan, and was a coal digger in a coal kiln before joining the army, and now he is a squad leader in Class 10, and was selected as a volunteer last year. Because he was usually willing to study and read a lot of engineering and technical books, everyone recognized him as a "supernumerary technician", so he was given the nickname: "pottery". Once, just in time for the battalion engineers to go out for a meeting, the brother company encountered difficulties during construction, the stones on the face of the tunnel were often stuck in the drill pipe, and a platoon of people worked in 3 shifts for 7 days and did not hit 5 meters. The leader in charge of the project in the battalion knew that Tao Anjin was an expert in blasting technology, so he sent him to be a "technical adviser." He went into the mountain to see the stones, used the air gun to fight, and then explained the key to the air gun fighter, and sure enough, the construction progress was progressing rapidly. The tunnel was originally planned to take one and a half months to build, but he led the people to complete it in more than 20 days. With this fame, the big guy coaxed him to become a supernumerary engineer again, and the "pottery" became a "potter".

Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

/Old photos of railway soldiers (picture source network)/

It has been more than three years since the troops moved into Yalu, and two batches of new recruits have been added to the company. Recruits want to send a few photos home. However, it is too difficult to take a picture here. There is no photo studio in the town, and the construction tasks of the company are very tight, so who can take leave to go out to the city to take pictures? There are also recruits in the company who can take pictures, but they are also able to take pictures, but they are also used as supply staff or clerks, and they have the opportunity to run away often, so others do not have this condition. At some point, Tao Anjin began to have the idea of setting up a "photo studio", and he used the more than 200 yuan he had saved to buy a camera, film, printing paper, developing and fixing powder from other places. More than 200 yuan, it may not seem like a lot now, but at that time, it was indeed the hard-earned money he had saved for several years. His family is not wealthy, and while he has to send money to the elderly in his family every month, he will also help his comrades when they are in difficulty. On the day the photographic equipment was bought, Tao Anjin was so excited that he couldn't sleep at night: Okay, my comrades-in-arms, you don't have to worry about photography anymore, okay, my comrades-in-arms, we have our own cameras...... The smiling faces of many comrades-in-arms seemed to float in front of him, and they all turned into photographs, and the photos flew to all corners of the motherland and to the hometowns of their comrades-in-arms, and the mothers and fiancées of many comrades-in-arms were holding the pictures and smiling sweetly at him! This night, like him, there were all the soldiers in the class, some of whom were in a state of mind, some of whom covered their faces with quilts, and moist tears flowed silently from the corners of their eyes. The next day, just in time for a Sunday, Tao Anjin took a photo of everyone in the class, flushed out the film with confidence, and hurriedly washed the photo, which was washed out, but it was very unpresentable. Some of them have a face and background that look like they are in the dark night, and only the face has a little light; some of them have an illusory figure next to them, and one person seems to have become a twin brother; and some of them have been soaked in the development water for eight or nine hours, and just a little dark shadow has just appeared. At this time, the comrades in the class crowded over to look at the photo, which really made him blush, and he was very embarrassed. He tore up all the photos with a smile, borrowed a book of photography common sense from someone and read it, and used the bullish energy of studying construction technology to study photographic technology again. In the face of a personality like his, it is a matter of course to stand up from failure.

Since then, almost every Sunday, Tao Anjin has become a busy man. The lens of the camera captured young and smiling faces, and the pictures that appeared in the developing water also became clear and clear, black and white, and the photos of comrades-in-arms really began to fly toward their hometown on the wings of letters! Tao Anjin's "photo studio" began to "open," but it never charged, and as long as you have not taken pictures since you arrived at the army, then rest assured, there is a picture you are satisfied with. The comrades all said: Tao Anjin really does what he does. It's a pity that the photographer doesn't evaluate the engineer, only the photographer, if he also evaluates the engineer, Tao Anjin is also accurate. Since the name had changed in the past, and the potter was calling Shun Kou again, some people would synthesize it, and gave him another name, called "Potter Photo Studio"! After chatting with the instructor, I came to the playground outside the house.

Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

(Image source: Internet)

The sun was shining warmly, and a thin, sturdy young man of medium stature was taking pictures of his comrades. I knew that he was Tao Anjin! He looked like an ordinary man! His face was thin and unremarkable, with unwashed lime powder hanging in the grooves on both sides of his nose, and a vigorous flame burning under his single eyelid. He was dressed in patched overalls, which also smelled of lime and sweat. The soldiers stood neatly one by one in the circle he drew with white chalk, and he pressed the shutter from time to time, and the mountains, trees, and barracks were all included in the background of the photo with his comrades as the main body. "Hey, take a picture of us!ah?okay?hey!" a young warrior grinded behind him with a handful of film in his hand. "Hey, no, it's not good, what are you grinding!" Tao Anjin said in a straight Sichuan dialect and didn't look back. I wondered in my heart, didn't I say that Tao Anjin was responsive? Why is he stuck here today? "It's so good! I bought film for a month's allowance, you see how rich you are." The Sichuan dialect sounded again. "Take pictures for a souvenir, not for beauty!" Suddenly, I understood everything.

In the evening, I went to visit the darkroom of the "Potter's Photo Studio", what kind of darkroom is it? It turned out that in the small warehouse where the tools were kept, everything was so simple: the printing camera was made by himself, and the three old basins contained the visible water, white water, and fixing water. Tao Anjin was working, the red light that printed the camera flashed and flashed, and his honest and simple face was also reflected ruddy. I suddenly had a strange feeling that the red light was not a lamp, but his heart that warmed his comrades and was full of loyalty to a good cause.

This red light is so kind and lovely and long-lasting, and it has been illuminating my life!

Han Zhichen || "Potter's Photo Studio"

Introduction to Han Zhichen

Han Zhichen, pen name A Chen, A Chen, received the special allowance of the State Council in October 1993, was promoted to the senior title in 1997, the outstanding expert of provincial management in 2000, and the national second-level professor in 2010. The first batch of members of the Jilin Provincial Senior Experts Association, the executive director of the China World Association for the Promotion of Ethnic Cultural Exchanges, the executive director of the Chinese Film Literature Society, the member of the Chinese Writers Association, the member of the China Film Artists Association, the member of the China Film Critics Society, the member of the China Television Artists Association, one of the seven directors of the first China TV Documentary Definition Association, part-time professor of Communication University of China, graduate tutor of Jilin Provincial Institute of New Media, art consultant of Jilin Calligraphers Association, Vice President of Jilin Provincial Cultural Development Research Association and Director of Film and Television Screenwriting Professional Committee, Chairman of Changchun Television Artists Association, Honorary Chairman of Shandong Longkou Musicians Association. He has successively served as the director of the TV drama creation department of Jilin TV station, the deputy general manager and artistic director of the provincial film and television group.

Since 1975, he has published more than 100 poems in newspapers and magazines such as "Jilin Literature and Art", "Heilongjiang Literature and Art", "Jilin Daily", "Hunan Daily", "Railway Soldier Daily", "Ambition in the Quartet", "Young Poets" and "Writers".

His main works include the long-form TV series "Fence, Woman and Dog", "Wheel, Woman and Well", "Ancient Boat, Woman and Net", "Sail of the Fog", "The Village Drifting By" and the movie "Tang Dynasty Female Patrol", "Queen Bigfoot", "Golden Autumn Happiness", "Mother-in-law", "Wumeng Mountain Love Song" and so on. His independent screenwriter's works include: 30 episodes of the TV series "Sun and Moon A River", 24 episodes of the TV series "August Sorghum Red", 14 episodes of the TV series "Sea Urn", 14 episodes of the TV series "Dashan Sister", 10 episodes of the TV series "Cai Lian in the Sky", the novella TV series "The Bridge of the Mountains", and the novella TV series "Three Please Fan Lihua". The short TV series "Mountain Lord", "The Tide Rises and Falls", "The Female Minister of the Town", "Wind and Snow Mast Mountain", the movie script "The Earth is the Sea", "The Head is the Sky", "The River is the Bridge", "The Crop Man", "Jiaodong Iron Man", "Two Women in Red Turbans", "The Drunkard and His Daughter-in-law", "Two-way Lane", "Two Girls in a City" (co-written with Huang Shiying), "Silly Dad and His Handsome Girl", "Geng Erdonkey's Things" (co-written with Yang Zhigang), "Love in the Betel Nut Blooms", "Lalin River Brothers" and the stage modern drama "Spring Back to Taowan" and so on. The documentaries "The Romance of Women", "The Autumn of Life", "The Tree of Life", "The Soul of the Road" and "Footprints" have successively won the first prize of the National Documentary on the Theme of Posts and Telecommunications, the first prize of the National Women's Documentary, the first prize of the documentary of the China Radio and Television Society, the second prize of the National Television Literature and Art "Starlight", and the relevant awards issued by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the All-China Railway Federation of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Petroleum and other units. He has won five national "Five One Project" awards, two "Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards", eight national "Feitian Awards", five Chinese TV "Golden Eagle Awards", one TV literary and artistic "Starlight Award", won the first prize of national TV documentaries for many times, three Northeast "Golden Tiger Awards", and also won the Best Plot Design Award at the 7th European International Film Festival. On the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was named one of the "60 artists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese TV dramas" (one of the 12 screenwriters) by the China Television Art Committee and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Edit: Have fun

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