
"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

author:Chang'an Street Reading Club
"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

Chang'an Street Reading Club

Cadres study a new book list

Issue 20240501


"Xi Jinping on the Belt and Road Initiative (2023 Edition)" English version

Publisher: Central Compilation and Publishing House

Author: Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Recommended department: Party building group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

This book includes 78 important contributions by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Belt and Road Initiative from September 2013 to November 2023. The book systematically reflects General Secretary Xi Jinping's profound elaboration on the guiding principles, rich connotations, goals and paths of the Belt and Road Initiative, and comprehensively presents the development process of the Belt and Road Initiative from China's initiative to international practice, from concept to action, from vision to reality, from the "big hand" of planning and layout to the "fine brushwork" of intensive cultivation, and has made solid and heavy achievements, becoming a popular international public product and international cooperation platform.

The publication of the English version of the book will help foreign readers to have an in-depth understanding of the concepts, measures, goals and achievements of the Belt and Road Initiative, and is of great significance for further enhancing the understanding of the international community, deepening international cooperation on the Belt and Road, promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and benefiting more countries and peoples.


"Ren Bishi on Party Building"

Publisher: Central Literature Publishing House

Author: Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Recommended department: Central Direct Group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

Comrade Ren Bishi was an important member of the first generation of the central leadership collective of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core, and "Ren Bishi on Party Building" included Comrade Ren Bishi's important contributions on party building from January 1925 to April 1949, with a total of 59 articles, reports, speeches, speeches, letters, telegrams, etc., of which 11 were published for the first time.

In order to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Comrade Ren Bishi's birth, the editing and publication of "Ren Bishi on Party Building" is of great significance for us to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in the new era and new journey, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and the Party's self-revolution, and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.


Where There Are Books: A Chronicle of National Reading in China

Publisher: Anhui Education Press

Author: Nie Zhenning

Recommended Department: Publishing Group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

It's a book full of reading. It writes the author's devotion and belief in reading with heavy information, long deeds, and real stories, and records the warm process of reading for the whole people along with the Chinese sons and daughters to continuously improve themselves and make progress together. Visiting all over the world, the author has traveled to the distant towns and villages, showing the same love for reading among thousands of readers, showing the specific image of the participants in the national reading, and restoring the lush fragrance of books everywhere in the north and south of the motherland.


Industrial Heritage Tourism

Publisher: China Tourism Press

Author: Han Han

Recommended department: Media group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

This textbook is divided into seven parts, which are compiled according to the practical needs of mainland industrial heritage tourism planning, and the content not only focuses on the teaching of basic knowledge, but also pays attention to the needs of linking theory with practice and the introduction of relevant cutting-edge knowledge. Taking into account the overall situation of the current development of industrial heritage tourism in mainland China, the compiler adopts the method of writing in simple terms and starting with cases, which is also suitable for the use of undergraduate elective courses in related tourism management majors.


"Youth Role Model in the New Era"

Publisher: People's Daily Publishing House

Author: Ren Chuxuan

Recommended Department: Cadre Education Group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

When the youth is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when the youth is strong, the country is strong. Chinese youth in the new era are born at the right time and have a heavy responsibility on their shoulders. This book includes the advanced deeds of dozens of outstanding young models, who have dreams and are down-to-earth, dare to think and dare to do good things, whether in factory workshops, fields, training venues, urban and rural communities and other jobs, or in the "Tiangong" and "Jiaolong" and other major scientific and technological research tasks, they have shown the energy and creativity of inspiring youth. This book will help inspire readers to take responsibility and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibilities entrusted by the times.


"Party members and cadres should know and should know the common sense of discipline"

Publisher: China Founder Publishing House

Author: The writing team of this book

Recommended department: Political and legal group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

The book is divided into three parts, which introduce the discipline knowledge that party members and cadres should know and should know in the form of questions and answers. The first part is basic common sense, which mainly involves the most basic common sense issues in the party constitution and guidelines; the second part is the common sense of discipline, which mainly involves the basic knowledge of discipline in party rules and party discipline; and the third part is common sense in the handling of disciplinary sanctions, which mainly involves the content of disciplinary punishment in party rules and party discipline. The content of the book breaks the convention of writing according to the name of the party's internal regulations, extracts the most basic and most necessary knowledge points in each regulation, and marks the source of the regulations, so that readers can "follow the map" to read the original text of the laws and regulations, and further in-depth study, aiming to let readers learn more knowledge with limited time and energy.


"Jin Yun Hua Zhang: The Story of Tianjin in Chinese Modernization"

Publisher: National Academy of Administration Press

Authors: Xu Ying, Rao Hua, Zhang Jian

Recommended department: Local group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

The book is divided into six chapters, based on Tianjin's characteristics and cultural accumulation, from the historical, political, economic, social, cultural, Through a comprehensive discussion of Tianjin's urban construction since the reform and opening up, especially after entering the new era, this paper depicts the microcosm of Tianjin's modernization, shows the characteristics and characteristics of Tianjin's modernization exploration, and embodies Tianjin's vitality and vitality in writing a new chapter of Tianjin's Chinese-style modernization.


Translation Goes Far Away: Sinologists on Translation

Publisher: China Social Sciences Press

Author: Li Xinfeng, Bai Le

Recommended department: Talent Center

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

This book presents a diversified and multi-perspective "translation feast" for readers through the method of "gathering famous sinologists". In the course of long-term cultural exchanges between the East and the West, many sinologists have accumulated a lot of practical experience and unique translation insights. Therefore, this book systematically organizes these valuable experiences and insights and collects them into a book for the benefit of readers. Overall, it includes more than 60 sinologists from more than 14 countries, and has translated a number of Chinese classics and modern and contemporary works. The manuscript is based on the China Social Science News, and also integrates other mainstream translation newspapers and university journals, and includes a number of articles on "Sinologists and Translation". In addition, we have also invited some Chinese scholars who have been engaged in Sinology research and translation of classics for a long time to write for this book, or to compile their previous interviews with sinologists, or to develop a review of a particular sinologist and his translation.


The Origin of Chinese Civilization: An Archaeological Perspective

Publisher: Chinese Renmin University Press

Author: Chen Shengqian

Recommended department: Ph.D. group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

From an archaeological point of view, the pattern of Chinese civilization has four significant characteristics: the first is pluralism and unity. This has created a vast and long history of Chinese civilization. The second is that the north and the south are interdependent. The two agricultural origin centers in the north and south provide a buffer space for the development of Chinese civilization and are the economic foundation for the stable development of Chinese civilization. The third and fourth characteristics represent two development directions of Chinese civilization: one is to develop inland, with the northwest half forming a symbiotic relationship with the southeast half of the rivers and mountains, and the other is to develop to the sea, and rice agriculture is spreading to other parts of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. Chinese civilization is not only an agricultural civilization, but also has a diverse cultural foundation, the source of which is the cultural ecological pattern formed in prehistoric times. This cultural and ecological pattern consists of four parts: the southeastern plate, which is dominated by agriculture, the northwestern plate, which is dominated by nomadism, the ecotone plate in between, and the oceanic plate. The close interaction between the four plates constitutes the basic framework of the pattern of Chinese civilization.


Economic Giants: Collision and Inheritance of Ideas

Publisher: China Science and Technology Press

Authors: Todd Buchholtz, Martin Feldstein

Recommended department: enterprise cadre group

"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club 20240501 Cadres Study New Books List

The author, Todd Buchholtz, combines the theories of great economic thinkers such as Adam Smith, Keynes, and Marx with practical problems in a unique way, showing the vitality of these ancient economic ideas in the contemporary world. The latest revision covers hot topics, including climate change, free trade, the refugee crisis, and more. This book is a vivid account of the evolution of economic thought, and is an excellent guide to interpreting the modern world, without the need for an economics background, and is suitable for students, economics enthusiasts, and general readers. In simple terms, you will better understand the key role of economics in contemporary society.

Note: Authorized to publish, this article has been selected and included in the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" theoretical learning platform (People's Daily, People's Political Consultative Conference Daily, Beijing Daily, Chongqing Daily, "China Rural Revitalization" magazine, Xinhuanet, CCTV, National Party Media Information Public Platform, Vision, Beijing Time, Surging Government Affairs, Phoenix News client "Chang'an Street Reading Club" column synchronization), reprinting must be uniformly marked "Chang'an Street Reading Club" theoretical learning platform source and author.

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Qian, preliminary review: Cheng Ziqian, Chen Jiani, review: Li Yufan, final review: Zhengchen

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In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we are now jointly carrying out relevant party building reading and learning activities for the party schools (administrative colleges), cadre colleges, Marxist colleges, and new era civilization practice centers (institutes, stations) where the central and state organs, central enterprises, and provinces, cities, counties (districts) are located. Recently, with the approval of relevant departments, it has been officially agreed that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and other designated units have joined the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" Party Building Reading Cooperation Mechanism, and jointly undertook the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" series of reading and learning activities.

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