
The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

author:Xiaoping said graphic

talked about his father's position on a blind date, and as a result, it sparked a "rank war"?

"She insisted that her father was a deputy department-level cadre, but in fact he was only a fourth-level researcher!" As a news reporter, Xiao Wang really had a headache when he encountered this kind of "misunderstanding" of rank division on a blind date.

As we all know, in government organs and public institutions, rank and position are two different things. For example, although the level of the fourth-level investigator is not low and the salary is not bad, it is still a specific rank after all, while the deputy department-level cadre is a more general concept of post level.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

However, when Xiao Wang went on a blind date last week, the female teacher on the other side was a little incomprehensible about this. "My dad has worked in the government department for many years and is a fourth-level researcher, which is equivalent to a deputy department-level cadre. The female teacher said categorically.

Xiao Wang was speechless for a while, and only felt a little crying and laughing. As a journalist, he certainly knows a lot about the classification of government ranks, but it is not easy to explain the concept to female teachers.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

In order to avoid embarrassment, Xiao Wang could only press the table for the time being. After the blind date, he decided to share this workplace "minefield" with everyone to prevent others from being tied up by rank like him.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

First of all, we need to be clear about the difference between rank and position. Rank usually refers to the division according to the level of salary, treatment, etc., such as section member, deputy section level, main section level, etc. The position refers to the actual position, such as section chief, division chief, etc. In many cases, the rank and the position go hand in hand, but there are often cases where the rank is higher than the post or the post is higher than the rank.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

Secondly, there are also differences in the criteria for the classification of posts in different units. For example, a Level 4 investigator may be equivalent to the deputy director level in some units, but not necessarily in others. In addition, even in the same unit, personnel of the same rank may hold higher or lower positions due to different job responsibilities.

Therefore, when communicating, we should try to avoid exchanging ranks and positions, let alone directly equate the two. Otherwise, it may be like Xiao Wang, which will cause misunderstandings on the other side, and even cause unnecessary disputes and contradictions.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

In this regard, Xiao Wang's suggestion is: Whether it is at work or in life, when we talk about the rank and position, it is best to understand the specific situation of the other party's unit first, and then make an accurate statement. If there is a misunderstanding in the other person's understanding, you may want to try to explain it in an easy-to-understand way, or give some vivid examples to illustrate it.

Let's take a look at the opinions of netizens:

The fourth-level and third-level investigators are the deputy department level, but the investigators are not real positions, but they are definitely deputy directors.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

The fourth-level investigators promoted after June 2019 are not deputy director-level cadres, but only enjoy the salary of the deputy director-level

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

It is to enjoy the salary and treatment of the deputy department level, not the deputy department level cadres

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

It's true that a cadre at the deputy department level is just not an incumbent leader at the deputy department level. Cadres, as long as they have an establishment, can be called cadres.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

The fourth-level researcher, with the money of the deputy department, is doing the work of a clerk!

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

The fourth tone is at the deputy department level, and people don't say that they are leading cadres at the deputy department level

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

It's equivalent to a deputy department, and there's nothing wrong with that

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

The fourth tone is the deputy department's vacant position. Although they have no real power, their political treatment and salary are the same.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

First, he is a cadre, and second, his rank is a deputy director, that is, a cadre at the deputy department level, and people do not say that they are deputy director.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre

It is normal for the deputy director to be transferred to a fourth-level researcher, and the deputy director to a third-level investigator is promoted.

The female teacher on a blind date insisted that her father as a fourth-level researcher was a deputy director-level cadre