
The infamous US intelligence community: "a basket" of unseemly activities

author:Bright Net

In the face of the grim reality of the global ravages of the new crown virus, some politicians in the United States not only do not want to unite against the epidemic, but also use the issue of virus traceability to engage in political manipulation and require intelligence departments to carry out investigations into the traceability of the new crown virus. However, the reputation of the US intelligence services is infamous, and the "basket" of unseemly activities has long been nailed to the column of shame of history.

As we all know, the intelligence service of the United States is an agency that serves political goals and can do whatever it takes to do so.

Assassination Subversion with the media singing double reeds abuse prisoners

The CIA has repeatedly organized or participated in the assassination of leaders and political leaders of other countries; in the past few decades, the political and social turmoil in some countries and regions of the world has "more or less seen the shadow of the US intelligence services"; the CIA has also launched secret programs during the Cold War, recruiting journalists for a fee, "feeding" fake news, and using the media to influence public opinion. To this day, US intelligence agencies and some US media are still using each other.

In addition, in the name of "counter-terrorism," CIA personnel have engaged in torture in overseas prisons to extract confessions, and "enhanced interrogation methods" such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation, confinement in small spaces, and personal humiliation are shocking.

The infamous US intelligence community: "a basket" of unseemly activities

Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse Victim Talib: I really can't say that in front of you, it's embarrassing. One person clinging to one person, one person on top of the other, naked, blindfolded, stacked on top of each other. Naked and blindfolded, they also brought police dogs into their cells to scare us and take away sheets and blankets from the cells. When we were naked, we rinsed the cell with cold water, but it was winter and it was very cold.

No faith in the United States and overseas surveillance

In addition to unscrupulous means, U.S. intelligence is known for being untrustworthy.

The United States is a "listening power" and a "hacker power", reaching its dirty tentacles to the world through various means, even its allies. In 2013, the fact that U.S. intelligence agencies conducted massive surveillance at home and abroad was exposed, triggering a huge outcry against the United States, and the White House once promised under pressure not to spy on European allied leaders. But the United States says one thing after another, and the "gate of surveillance" has never been closed, nor does it intend to close. In May this year, European media exposed that the US National Security Agency had used Danish Internet facilities to spy on some leaders and senior officials of European allies, causing another uproar in global public opinion. Even America's European allies have denounced the United States as untrustworthy and untrustworthy.

The infamous US intelligence community: "a basket" of unseemly activities

French President Emmanuel Macron: It is clear that espionage between allies is unacceptable, especially between European allies and partners. I cherish the bonds of trust that unite Europeans and Americans, so we must do everything in our power to preserve our common security. There is no room for suspicion between us, which is why we look forward to a comprehensive clarification. We have asked our Danish and U.S. partners to provide us with all the information disclosed in the media and past activities, and we are waiting for these answers.

Source: CCTV News Client

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