
Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

author:Love to talk about life like crazy

1. Reveal the wonderful life process

Zheng Xinyi, who is in her thirties, is now stepping on the vast land of the world, enjoying the gentle touch of the sun on her cheeks. This is the first time she has bravely embarked on a journey of "escape" alone after inheriting her mother Shen Dianxia's inheritance of up to 60 million Hong Kong dollars, starting a wonderful journey around the world.

She was once bruised by life, as if in this aimless trip, she finally found the long-lost peace and calm in her heart.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Looking back on the past, Zheng Xinyi's life path can be described as tortuous and bumpy. Born in the dazzling Hong Kong entertainment industry, she deserves the fame and wealth bestowed by this circle, as well as endless applause from flowers.

However, fate dealt her a heavy blow from the beginning. The conflict between the parents and the eventual parting of ways made this "little princess", who was supposed to have a carefree childhood, lose her support since she was a child, and could only snuggle tightly in the arms of her mother Shen Dianxia and grow up in a single-parent family environment.

At that time, his father Zheng Shaoqiu, with his handsome and chic appearance and superb acting skills, was all the rage in Hong Kong and even in the entire Chinese film and television industry. And her mother Shen Dianxia was a well-known host who was a household name back then, and the combination of the two should have become a good story that everyone in the circle envied.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Unexpectedly, their contradictions and disputes eventually led to the fragmentation of this family, Zheng Shaoqiu ruthlessly abandoned his wife and daughter, found a new love to form a new family, and gradually distanced himself from their mother and daughter.

The young Zheng Xinyi could only rely on her mother's protection and grew up in a single-parent family environment. Shen Dianxia tried her best to hold up a piece of the sky for Zheng Xinyi, but Zheng Xinyi was ridiculed and bullied by her peers because she inherited her mother's figure and appearance.

The indescribable damage to her young heart caused her to fall into the abyss of depression since she was a child, full of disappointment and despair in the world.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

2. The bitter past of being bullied in childhood

The immature Zheng Xinyi was subjected to ruthless bullying and ridicule from her peers at an early age. Her chubby figure, which originated from her mother, made her the object of ridicule and ridicule by her classmates.

They mocked her for her lack of paternal love without mercy, caricatured her obese image with the nickname "Peppa", and banded together to isolate her.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

After experiencing all kinds of hardships and traumas, Zheng Xinyi's heart gradually wore out her trust and expectations for all things in the world. She began to develop a disgust with her body and fell into depression.

When she was young, she was deeply confused about the meaning of life, and her inner world once fell into endless darkness and despair.

Fortunately, during these difficult years, her mother Shen Dianxia was always by her side, giving her endless love and warmth. Shen Dianxia knew that even if she tried her best to change, she would not be able to reverse the attitude of her children, so she chose another way to help her daughter.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Shen Dianxia began to patiently and meticulously guide her daughter, teaching her how to use her unique personality to resolve the dilemma caused by this "school violence". With a gentle tone, she guided Zheng Xinyi to learn to infect the people around her with a positive attitude.

Shen Dianxia expects Zheng Xinyi to use her optimism to attract friends, and then win everyone's friendship and recognition.

Her mother's selfless love is like a powerful force, which made Zheng Xinyi rekindle her love for life and successfully get rid of the painful time of being bullied by her classmates and self-isolation.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

In just a few years, Zheng Xinyi successfully walked out of the shadow of the past and grew up healthy and happy under the protection of her mother.

However, the good times are always short-lived, and fate has ruthlessly challenged the mother and daughter after all. Just when Zheng Xinyi's career was just starting, her mother Shen Dianxia was unfortunately diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

In the face of such a heavy blow, Shen Dianxia still maintained that optimistic spirit, but she knew that her life was running out.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

On her deathbed, Shen Dianxia found her ex-husband Zheng Shaoqiu, who had been absent for many years. The handsome guy with the former star temperament has now safely integrated into the new family and lives a peaceful and comfortable life.

Shen Dianxia begged him to take care of his daughter Zheng Xinyi after he passed away, and give this child who lost his mother a sincere care and love.

However, Zheng Shaoqiu turned a deaf ear to his ex-wife's request, and his indifferent attitude was chilling. Although he came to visit with his new love, he didn't care about his daughter's safety. In his eyes, Zheng Xinyi is an adult, and the future path should be decided by herself.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Shen Dianxia stared at the once handsome and charming man at this moment, but now that he had fallen into such a desolate situation, it couldn't help but make people's hearts ache! She finally realized that she was no longer able to provide any shelter for her daughter by being attached to this ex-husband.

So, Shen Dianxia implored her close friend Liu Jiachang to temporarily take care of Zheng Xinyi after his death.

What's more critical is that Shen Dianxia left her daughter a huge inheritance of 60 million in her suicide note, but the condition is that Zheng Xinyi must wait until she is thirty-five years old to use this wealth.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

This is a decision she made after careful consideration, hoping that her daughter will be able to be independent and no longer controlled by others.

Fourth, Zheng Xinyi's bumpy experience as an adult

The sudden death of her mother was undoubtedly a bombshell for Zheng Xinyi at that time. She seemed to have lost the last straw in her life, and the whole person instantly fell into helplessness and confusion, like a lonely ship floating in the vast sea.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Liu Jiachang, a close friend of Zheng Xinyi's mother, who had taken good care of Zheng Xinyi, also felt guilty at the moment and was unable to do it. In the face of the girl who lost the protection of his mother, he knew that his strength was meager, but in order to fulfill his promise to Shen Dianxia, he still tried his best to care and help.

Just when Zheng Xinyi was in despair, a "liar" with bad intentions quietly broke into the stage of her life. This person manipulates Zheng Xinyi's innocent heart with lies and false love, and ruthlessly plunders money from her.

With Zheng Xinyi's meager income in the entertainment industry and the luxurious villa left by her mother, the crook quickly ransacked all her savings.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Although she had long known that this was a scam, Zheng Xinyi was like a moth to a fire, and did not hesitate to plunge into the whirlpool of this emotional entanglement. Perhaps because she missed her mother's warmth so much, she longed for even a hint of false warmth and comfort in this liar.

After being deceived this time, Zheng Xinyi seemed to fall into a deeper quagmire, and she began to indulge herself in the male world and fell in love with them without any choice. She mistakenly thought that as long as she held on to the so-called "love", she could fill the hole in her heart.

In reality, however, this view is just an excuse for self-anesthesia!

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Looking back at the journey that Zheng Xinyi has gone through, we must start from the stage when she was labeled as a "love insulator". At that time, it had just taken her a full year to successfully lose nearly half of her weight with unwavering perseverance.

The plump body that was once inherited from the mother has finally taken on a new glow and restored the standard body line after receiving scientific guidance from professionals.

The new image makes Zheng Xinyi re-show endless vitality and charm. Although she is already well-known in the entertainment industry, she has been hidden by the company before that.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Soon after the successful weight loss, Zheng Xinyi quickly re-signed with the company and became the image spokesperson of the famous body shaping brand "Xiu Shen Tang".

This turning point has brought unprecedented opportunities to Zheng Xinyi. With her amazing and perfect figure today, she even appeared on the cover of TVB Weekly, which attracted much attention that year.

At this critical moment, a joke made by several friends inadvertently hit Zheng Xinyi like a thunderbolt from the blue. They ridiculed Zheng Xinyi for not even having the qualifications to fall in love, let alone find a partner.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

These words were undoubtedly a heavy blow to Zheng Xinyi, deeply piercing her fiery girlish heart and seriously hurting her self-esteem.

suffered such a blow, Zheng Xinyi fell into the abyss of inferiority again. Her weight began to climb day by day, reaching a staggering 213 pounds at one point. Fortunately, her mother, Shen Dianxia, noticed her in time and sent her to a professional institution for treatment, so that she was able to cheer up again and rekindle the flame of hope for weight loss.

Although he finally got his wish and had the perfect body of his ideals, the bumpy road in the entertainment industry is far from over. For example, in a stage performance with Wu Zhuoxi, one of her kiss scenes was maliciously slandered as "unsightly".

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Such rumors emerge in an endless stream, which is destined to make it impossible for her to easily win the full recognition of industry insiders. Sixth, the end of positive energy

Now, this woman in her 30s, Zheng Xinyi, has completely walked out of the introverted and depressed girlhood in the past! Relying on the huge inheritance of 60 million yuan left by her mother, she was able to temporarily get rid of the tedious and complicated trivial things of life, and embarked on a vast global journey to repair and heal herself in the depths of her soul.

Zheng Xinyi, who had long been overwhelmed by the heavy burden of life in the past, finally succeeded in unloading the burden in her heart and re-showed a calm, thorough, and leisurely look.

Zheng Xinyi finally paid for her parents' "failed marriage", and her 60 million inheritance was not happy

Her mother's deep and meticulous care and expectations enabled Zheng Xinyi to finally get rid of the panicked attitude to life in the past, and no longer blindly pursue those illusory warmth and comfort.

Instead, there is a strong heart full of self-confidence and independence.

Zheng Xinyi seems to have truly let go of all the troubles and pains in the past, and began to meet the new challenges of life with a calm and calm attitude.

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