
Official report: The rescue of the four people was ineffective, what happened?

author:Come on Leonardo da Vinci

At about 14:20 on May 2, 2024, a distressing accident occurred in Hudong Town, Lufeng City. Resident Lin took his four children to the open beach near his residence, but accidentally fell into the water. Lin and 3 other children also fell into the water one after another during the rescue process, and finally 4 people died after all-out rescue.

Official report: The rescue of the four people was ineffective, what happened?

This accident made people sigh, and four lives were lost in an instant. We are deeply saddened and express our deep condolences to the victims and our sincere condolences to the bereaved families. At the same time, we also appeal to the general public to pay attention to safety when going out to play, and never let similar tragedies happen again.

Official report: The rescue of the four people was ineffective, what happened?

It is understood that after the incident, rescue forces quickly arrived at the scene and rescued 5 people who fell into the water as quickly as possible. Among them, Chen, who fell into the water first, was rescued and uninjured, while the other 4 people were sent to the Third People's Hospital of Lufeng City for treatment after on-site first aid. The party committees and governments of Shanwei City and Lufeng City attached great importance to it, immediately mobilized elite medical forces to participate in the whole process of treatment, and actively carried out the work of comforting and dealing with the aftermath of the family. Despite the best efforts of the medical staff, unfortunately, the four people who fell into the water eventually died due to their injuries.

This accident is a wake-up call for us, and safety issues cannot be ignored. Beach is pleasant, but there are also many safety hazards. While enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature, we must always be vigilant to ensure the safety of ourselves and our families.

Official report: The rescue of the four people was ineffective, what happened?

As the editor of Toutiao, we call on the general public to be aware of safety and comply with relevant regulations and tips when going out to play. Especially when playing near beaches, reservoirs and other waters, it is necessary to pay more attention to preventing drowning accidents. Parents should strengthen the supervision and education of their children to avoid similar tragedies.

At the same time, we would also like to express our high respect and gratitude to those involved in the rescue. They stepped forward at a critical moment and sacrificed their lives to save lives, demonstrating the great love and heroic spirit of the world. It is with these heroes of selfless dedication that our society is warmer and more beautiful.

Official report: The rescue of the four people was ineffective, what happened?

In addition, we also call on all sectors of society to pay attention to safety education and emergency rescue work. The government and social organizations should increase the publicity of safety education, and improve the public's safety awareness and ability to help themselves and each other. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction of the emergency rescue system, improve the efficiency and professional level of rescue, and provide more timely and effective rescue services for the people.

Finally, let us once again express our deep condolences and sympathy to the victims, and extend our sincere condolences and support to the bereaved families. May the departed rest in peace and the living strong. It is hoped that this accident can arouse the attention and reflection of the whole society, and jointly create a safe, harmonious and beautiful living environment. #海滩安全意识##注意暑假安全谨防溺水事故##事故应急救援体系##安全教育宣传##生命至上 Safety First#