
Zhao Weilun Tu Sanning + Zhan Core, Tian Rong Qiang, Wang Lanyan is in control

author:Tongtong said sports

Recently, the Chinese basketball team released a series of training photos of the national men's basketball short training camp on social media platforms, which aroused the attention and heated discussions of fans. From the photo, we can see that the men's basketball team is divided into black and white groups or red and black groups for confrontation training, Chen Guohao and Zhao Weilun are holding the ball to break through to the basket, showing their strength and potential. The purpose of this short training camp is to strengthen the team building of the Chinese men's national basketball team and improve the competitive level and teamwork ability of the players.

In the training photos, the moment when Zhao Weilun broke through Liao Sanning became the focus. Zhao Weilun showed excellent speed and breakthrough ability, and successfully broke through Liao Sanning's defense. Although Liao Sanning's defense was excellent, Zhao Weilun managed to complete the breakthrough with more speed and more accurate judgment. This picture also indicates that Zhao Weilun may become a big surprise for the team in the next game. Not only did Zhao Weilun excel in the breakout, he also showed his leadership and core position by setting up his tactics at the timeout. Despite his lack of height, his ability to control the pitch is perfect, which is one of the reasons why he is indispensable in the team.

Zhao Weilun Tu Sanning + Zhan Core, Tian Rong Qiang, Wang Lanyan is in control

Another player who is getting a lot of attention is Lee Thiam Wing. In training, he also showed a strong breakthrough ability. With his excellent physical fitness and agile movements, Li Tianrong managed to break through his opponent's defense. His ability to break through is not only reflected in his speed, but also in his control of the pace of the game. His outstanding performance has made people believe that he has the potential to become an important member of the Chinese men's basketball team in the future.

In addition, Wang Lanyan showed excellent control ability in training. As the team's main control player, Wang Lanyan must not only control the team's offensive rhythm, but also play a leading role in key moments. As can be seen from the training photos, Wang Lanyan performed very well at both offensive and defensive ends, and his outstanding performance also provided a solid guarantee for the team's overall performance.

Zhao Weilun Tu Sanning + Zhan Core, Tian Rong Qiang, Wang Lanyan is in control

The training photos of the men's basketball short training camp not only show the strength and potential of the players, but also let us see the hopes and expectations of the Chinese men's basketball team in the future. The outstanding performance of the players makes us believe that in the near future, the Chinese men's basketball team will be able to achieve better results in the international arena. At the same time, we also look forward to these young players being able to continue to show their strength and potential in the next games and contribute to the future development of the Chinese men's basketball team.

In short, the training photos of the men's basketball short training camp show us the strength and potential of the Chinese men's basketball team, and also let us see the hard work and fighting spirit of the players. I believe that in the future games, these young players will be able to contribute to the brilliant future of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Zhao Weilun Tu Sanning + Zhan Core, Tian Rong Qiang, Wang Lanyan is in control

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