
To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

author:Kunming Panlong Police

The earth doesn't explode, and crooks don't take a holiday

It's not a joke


While you're planning your holiday activities

Scammers will also combine various hot spots and festivals

Unleash all kinds of fraudulent "tricks"

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

It is the "May Day" holiday

Beware of scammers

Whether it's a trip or a stay-at-home

The following anti-deception strategies are all useful

Ticket scams

Scammers will pretend to be airline customer service, saying that your flight is delayed or cancelled and you need to change or refund your ticket, and offer to give you some financial compensation, and when you believe it, they will commit the scam.

Don't trust such information, be wary of calls from unknown sources, and contact the airline or ticketing unit directly for verification.

Online game scams

During the May Day holiday, some citizens choose to play games at home, and scammers will pretend to be gamers, and take the initiative to contact victims under tempting excuses such as "selling equipment at a low price" and "recovering accounts at a high price", and then ask for transactions through third-party platforms or offline transactions.

During the transaction, scammers trick victims into transferring money on the grounds that they need to pay a "security deposit" or "the transaction fails and the transaction is re-traded".

The police reminded us online that when playing games, we must go to the regular game platform to trade, and be vigilant against the goods sold that are obviously lower than the market price!

Fake customer service to refund the goods

During the holidays, major e-commerce platforms will engage in activities and discount promotions, and many citizens want to take advantage of the discount season to buy their favorite goods online.

If the "customer service" asks to "pay the deposit" and "verify the account security", or transfer money through online banking, report the verification code, or scan the QR code, don't believe it! If you are not careful, the money will go into the pocket of the scammer.

"Low threshold" advertising + online loan APP

Fraudsters first ask you to fill in your personal information on a fake loan website or app, and then trick you into paying a deposit or unfreezing a deposit on the grounds that the information is incorrectly filled in or the loan amount is locked, and pull you into the fraud trap step by step.

Any online lending platform that claims to be "unsecured and low interest rate" is extremely risky! Be wary of "unsecured and low interest rate" online lending platforms.

Part-time swiping + online gambling

Want to make some quick money at home during the holidays?

Brushing is an illegal act of swiping the reputation or recharging the turnover of the online store through online shopping, and the online store returns the payment and pays the commission to the swiper.

Fraudsters often use small rebates as bait to trick you into investing a large amount of money in the name of part-time job swiping, and then block you.

Don't believe in part-time swiping advertisements, all swiping is fraud, and don't pay any deposits or deposits for swiping.

Pig Killing Plate

If you are single on vacation, don't be carried away by hormones when you meet a sweet young lady or a gentle, handsome and rich little brother on the Internet.

Fraudsters often win favor and trust by first using sweet words or courtesy, and then recommend the so-called "safe profits, low cost and high returns" online investment platform to you. When you cast more and more, it will block you. From the beginning of "love at first sight" in online dating, to the end of participating in online gambling or investment fraud, until the victim is bankrupt or even burdened with huge debts, this is the "pig killing plate" scam.

Pretending to be a "public prosecutor"

Public security investigation and freezing of accounts, as soon as others say that they are police, you will believe them?

Anyone who claims to be a "public prosecutor" and asks you to transfer money and remit money to prove your innocence is a fraud. Once you find out that you have been scammed, please report to the police in time.

There are also stock speculators and fake bosses

Friends and relatives who haven't seen each other for a long time


Various camouflage "charming eyes"

If you are unfortunate enough to be deceived,

Be sure to call the police in time!!

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

As the saying goes, "The magic is one foot high, the road is one foot high!" Remember the following points firmly and implement them, and let the scammers do their best, we can also be invincible.

Someone asks for a "verification code", don't give it

Verification codes are very common, but they represent verification of identity! Once the criminals learn the verification code, the consequences will be unimaginable!

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

SMS with link, don't click

Although there are also secure links sent by banks and other institutions in mobile phone text messages, but now the fake base station and number change software have just "died" wave after wave, fraudsters always have various ways to disguise themselves, and many people are difficult to distinguish the authenticity through the other party's SMS number, SMS content, and link form, so it is recommended that you do not click on any link that comes with the SMS to prevent the Trojan virus.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

The phone does not show the number, don't answer it

At present, any government, enterprise, bank, operator and other institutions have official telephones, "no display number" basically comes from the Internet phone, either advertising, or fraud, in short, see the "no display number" call, just hang up.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

Ask for your bank card number, don't say

In any form of phone call, text message, QQ chat, and WeChat conversation, never mention bank card number, password, ID number, medical insurance card number and other information, so as not to be used by fraudsters. Even if you chat with a well-known number or WeChat account, be cautious, in case your friend has a stolen number......

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

Some numbers can be dialed to verify the authenticity

Fraudsters will use virtual number change software to imitate the official customer service of operators and banks to call you, and recently some criminals have used the number change platform to impersonate the "China Mobile International Roaming Service Hotline 13800100186" to deceive user information. In this case, you can hang up and don't call back directly. If you want to know the specific situation, please go to the official website to search for the real customer service hotline and then consult.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

Money can only go in and out

For example, if your child is hospitalized, you have to pay a deposit...... The police suggest that even if you really want to send money, it is best to go to the offline bank counter to handle it, describe the whole story to the bank counter staff, and consult more people's opinions.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

The person who called your name doesn't have to be an acquaintance

Fraudsters can grasp some of the user's personal information through illegal behavior, and use it as evidence to deceive the trust of friends, at this time, remember to be more mindful, never trust strangers easily, even if the phone number is a friend or family, if it is not face-to-face communication, do not easily believe.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

Make it a habit to verify the URL and domain name of the website

You must develop the habit of verifying the domain name and URL of the website, and you must not easily trust those phishing websites that look exactly like the official website.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

Don't believe in pie in the sky

Fraudsters often use the latest current affairs to design scam content, such as vaccine compensation, children's tuition refunds, tax refunds for overseas shopping, winning prizes from popular TV shows, shopping compensation, etc. We must be wary of this kind of "pie" falling from the sky, and don't lose the big because of the small!

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls

In case of emergency, call 110

In case of emergency, please call 110 for help! The police will be your most solid backing.

To demystify the common scams of the "May Day" holiday, please accept this guide to avoiding pitfalls