
Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

author:Kunming Panlong Police

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Police's 18 "May Day"

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

The police successfully recovered the erroneous transfer fees of the masses and were praised

In March 2024, Ms. Chen, a member of the public in the jurisdiction of the Donghua Police Station, was impersonated as an employee of a telecommunications company to collect the annual broadband fee, and mistakenly transferred 1,188 yuan to others, and after reporting to the police, the police recovered the loss of 660 yuan for it on the same day, and then Ms. Chen asked the other party for the balance again, because she could not contact the other party, on April 8, 2024, Ms. Chen went to the police station again to ask for help, and the police on duty at the Donghua Police Station contacted the other party by phone, and did the publicity and explanation of laws and regulations, and the other party refunded Ms. Chen's fees in full.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying
Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

Ms. Chen believes that the police at the police station are in place, the service is in place, and the solution is in place, and she pays tribute to the police from the bottom of her heart.

Ms. Chen praised the police of Donghua Police Station for implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important idea of upholding the supremacy of the people, serving the people wholeheartedly, actively helping the people to solve urgent and difficult problems, and treating the people's small things as their own major affairs, effectively solving practical difficulties.

The dog was lost, and the people were anxious for the police to find a way to warm up the hearts of the people

On the afternoon of April 30, Ms. Zhang, a resident, hurriedly came to the Jinsha Police Station, saying that her pet dog was lost, and she searched for it in many ways to no avail.

After receiving the report, the auxiliary police on duty in the service command room rummaged through the monitoring along the way and found that the puppy had been picked up and taken away by the passers-by, and contacted the dog owner Ms. Zhang and informed the dog owner that it was difficult to sleep and eat because of the loss of the pet dog, the other party said that he thought the dog was a stray dog and brought it home, and now he will immediately return the pet dog to the police, and then the police will transfer it to Ms. Zhang.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

At about 22 o'clock, when Ms. Zhang came to the police station to see her beloved dog lost again, she instantly smiled, Ms. Zhang was very grateful, and excitedly looked for praise for the efficient help of the people's auxiliary police.

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and the branches and leaves are always related. Jinsha Police Station will always adhere to the work concept of "no trivial matter for the people", take "serving the people" as its purpose, and use practical actions to help the masses solve problems.

If you lose your mobile phone, you don't have to worry about the "police".

At noon on May 1, 2024, the Longquan Police Station received an anxious call from a member of the public asking for help, saying that he had accidentally lost his mobile phone at the northern passenger station in Panlong District, which contained important personal information and materials. After receiving the request for help, the police on duty at the police station immediately arranged for the auxiliary police stationed at the northern passenger station to carry out an operation.

The police first inquired in detail about the owner's activity trajectory and related details, and then gradually narrowed down the scope of the search by viewing the surveillance video and visiting the merchants. After patient and meticulous investigation, the lost phone was finally found.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

When the auxiliary police returned the mobile phone to the owner, the owner was very excited and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the people's auxiliary police stationed at the station for their enthusiastic help.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

Video surveillance helps mediate disputes, and the police are praised

In the early morning of April 28, the Tuodong Road Police Station received a report from the public: "The roof and windshield of the vehicle I parked in a nearby residential compound were smashed. After receiving the police, the No. 61 patrol car of the Tuodong Road Police Station immediately rushed to the scene to investigate and deal with it.

According to the owner's recollection, at about 19:30 in the evening, he drove to the restaurant next to him for dinner, so he parked the vehicle at the door of the residential courtyard nearby, and when he came to pick up the car in the early morning, he found that the sunroof and windshield of the car were smashed. After understanding the basic situation, the police of No. 61 car began to investigate the damaged vehicle, and the police noticed that the most seriously damaged part of the vehicle was on the roof of the car, the sunroof position was smashed out of a hole, and there were half a brick and some scattered brick chips on the ground, so the experienced police initially judged that the damage to the vehicle may be caused by high-altitude throwing objects from residents of residential buildings on the side of the road.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

This is an old residential area, the technical defense equipment is backward, if the "high-altitude throwing" incident occurred in the past, it is indeed difficult to crack, but a week ago the community property in the community police assistance planning, just on the first floor in and out of the community gate of the installation of two-way networked video surveillance. So, the police immediately retrieved the surveillance video of the time period of the incident, and the surveillance showed that at about 21:40 that day, an uncle went downstairs, and another resident pointed to the vehicle parked at the entrance of the community and complained about the door, because the video surveillance has a radio effect, the police clearly heard the uncle threaten to smash the car, and soon after the uncle went upstairs, the surveillance really captured a brick falling from the upstairs. So the police immediately contacted the uncle, and in front of the surveillance video evidence, the uncle confessed to the fact that the high-altitude object was thrown and the car was smashed.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

On April 30, Zhu Xuefeng, deputy director of the community of Tuodong Road Police Station, and Wang Jing of Tuodong Judicial Office organized the uncle and the owner of the car to mediate on the matter in the "Tuodong Joint Investigation Room", and after the patient persuasion of the police and the mediator, the uncle apologized to the owner on the spot and was willing to bear the loss of the owner; After the incident, the community police of the Tuodong Road Police Station sent the police report to the grid groups of residents in the jurisdiction to carry out legal popularization publicity, reminding everyone to respect virtue and goodness, and not to throw objects in the air.

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

Stick to every one

It is the best interpretation of responsibility

Every piece of giving

They are the best guardians of peace

Panlong Police

Always by your side

Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying
Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying
Labor Day丨Shu Huang "police" industry and safe "police" accompanying

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