
Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

author:Chung Hwa Book Company
Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April



"Jiao Hong's Proof"

Ancient Fiction Series

and "The Legend of the West Chamber" together as a love tragedy of "Yuan Dynasty opera novels".

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

[Yuan] Song Yuan wrote Lin Ying's proof

Traditional vertical

32 carat paperback



"The Legend of Jiao Hong", a promiscuous novella in mainland China, narrates the lingering love tragedy of Shen Chun and Wang Jianniang, and "The Legend of the West Chamber" is combined as "the double gem in the history of opera novels in the Yuan Dynasty". This book inherits the legends of the Tang and Song dynasties, and the novella literary legends of the Ming Dynasty, and has had a profound impact on "Dream of Red Mansions". The Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties adapted dozens of miscellaneous dramas, legends, and Peking operas, among which the most authored is Meng Chengshun's "Jieyi Mandarin Duck Tomb Jiao Hongji", which is comparable to Tang Xianzu's "Peony Pavilion". Such an important literary novel is rare to proofread. Today, Dr. Lin Ying ordered the proofreading of "Jiao Hong", based on the single book "Commentary on Jiao Hong", and the proofreading was based on "Yan Yi Ed.", Lin Jinyang's "Yanju Notes" (Lin Ben), He Daluan's "Yanju Notes" (He Ben), "Flower Array Qiyan", and participated in the school's "Embroidered Valley Chunrong", "Merry Ten Biography" and other editions, and made a slight examination, with "collection commentary" and "interpretation", and strived to provide a reliable and detailed version of the novel "Jiao Hongji".


"The Biography of Korean Poems"

A series of Chinese classics with full notes and full translations

The fruit is the only one left, and only the Han family is left in the current Wenjing

The group of books is full of other interpretations of the three hundred poetry scriptures

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Li Hui Translation

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



"Han Poetry Biography" is the work of Han Ying, the founder of the Han Poetry School in the Han Dynasty, and it is also the only surviving "Book of Songs" work of the three poetry schools of the Han Dynasty. The book consists of 10 volumes, 308 chapters, and selects more than 300 anecdotes and ancient sayings from scriptures, princes, historical books and other documents, and records more than 200 historical figures from ancient times to the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, as well as words on governance, moral cultivation, rules and regulations, etiquette and music, heaven and earth, and people's livelihood and customs. After the narrative, it is common to quote the passages of the Book of Songs at the end to summarize and follow the previous text. Wang Shizhen commented that "the miscellaneous notes of the master's introduction and the sayings of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in the "Han Poetry Biography" are mostly quoted as evidence, rather than as "poems" to illustrate "poems", which is an evaluation of the appropriateness of his work.


"Water Margin" General Knowledge

General knowledge of Chinese classics

The legend of Tongliang Mountain, knowing the world and loyalty, followed Professor Wu Zhaolu to read through "Water Margin"

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Wu Zhaolu and Gao Honghao, Simplified Horizontal Row 32 Carat, Paperback, 978-7-101-16481-7

56.00 yuan

"If you don't read "Water Margin", you don't know the wonders of the world. "Water Margin" is one of the "Four Strange Books" of the Ming Dynasty, and the legendary experiences and unique personalities of many heroes of Liangshan make the novel legendary. This book is one of the "General Knowledge of Chinese Classics" (the third series), which is a general knowledge work of contemporary famous scholars explaining "Water Margin", with comprehensive content and thorough analysis. In addition to telling the context, influence, and dissemination of the book accumulated over the generations of "Water Margin" and appreciating the classic plots and characters in the novel, it also keeps up with the times, is problem-oriented, and responds to many questions that the public is concerned about: Why do some people say, "Don't read "Water Margin"? Is Song Jiang really about righteousness, or is it fake benevolence and false righteousness? Why did the heroes of Liangshan have to be recruited? Lu Zhishen never abided by the rules and precepts, why was he still praised as a "Buddha"? and so on. Through this general knowledge, readers can truly enter the legendary world of "Water Margin" and gain a comprehensive understanding of this classic novel.


The Passage and Transmutation of the Tang Poetry Road in Eastern Zhejiang

The Road of Tang Poetry Research Series

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Yang Qiong, Hu Qiuyan Editor-in-Chief

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



"The Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang" is a cultural road for poets in the Tang Dynasty who frequently traveled to and from eastern Zhejiang because of roaming, eunuchs, seclusion, and debasement, and it is also a cultural treasure house that integrates Confucianism, Buddhism, poetry, calligraphy, tea ceremony, pottery, folk customs, dialects, legends, etc. Over the past 30 years, whether in the academic circles of universities or in the local literary and historical circles, the Tang Poetry Road in eastern Zhejiang has formed a research boom and achieved fruitful results, and has also driven the research of various poetry roads across the country. From these achievements, this book selects 24 papers by famous scholars such as Fu Xuancong, Chen Shangjun, Yu Xianhao, etc., and arranges them into 7 topics, revealing the trajectory of the Tang Poetry Road Research Association and Transmutation in Eastern Zhejiang.


Research on the Road of Tang Poetry (Second Edition) - Proceedings of the First Annual Conference and the Second Academic Symposium of the Chinese Society for the Study of the Road of Tang Poetry

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Lu Shengjiang Editor-in-Chief Gao Ping Executive Editor-in-Chief

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



This book is the second volume of the series of "Research on the Road of Tang Poetry", which selects more than 50 papers from the first annual meeting and the second academic seminar of the China Tang Poetry Road Research Association held in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province in 2020. Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Liu Zongyuan, etc., discussed various issues related to the poetry road, such as the Buddhism and Taoism that affect the development of the poetry road, some problems that need to be examined and analyzed, the problems of poetry road and travel, the problems of regional culture, the problems of theoretical framework and the problems of academic history. It can be said that the second series of journals better reflects the latest research progress of the study of the road of Tang poetry, which is a new academic growth point.


General Theory of Legends of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Written by Yu Weimin

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover


128.00 yuan

Legend is the new development of Southern Opera in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it is an important form of opera in the history of ancient Chinese opera. This book makes a comprehensive and in-depth examination of the legends of the Ming and Qing dynasties. First of all, in connection with the social characteristics of different periods, this paper examines and discusses the creative tendencies and writers' genres of Ming and Qing legends from a macro perspective. Secondly, some important legendary writers and works of the Ming and Qing dynasties, such as Liang Chenyu and The Legend of Huansha, Tang Xianzu, Shen Jing, Wu Bing, Feng Menglong, Nanhong and Beikong, and Leifeng Pagoda, are studied. The whole book is also based on this, and is divided into two parts. In addition, this book also discusses some opera treatises in the Ming and Qing dynasties and theoretical issues related to the creation of legends. In the discussion, not only take into account the clues of history, but also highlight the key points, that is, through a special study, we can not only see the whole picture of the development of the Ming and Qing legends, but also see the shining points in the long river of the development of the Ming and Qing legends.



Chronicle of Chinese Archaeology

Sort out the 100-year history and achievements of Chinese archaeology

Feel the Chinese style and style of the history of human civilization

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Edited by Wang Shimin

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



China is an ancient civilization with a long history, and scholars have long cherished and studied ancient relics and relics. During the Northern Song Dynasty, a special discipline was formed, the study of gold and stone. The emergence of modern archaeology has a history of 100 years, especially since the founding of the People's Republic of China, through the efforts of several generations of archaeologists, Chinese archaeology is experiencing a golden age, gradually establishing and improving the discipline system, and constantly making brilliant achievements.

This book systematically reviews the development and achievements of Chinese archaeology in the past 100 years, as well as the general situation of epigraphy before the birth of modern archaeology, and divides Chinese archaeology into seven stages: the predecessor epigraphy period, the gestation period, the birth period, the initial development period, the comprehensive development period, the continuous development period, and the new development period. With the achievements of the past century, it shows the profoundness and longevity of Chinese civilization, and witnesses the significant contribution of Chinese archaeology to world civilization with fruitful results.


"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" General Knowledge

Through the geography of mountains and rivers, recognize rare and exotic beasts

Follow Professor Shen Haibo to read through the "Classic of Mountains and Seas"

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Written by Shen Haibo



The Classic of Mountains and Seas is recognized as a strange book, with all-encompassing contents, and can be called a treasure trove for the study of ancient Chinese social history. However, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is not easy to read, and there are many complex controversies about the nature of its writing, the age of its writing, who the author is, and the relationship between words and pictures. Professor Shen Haibo has studied the Classic of Mountains and Seas for many years and wrote the book "General Knowledge of the Classic of Mountains and Seas" to remove obstacles for readers to read the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The author introduces the content of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in detail from the aspects of geographical mythology, sacrifices, witchcraft and witch doctors, astronomical calendars, etc., and makes an in-depth analysis of the mythology and historical logic in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", and also has a specific discussion on the book, version and historical influence of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". Reading this book, readers can systematically understand the text and content of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", travel the mountains and rivers of ancient society, enjoy rare and exotic beasts, and increase their understanding of the wisdom of the ancestors and their cognition of ancient culture.


Meihua Library: What the Archives Say

Press and Publication Museum Library Research

For the first time, the 88-year history of the rise and fall of Meihua Library is fully presented

The history of the formation of Western-style Chinese printing in modern China

Professor Su Jing, the author of "Casting for Engraving", is a new work on the history of printing

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Su Jing

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



Meihua Library has long been in charge of Western-style Chinese printing and publishing, and has made important contributions to the dissemination of modern Chinese thought and knowledge. This book mainly starts from overseas first-hand English archives, and studies the 88-year history of the Meihua Library from 1844 to 1931 through small incisions of people, events and materials, covering the replacement of several directors of the Meihua Library, several innovations in Chinese lead type technology, internal management and relocation, etc. It not only describes in detail the life and personality of Ke Li and Jiang Beili, the founders of the Meihua Cause, but also includes Chinese craftsmen such as Wang Fengjia and Bao Zhecai into the research vision; it is the first time to demonstrate in detail the invention, composition and origin of various movable types of Meihua Library, and responds to relevant controversies and questions in the academic circles; for the first time, the reasons for the relocation of Meihua Bookstore to Beijing Road and North Sichuan Road, etc. After a detailed explanation of the results, he pointed out the internal and external roots of the Meihua Library's decline from prosperity to decline, corrected the specific time when Meihua finally closed down, and introduced for the first time how he became involved with the archives of the Meihua Library, and how to find and use the archives for research related to the history of printing.


Agricultural Policy and Finance: Social Economy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

CUHK Historical Essays

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Wu Tao

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



Focusing on the warehousing system, salt administration system, health center system, and financial service system in the Ming and Qing dynasties, this book examines the operation mechanism of these systems in the context of regional society, reflecting the unique adjustment mechanism of traditional rural society and the market logic contained in the tribute economy, which has reference value for some important fields of social and economic history in the Ming and Qing dynasties.


Collection of Ancient Inscription Art Museum of Yuyang District

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Li Hao is the editor-in-chief of the Office of the Yuyang District Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Chinese Culture Research Center of Northwest University

Traditional horizontal arrangement

8 carat hardcover



The Collection of the Ancient Inscription Art Museum of Yuyang District includes 167 epitaphs from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, mainly in the Middle Sui and Tang Dynasties, most of which are published for the first time. Geographically, it is mainly concentrated in Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi, and can be roughly divided into two groups in terms of content: one is the epitaph of scholars, such as Li Baiyao, Gao Chongwen, Gao Chenggong, etc., among which there are many new records of major historical events, which can supplement the gap in historical transmission and investigate the changes of the Sui and Tang scholars, etc., which have extremely high literary and historical value; From there, we will carry out research from multiple perspectives such as Sino-Western transportation, ethnology, and the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty. There are many fine works in the epitaph, including Li Yangbing, Huang Fuyue, Dong Jingren, Zhang Chuzhao and many other famous masters, which have the value of calligraphy art history. In this compilation and publication, all the rubbings were published, and the epitaphs and covers of each party were explained and punctuated for readers' reference and use.


Archaeology of Heilongjiang in the 20th Century

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

By Ishiiwa

Simplified horizontal type

16 carat paperback



Frontier archaeology is an important part of Chinese archaeology, which has unique value due to its geographical scope and cultural characteristics. Heilongjiang archaeology is one of the mainland frontier archaeology, and the results obtained from archaeological excavation have become the historical witness of the formation of a unified multi-ethnic state on the mainland, and the physical witness of the territory of the Chinese nation, which reproduces the history of the formation of a multi-ethnic state with the Han nationality as the main body and the Northeast Territory in Heilongjiang for us. Based on the archaeological work practice in Heilongjiang in the 20th century, from the Paleolithic Age to the Qing Dynasty, and spatially centered on the Songnen Plain, the Sanjiang Plain, the Mudanjiang River and the Suifen River Basin in modern Heilongjiang, this book summarizes and summarizes the data, achievements and understandings collected over the past century, and explores the origin of civilization in Heilongjiang and its gradual development process through these basic works, and proves the status and contribution of the border region in the formation of the pluralistic and integrated pattern of the Chinese nation.


"Rouran Information Collection"

Compilation of information on the Donghu ethnic group

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Zhang Jiuhe, Lin Rui, eds

Traditional horizontal arrangement

32 carat hardcover


138.00 yuan

This compilation contains information about Rouran in the chronicles, chronicles, and canonical history books, as well as large-scale books and general geographical records. The chronology of the scattered historical materials begins in the tenth year of Emperor Taiyuan of the Jin Dynasty (385) when Liu Juan's defeat of Rouran in Yixin Mountain, and ends in the third year of Emperor Gong of the Western Wei Dynasty (556) in the second year of the fall of the Rouran regime. The scope of its inclusion includes: all kinds of classics with the words "Rouran", "Worm", "Rui Rui", "Ruru", "Oyster Worm", and although there are no above words, but their content is to record the deeds of Rouran, they will be included. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, important leaders of Rouran, such as "Mugu Lu", "Shewei", "Datan", "Anapu" and other relevant historical materials are included.


"Kumoxi's Collected Materials"

Compilation of information on the Donghu ethnic group

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Wang Lijuan, ed



This book contains information about Kumo Xi in the chronicles, chronicles, canonical history books, large-scale books, general geographical chronicles and other historical materials, starting from the third year of the Northern Wei Dynasty (388) when Emperor Daowu Tuoba broke Kumo Xi in the south of the weak Luoshui River, and down to the tenth year of Yuan Taizu (1215) when Taishi Muhua Li took Xi land. After that, those who recount the past events of their predecessors will choose to collect them as appropriate.


"Tuoba Xianbei Information Collection"

Compilation of information on the Donghu ethnic group

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Liang Yun, ed



This book contains information about the early history of Tuoba Xianbei in the chronicles, chronicles, canonical history books, large-scale books, general geographical chronicles, and other historical materials. Scattered historical materials are recorded in the annals of the second year of Emperor Jingyuan of Wei (261), Tuoba Xianbei sent his son Desert Khan to pay tribute to Cao Wei, and then to December of the first year of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386), after which Yan Murong sent tribute.


"Murwei Data Collection, Da Tan Data Collection"

Compilation of information on the Donghu ethnic group

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Zhang Jiuhe, Li Ronghui, eds



This book contains two types: the Murwei Catalogue and the Dar Shaw Catalogue. The collection of Murwei materials includes information about Murwei and Wuluohou in the chronicles, chronicles, canonical historical books, large-scale books, general geographical chronicles, and other historical materials. The collection of Da Tan materials includes information about Da Tan in the chronicles, chronicles, canonical historical books, large-scale books, Dunhuang documents, unearthed inscriptions and other historical materials.



"Zhou Yi Ji Explanation"

Chinese Sinology Library

It brings together nearly 40 interpretations from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, an authoritative annotation of "Zhou Yi".

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

[Tang] Li Dingzuo wrote by Wang Fengxian and pointed to the school

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat hardcover



Tang Li Dingzuo's "Zhou Yi Ji Jie" is the pre-Tang Dynasty Yi study collection of masterpieces, the book includes Zi Xia, Meng Xi, Jingfang, Ma Rong, Xun Shuang, Zheng Xuan and other nearly 40 Yi Xue doctrines, preserved a large number of Han and Wei ancient notes, has a very high historical value and academic value, "Four Library Summary" said that "Gai Wang Xue is prosperous, Han Yi died, thousands of years later scholars have to see the essence of the painting hexagram, only rely on the existence of this book." It's a real treasure." This arrangement, with the earliest existing book of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty Zhu Mu carved the music hall book as the base, to Ji Gu Pavilion re-engraved "Jindai Secretary" book, Yayutang book, "photocopy of Wenyuan Pavilion Siku Quanshu" and Zhou's pillow scripture building book as the school base, He Kai, Lu Xinyuan, Hui Dong, Chen Feng, Zhang Huiyan, Ruan Yuan, Sun Xingyan, Li Daoping, Li Fusun, Cao Yuanbi and other proofreading masters of the proofreading results, also as much as possible to absorb. At the end of the book, there are 23 prefaces and other materials. This time, it is a simplified horizontal hardcover.


Tao Te Ching (Feng Tang Illustrated Edition)

The three complete copies of the Tao Te Ching perfectly interpret Feng Tang's personality and calligraphy and painting are seamlessly connected

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Zhang Jing and Zhang Songhui Illustration by Feng Tang

Simplified horizontal type

32 carat paperback



Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching is one of the important philosophical works in ancient mainland China, which is divided into two parts, the Tao Jing and the Tao Te Ching, with a total of 81 chapters. It is not only a masterpiece of Taoism (including Taoism), but also revered as the head of all sons and the king of all classics. Although the Tao Te Ching is only more than 5,000 words, it contains extremely rich wisdom in philosophy, politics, military, education, life and other aspects. The publication of the "Tao Te Ching" (Feng Tang illustrated version), the text part of the three complete "Tao Te Ching", inserted Feng Tang's "nothing", "and light and dust", "do not wake up" and other calligraphy works and landscapes, flowers, birds, insects, fish and cats and other paintings a total of 32 pieces, including Mr. Feng Tang's inscription of the "Tao Te Ching" famous sentences and the thinking text of life, all echo the meaning of the "Tao Te Ching", leading people to reverie, novel forms and the content that is deeply loved by readers, it is worth looking forward to.



A Study on Polish-Chinese Phonology and Chinese Phonology

A new masterpiece in the study of Persian-Chinese phonetics

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Ma Junhua and Wang Boya

Simplified horizontal type

16 carat paperback


128.00 yuan

Phonology, also known as "transliteration", is a job of using the characters of language A to record the phonetics of language B. This book examines the correspondence between Persian and Chinese, and examines how Chinese characters are translated into Persian, and how the Persian or Arabic alphabets spell Chinese characters. The linguistic materials on which this book is based are mainly Yongleben's Huihuiguan Miscellaneous Characters and Huihuiguan Translations, which are first-hand sources of Chinese and Persian phonetics at the turn of the Yuan and Ming dynasties, both of which were written by native Chinese speakers, and are more credible than previous studies of Ming and Qing dynasties that mainly used phonetics recorded by Korean and missionaries who entered China. Through an in-depth analysis of the corpus, this book reveals the correspondence between Chinese character pronunciation and Persian pronunciation, examines the ways and methods of Polish-Chinese pronunciation, analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of Chinese pronunciation in the early Ming Dynasty, and describes its phonetic basis.


Philological Linguistics (17th Edition)

Based on facts, the phenomenon of language is analyzed, and the basic theories are constructed by integrating Chinese and foreign cultures

Chung Hwa Book Company's new book list for April

Hua Xuecheng Editor-in-Chief

Traditional horizontal arrangement

16 carat paperback



"Documentary Linguistics" is an academic journal, with two issues per year. The main columns are: classic reissue, original report, academic review, contention book review, youth forum. The journal focuses on publishing original research works, mainly including the latest achievements in the fields of philological linguistics theory and method, Chinese characters and the history of Chinese characters, exegesis and lexical history, phonology and phonological history, grammar and grammar history, vernacular language and dialect history, and history of language and linguistics. It also publishes research reviews of academic hotspots and key points, book reviews of academic works with important influence, purely academic debates or deliberative articles on important topics, and publishes literature linguistics research materials with important academic value. The journal places greater emphasis on supporting young scholars.

(Co-ordinator: Yibei; Editor: Siqi)