
Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Uncle Zhang has always been tossing and turning and has difficulty falling asleep in the past few years, and everyone in the community knows that his windows are always lit at night. Uncle Zhang tried various methods: drinking milk, counting sheep, and even listening to a lot of music that claimed to be hypnotic, but it was all in vain.

By chance, he pulled out a thick quilt from the old era from the bottom of the box. Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary old quilt made him sleep extra sweetly that night.

Since then, Uncle Zhang has been covered with this heavy quilt every night, and he has found that he not only falls asleep faster, but also has become very good during the day. This can't help but make people think, what is the magic of the old quilt?

Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%

1. The association between heavy quilts and sleep quality

A recent study showed that using heavier comforters can really significantly improve sleep quality. According to a study by Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the use of 6-8 kg blankets resulted in a significant improvement in insomnia in 42.2% of participants within a month, and the remission rate was as high as 59.4%.

More recently, 78% of people reported a significant improvement in sleep quality within a year, accompanied by a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety.

This heavy quilt gives a warm and safe feeling, which seems to be able to "suppress" the worries and stresses of the day, and help the brain to enter a state of rest faster.

Scientists believe that this feeling of stress activates sensations in the skin, which are transmitted to the brain through the nervous system, which promotes the secretion of melatonin, an important hormone that regulates sleep cycles.

Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%

2. The physical effects of long-term insomnia

Insomnia is more than just tossing and turning at night, and its long-term effects can be a serious threat to health. According to data from the Chinese Sleep Research Association, more than 300 million Chinese have sleep disorders, and the insomnia rate is as high as 38.2%. Long-term insomnia can lead to a variety of health problems, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Psychologically, persistent sleep deprivation can also lead to memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and even depression. According to the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Insomnia in Chinese Adults, the criterion for determining insomnia is difficulty falling asleep and falling asleep for more than 30 minutes.

This state not only affects the efficiency of personal work and study, but also invisibly consumes people's vitality. Therefore, finding effective ways to relieve insomnia, such as using some sleep products that bring a "pressurized feeling", may be a direction worth trying.

However, for serious sleep disorders such as insomnia, it is still necessary to consult a professional doctor in time to find a more effective solution.

Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%

3. The mechanism of action of melatonin and heavy quilts

Melatonin, known as the "sleep hormone," plays a vital role in the body's sleep regulation. According to recent medical studies, heavy quilts have a significant promoting effect on the secretion of melatonin.

Scientists have found that when the body feels pressure from a heavy quilt, this physical stimulus is transmitted to the brain, activating the spinal nerves and then affecting the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brain.

The nucleus of the solitary tract is connected to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, and the activation of the paraventricular nucleus can enhance the person's inner sense of calm, reduce negative emotions and pain sensations, and thus promote the release of melatonin.

In a controlled experiment involving thick quilts, the researchers found that participants experienced an average increase in melatonin concentrations of 6.6±0.7 pg/mL after using heavier quilts, compared with a significant 32% increase in melatonin concentrations in the lighter quilt group.

This suggests that heavy comforters not only provide a feeling of warmth and comfort, but also effectively promote deep sleep on a physiological level by increasing the concentration of melatonin.

Therefore, for those who suffer from insomnia for a long time, choosing a suitable heavy quilt can be an easy and effective way to improve sleep.

Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%

4. Improve sleep quality through nutrition

There is a close relationship between nutrition and sleep quality. Specific nutrients, such as vitamins B6, B12 and calcium, all play an important role in promoting a good night's sleep.

Consuming foods rich in vitamin B6, such as bananas, avocados, and chicken, helps synthesize melatonin, a hormone that is essential for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. They may raise melatonin levels and improve sleep quality.

In addition, vitamin B12 is equally important for maintaining the health of the nervous system, and a lack of B12 may lead to sleep disorders. Animal foods, such as meat, dairy products, and fish, are the main sources of vitamin B12.

In addition to B vitamins, calcium intake is also beneficial for sleep. Eating calcium-containing foods, such as green vegetables, legumes and dairy products for dinner, helps the brain use tryptophan to produce melatonin, which may increase nighttime levels of melatonin and promote better sleep.

In addition, magnesium supplementation is also thought to be beneficial for sleep, as it helps muscles relax and may reduce the number of nighttime awakenings.

Increasing your intake of these key nutrients with a sensible diet plan can not only improve sleep quality, but also improve overall health.

Considering the use of heavy quilts and nutritional supplements, it can provide multi-faceted support and help to improve sleep, so that people can have a healthier and more comfortable sleep experience.

Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%

5. Practical advice: how to choose and use a heavy quilt

Choosing a heavy quilt that suits you is the first step to improving your sleep quality. First, consider the weight and material of the comforter. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate for adults to choose a heavy quilt weight of about 6-8 kg, which can provide a certain sense of pressure and promote the secretion of melatonin, but not too heavy to affect comfort.

In addition, the material of the quilt also needs to be considered, natural cotton or wool materials are good choices, they are breathable, comfortable and skin-friendly.

Secondly, the method of using a heavy quilt also requires some skill. In the summer, you can choose a lighter quilt or place a heavy quilt on the bed instead of covering the body directly to avoid overheating.

In winter, heavy comforters can be placed directly over the body, providing warmth and a sense of security. In addition, when using heavy quilts, you should also pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of the quilt, wash and dry it regularly, and keep the quilt clean and dry.

Study: Covering the quilt with a heavy quilt for 4 weeks reduced the severity index of insomnia by 50%


In modern society, sleep problems such as insomnia have become an important factor affecting people's quality of life. Choosing the right heavy comforter, combined with a good diet, can be a beneficial help in improving sleep.

However, for serious problems such as long-term insomnia, it is still necessary to consult a professional doctor in time in order to find a more effective solution.

Sleep is the cornerstone of good health, and choosing a heavy quilt that suits you and improving your eating habits are all positive steps we can take. Through these efforts, we can better enjoy healthy sleep and have a fuller, healthier life.

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