
What is the effect of valvular heart disease surgery? These 3 factors determine the quality of recovery!

author:Physician Han

In this day and age, valvular heart disease is no longer a hidden medical term, but a common topic of discussion for many families when facing health issues in the elderly. Valvular heart disease involves the heart's most core function – the direction and control of blood flow. When heart valves don't open and close effectively, the beat of life can be threatened. Surgical treatment has become a glimmer of hope for a return to normal life. However, the success of the surgery is not only determined by the procedure itself, but also by the patient's pre-surgical preparation.

What is the effect of valvular heart disease surgery? These 3 factors determine the quality of recovery!

Pre-Surgery Preparation and Assessment: Laying the foundation for success

Comprehensive assessment of health status: "medical examination report" for patients with heart disease

Before considering heart valve surgery, patients need to go through a series of comprehensive health assessments. This includes not only the function rating of the heart itself, such as echocardiography to assess the degree of valve damage and the heart's ability to pump blood, but also the control of other chronic diseases that may affect the outcome of surgery, such as abnormal glucose metabolism (diabetes) and increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries (hypertension). These factors have a direct impact on the risk of surgery and the quality of recovery.

Pre-Operative Education: A Patient's Knowledge Base

Pre-heart valve surgery education is an often overlooked but extremely important part. Doctors and care teams explain each step of the procedure, the possible risks, and the expected recovery process to patients and their families. This not only helps patients establish reasonable expectations, but also reduces anxiety due to incomprehension. The power of knowledge enables patients to be more proactive with the medical team throughout the procedure and recovery period.

Individualized risk assessment: Customized surgical plan

Every patient's constitution and health are unique, so surgical options cannot be "one size fits all". Based on the initial health assessment, the cardiac surgeon will develop a personalized surgical plan that takes into account the patient's age, concomitant diseases, past medical history, and other factors. For example, for older patients or patients with multiple health problems, a more conservative or minimally invasive surgical approach may be chosen to reduce the risk of surgery and speed recovery.

Nutrition and lifestyle modifications: preoperative self-optimization

The success of the surgery is also dependent on the patient's lifestyle and nutritional status. Patients who are malnourished or have an unhealthy lifestyle often have increased surgical risks and recovery time. Therefore, it is essential to make dietary adjustments before surgery, increase the intake of high-quality protein, and reduce the intake of salt and sugar, to improve physical fitness and reduce the risk of surgery. In addition, quitting smoking, exercising moderately, and maintaining a good attitude are also important steps for self-improvement before surgery. These adjustments not only improve the success rate of the surgery, but also contribute to a faster recovery after surgery.

What is the effect of valvular heart disease surgery? These 3 factors determine the quality of recovery!

Choice of surgical method: Customize your heart valve repair path

The surgical treatment of valvular heart disease is not a single choice path, but a solution that is tailored to the specific situation of the patient. The choice of surgical method depends on the type of lesion, the extent of the lesion, the patient's age, and other health conditions.

Traditional thoracotomy surgery

It is a routine surgical method that is suitable for many types of valvular heart disease. During the procedure, the surgeon will open the chest directly to repair or replace the valve. The advantage of this method is that the doctor can directly observe the lesion and make precise repairs. However, this type of surgery is more invasive and has a longer recovery time.


In recent years, with the advancement of medical technology, TAVR has become a popular alternative to traditional thoracotomy, especially for patients with high surgical risks or who cannot afford thoracotomy. The valve is implanted through a small incision, reducing surgical trauma and recovery time. However, the long-term effects and potential risks of TAVR need further observation and research.

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS)

MICS is an option between thoracotomy and TAVR, where the procedure is performed through a smaller incision. This approach reduces pain and recovery time for patients while maintaining similar intuitive and precise operations as traditional surgery.

Choosing the right surgical approach relies on a detailed upfront assessment, including detailed testing of cardiac function, an assessment of the patient's general health, and consideration of the expectations and concerns of the patient and their family. This decision-making process is a process that combines the doctor's professional judgment with the patient's wishes.

What is the effect of valvular heart disease surgery? These 3 factors determine the quality of recovery!

Management of post-operative recovery: Walk out of the operating room and into health

Postoperative recovery is a critical part of surgical success and involves multi-layered management strategies to ensure optimal quality of recovery and improved quality of life.

Monitoring and management

In the early days after surgery, patients will be intensively monitored in the ICU, and the medical team will closely monitor vital indicators such as heart function, blood pressure, and heart rhythm. Medication modification or supportive care may be required at this stage to stabilize the patient's condition.


Postoperative rehabilitation is at the heart of the recovery process, including breathing exercises, progressive physical activity, etc. A dedicated rehabilitation team will develop a personalized rehabilitation plan based on the patient's specific situation, with the aim of improving heart function and overall physical strength.

Lifestyle adjustments

Successful postoperative recovery does not depend solely on medical intervention, but also on the patient's lifestyle modifications. Lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and quitting smoking and alcohol, are essential to maintain the effectiveness of surgery and prevent future diseases. The care team will often provide a range of health recommendations to help patients make gradual lifestyle adjustments to facilitate recovery and long-term well-being.

Psychological support

Mental health is equally important after surgery, and patients may face emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, etc. Therefore, providing psychological support and counseling services is essential to help patients cope with mood swings and adjustment after surgery. The companionship and support of family members is also an integral part of the patient's post-operative recovery process.

Regular follow-up

Regular follow-up after surgery is an important part of ensuring a smooth recovery after surgery. The care team regularly reviews the patient's heart function, the effects of medications, and lifestyle adjustments, and makes further adjustments and guidance as needed.