
Condor Heroes: The little dragon girl has lived at the bottom of the valley of despair for 16 years, and her clothes are still white, you see that there is one at the bottom of the valley

author:Those things in the entertainment industry

"The Condor Heroes": The secret behind the little dragon girl's white clothes

In "The Condor Heroes", Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu reunited, but Xiaolongnu's clothes are still white and flawless, why is this? Various speculations have come out: some people say that her clothes are special, some people say that the bottom of the valley is dustless, and some people even say that she constantly washes her clothes. But do you believe it? Let me tell you the secret.

Little Dragon Girl's White Dress: To show off her personality

Mr. Jin Yong explained that Xiaolongnu wore white clothes to show off her personality. If she wears red or black, she won't be able to bring out her icy and jade personality, and she won't be a different little dragon girl!

Condor Heroes: The little dragon girl has lived at the bottom of the valley of despair for 16 years, and her clothes are still white, you see that there is one at the bottom of the valley

The magic of the bark: the magic weapon to maintain the white clothes

As for how to keep clothes white, Mr. Jin Yong's answer is tree bark! There are many trees at the bottom of the valley, and the bark contains many fibers, which can be used to sew and mend clothes. The little dragon girl's clothes have been washed and repaired, so they are always white!

The "Perfection" of TV Series: The Difference Between Reality and Fiction

The TV series does not show the damage to Xiaolongnu's clothes, but the actual situation may be closer to reality. Can you imagine what it would be like for the little dragon girl to wear a torn dress, two men and women who have not seen each other in 16 years? Perhaps, this is the difference between reality and fiction.

Condor Heroes: The little dragon girl has lived at the bottom of the valley of despair for 16 years, and her clothes are still white, you see that there is one at the bottom of the valley

Conclusion: Men and women in love with each other and classic martial arts

Although there are differences in the details, this pair of men and women who love each other is still a martial arts classic. Although many years have passed since "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the emotional resonance and thinking it brings are still fresh. Let's immerse ourselves in this martial arts world together and feel the charm of the classics!

May your day be full of sunshine and warmth~

Condor Heroes: The little dragon girl has lived at the bottom of the valley of despair for 16 years, and her clothes are still white, you see that there is one at the bottom of the valley