
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

author:Lao Wang will show you a line

There was a gust of wind in the live webcast, and the big guys who were harming followed suit~ No, since a big guy sold a car, an account with a profile of Baidu Vice President Xuan Jing has also stepped into the ranks of videos, it stands to reason that this account is mainly to share workplace experience and thinking, which should be a good thing, but because of one sentence, it has caused public anger!


She mentioned in a particularly sharp tone that "I will approve the resignation of employees in seconds", and also said that it is only an employment relationship with employees, and there is no obligation to understand their personal situation.

Netizens are hotly discussed

Come on, hurt each other~

Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

Suddenly, it won't be rectified~

Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

This...... It doesn't seem like there's anything to say

Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

Some netizens expressed their anger!

Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

There are also quite a few netizens who express their understanding and approval~

Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

There are also some netizens who have made comparisons~

Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!
Exploded! Baidu's vice president's inappropriate remarks angered netizens, and the comments in the comment area made people laugh crazy!

Write at the end

After reading it, I really feel that life is full of variety, and netizens have mixed reviews.

Everyone's experience is different, some netizens said that even if it is a fact, we hope that you can express it euphemistically and respect everyone, after all, when you ask for overtime, everyone will not refuse you so bluntly!

What do you think about this?