
Chen Yuxi said that without Quan Hongchan, I would not have today's results, Zhou Jihong: She is a good thing for me

author:Big data in sports

With the Paris Olympics approaching, the preparation of the Chinese diving team has become the focus of attention from the outside world. In this strong team, the performance of the two young players, Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan, is particularly eye-catching. They are not only outstanding in terms of technology, but also show extraordinary cohesion and competitiveness in the team. Recently, Chen Yuxi admitted in an interview that it was the appearance of Quan Hongchan that stimulated her greater potential and allowed her to go further on the road of diving.

Chen Yuxi said that without Quan Hongchan, I would not have today's results, Zhou Jihong: She is a good thing for me

The competitive relationship between Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan has always attracted much attention. In the eyes of many, this kind of competition can put pressure on both sides and even affect the overall atmosphere of the team. However, Chen Yuxi has proved with practical actions that competition can also be positive and positive. "There is competition to improve," she said. Thanks to Quan Hongchan's appearance, if it weren't for her, to be honest, I probably wouldn't have jumped to the current level. ”

These words not only show Chen Yuxi's humility and atmosphere, but also reveal her deep understanding of competition. In Chen Yuxi's view, Quan Hongchan's existence made her see a higher goal and inspired her to have a stronger desire to win. The two supervise each other in training, motivate each other, and constantly improve their technical and psychological quality through daily training and communication. This kind of healthy competition has not only allowed both of them to make significant progress, but also improved the overall strength of the Chinese diving team.

Chen Yuxi said that without Quan Hongchan, I would not have today's results, Zhou Jihong: She is a good thing for me

Chen Yuxi also revealed that she and Quan Hongchan will share their experience and skills with each other in training, and discuss how to better complete the movements. This tacit understanding and trust is based on long-term getting along and running-in. The relationship between the two is not just a simple teammate or competitor, but more like a close comrade-in-arms. They know that only by trusting and supporting each other can they stand out in the fierce competition and win glory for the country.

In addition to her gratitude to Quan Hongchan, Chen Yuxi also expressed her gratitude to netizens for their attention and heated discussions. She said: "Coach Zhou Xuhong once said that the popularity of our athletes is high, which means that more people have begun to pay attention to the diving project. Thank you for your cyberbullying of me, which made me more aware of my responsibilities and mission. Chen Yuxi's words reveal a kind of maturity and self-confidence, and she knows that as a public figure, she needs to withstand attention and pressure from all sides. But she also firmly believes that it is these concerns and pressures that have strengthened her beliefs and goals.

At the critical moment of preparing for the Paris Olympics, the golden duo of Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan will continue to move forward hand in hand and jointly create brilliance for the Chinese diving team. The healthy competition and team spirit between them will be an important driving force for each other's progress. The story of Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan is not only a sports legend, but also a touching chapter about friendship, competition and team spirit.

As readers and spectators, we look forward to Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan being able to play their best at the upcoming Paris Olympics and win glory for the country. At the same time, we also hope that they can continue to maintain this healthy competition and team spirit, and inject more vitality and hope into the future of the Chinese diving team.

Chen Yuxi said that without Quan Hongchan, I would not have today's results, Zhou Jihong: She is a good thing for me

In this era full of competition and opportunities, the story of Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan sends us an important message: competition is not terrible, the key lies in how we view and deal with competitive relationships. Only by seeing competition as a motivation and motivation can we stand out in the fierce competition and become a better version of ourselves.

Finally, let's look forward to the wonderful performance of Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan at the Paris Olympics! I believe that they will definitely bring us more surprises and touches!

Chen Yuxi said that without Quan Hongchan, I would not have today's results, Zhou Jihong: She is a good thing for me

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