
The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Li Mengyang

If you usually have a lot of pressure, a more irritable temper, a bad liver, and there is a stagnation of liver qi, a strong liver fire, or a damp and hot liver and gallbladder, and you want to nourish the liver, soothe the liver, clear the liver, and soften the liver, then you must know that the two "liver nourishing lines" on our legs are also part of the meridian health care in our traditional Chinese medicine. Today I will take you to find the specific location of these two lines!

The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire

The first line is pushed up from our big toe, the outside of the corner of the nail, which is between the big toe and the second toe, all the way up to the bone in front of the ball of the foot; That is, starting from the Dadun acupoint, passing through the interline acupoint, to the line of the Taichong acupoint, when there is usually nothing to do, it is pushed up from the Dadun acupoint to the Taichong acupoint, and it is stuck when pushed up, and it can not be pushed, which is the first three acupuncture points of the five acupoints at the end of the liver meridian, which can play a role in nourishing the liver and soothing the liver. Hypochondria and other conditions can play a role in conditioning and relieving.

The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire
The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire
The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire

The second line, we want to find the middle seal acupoint, it is in the depression below the front of our medial malleolus, we can see that there is a big tendon on the inner side of the dorsum of the foot, in the depression on the inner side of this tendon is the middle seal acupoint, and then push up along the inner side of the calf along the inner side of the tibia, push to the Zhongdu acupoint, that is, the position of the tip of the inner malleolus up 7 inches, this line is actually the route of our liver meridian, usually we often push and rub it, or tap the acupuncture points along the meridians, which can dredge the liver meridian, stimulate meridian qi, Promote the effect of qi and blood circulation, the liver meridian passes through the inguinal genital area and then reaches the lower abdomen, such as the three acupuncture points of Zhongfeng acupoint, Ligou acupoint and Zhongdu acupoint, they can regulate gynecology, andrology, urinary, reproduction, lower abdomen and other aspects of the problem, for abdominal pain, flank pain, menstrual irregularities, andrological disorders, urinary problems caused by liver meridian blockage, etc., often push or tap can play an ametic role.

The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire
The "liver nourishing line" hidden in the body, insist on rubbing it every day, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes and reduce the fire

Therefore, if you want to nourish the liver and regulate the liver, you can do some meridian health care, and insist on pushing these two lines every day. Well, the above is the content shared with you today, Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and needs symptomatic conditioning, if you are unwell, do not blindly use medicine, please seek medical treatment offline in time, and symptomatic conditioning under the guidance of professional doctors, I am Li Mengyang, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.