
Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

author:Entertainment reviews are super happy
Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

Recently, two stills posters of "Dream Back to the Dynasty" have once again caused an uproar on the Internet, but this time the focus of heated discussion is not the plot or cast, but the bronze headdress on the actor's head.

The controversy has raised widespread questions about the show's historical accuracy and credibility.

"Song of the Dynasty" is a drama created by the famous screenwriter Yu Zheng in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, aiming to restore the historical style of the Yin Shang Dynasty.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

In order to ensure the degree of historical restoration, the crew specially invited domestic Shang and Zhou historians as historical consultants to guide the whole process, and strive to create an epic masterpiece with oriental magic.

In response to the scene of the actor wearing a bronze headdress in the stills, netizens raised three major questions.

The first is the question of the weight of the headdress, questioning whether the actor's neck can bear it.

The second is that bronze ware was mainly used for sacrifice during the Yin Shang period and should not appear as headdresses.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

Finally, the bronze headdress in the poster is presented in silver, which is historically inconsistent.

Faced with netizens' doubts about the headdress in the stills of "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song", Yu Zheng finally came forward to respond.

However, his explanation did not quell the controversy and instead provoked more discussion.

Some netizens said: Yu Zheng's explanation is too far-fetched, how can it not be bronze?

Looking like that, it's clearly bronze! They felt that the crew's explanation was unconvincing and could not explain why the things on top of the actors' heads looked like bronze objects.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

Other netizens raised more direct questions: If it's not bronze, what is it? Does the crew think we're going to believe it's something unreal? They were skeptical of the crew's explanation, believing that it was just prevaricating the audience.

It is also believed that even if the headdress is not a bronze, it should not appear in the plot of the Shang and Zhou dynasties: the bronze was used for sacrifice, not to be worn on the head.

Even if the thing on the actor's head is not a real bronze, it goes against historical common sense.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

They pointed out that the crew's handling of historical details was not rigorous enough, which affected the authenticity of the play.

For Yu Zheng's explanation, many netizens expressed dissatisfaction: This is just nonsense! Do they think we are all fools?

This explanation is also too unreliable! They believe that the crew should be more cautious about history, instead of making up explanations at will to deal with the doubts of netizens.

This time, "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song" really caused a sensation, but the focus was not on the plot or cast, but on the weird headgear in the stills.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

You see, those pictures started circulating on the Internet, and then a bunch of people started laughing at what the actors were wearing on their heads.

Someone said: This is Yu Zheng's old trick again, and there were often some strange headdresses in previous dramas, but this time it's too outrageous, right?

This is not a hooligan! They felt that this strange headdress was all about attracting attention, with no regard for historical accuracy.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

Others pointed out: This is not only Yu Zheng's problem, but what makes people even more angry is that the crew also specially invited the authority of Shang and Zhou historiography as historical consultants, but it turned out to be such a mess.

What the hell are they trying to do? They were skeptical of the role of the historical advisors, believing that the appearance of these headdresses was a testament to the incompetence of the historical advisors.

Some people also believe that the headdress problem this time is not only a mistake of the crew, but also an embarrassment for the authority of Shang and Zhou historiography: Are these so-called experts here to get money?

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

I really doubt that they really understood the history of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

In their opinion, the appearance of these headdresses proves the ridiculousness and absurdity of the authority of historiography.

Look at this "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song" incident, it really makes people angry! As soon as those headwear came out, netizens became angry and began to discuss.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

Some people say: This is not just a problem of "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song", the current costume dramas are all the same, and it is too common to make things up nonsense.

However, "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song" said that a historical consultant was invited, and this time it is different! They feel that since the crew claims to have hired a historical consultant, they should be more responsible for the details of history.

Some people also pointed out: This is not only affecting the audience's evaluation of "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song", but more importantly, affecting the audience's evaluation of historical consultants.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

After all, historical advisors exist to ensure the historical authenticity of the play, but this incident casts doubt on the professionalism of the historical advisors.

They are skeptical about the role of historical advisers and believe that they should take their work more seriously.

There are also people who think: When this kind of thing happens, the crew should take the initiative to clarify, otherwise, the audience will distrust them more and more.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

After all, the audience is now paying more and more attention to the historical authenticity of the play, and once this kind of thing is exposed, it can be a big blow to the reputation of the crew.

They believe that the crew should be more positive in facing the problem instead of choosing to avoid it.

I don't know if you still remember Yu Zheng, at that time, on March 21, 2013, a group of quite shocking photos were exposed on the Internet, and it was said that Yu Zheng was slapped in a café.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

At that time, netizens were shocked, how could this kind of thing happen to a well-known director?

Someone commented: This incident is too outrageous, isn't it, the director was slapped? This is not a movie plot, it's real life! Everyone was very surprised and shocked by this incident, after all, in the film industry, the director is a very respected character.

Some people also joked: If this scene is made into a movie, it will definitely be a big hit! They felt that this matter was simply a big gossip, and all kinds of gossip circles were spreading the news wildly, which became the focus of the time.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

Actor Shen Taifa later admitted the beating incident on Weibo, but he said that it had nothing to do with him not being able to play, he just felt that Yu Zheng was too disgusting, so he couldn't help but do it.

This remark caused heated discussions among netizens, some people felt that Shen Taifa's behavior was unforgivable, but some people expressed their understanding and thought that there might be some ulterior reason.

Yu Zheng's studio later issued a statement on the matter, admitting that Yu Zheng was the victim of the beating and that the perpetrator was an actor.

Allegedly, the two had met at a café to discuss work, but the actor took the opportunity to provoke and suddenly violently confronted each other.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

The studio also said that the actor's follow-up behavior was suspected of hype, condemned the violence, and had called the police.

Some netizens expressed doubts about the studio's statement: Such a play, it feels like acting in a TV series, it's really hard to say who is right and who is wrong!

They feel that the truth in this matter may be far from being as simple as it seems, and there may be more inside information.

In short, this incident is definitely a sensational event for the entertainment industry.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

The news that the director was beaten is too rare, and the truth of the incident is also full of doubts, and it seems that there are more inside stories waiting to be revealed.

In general, the headdress incident in "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song" has triggered a deep reflection on the historical authenticity of costume dramas.

Audiences began to pay more attention to the role of the historical research and advisory team behind the play, and they hoped that the crew would be more responsible for the historical details in order to maintain the credibility of the play and the trust of the audience.

Yu Zheng's new drama "Dream Back to the Dynasty Song"! Before the broadcast, the actor has a bronze head, is the neck okay

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Note: It is not easy to be original, and plagiarism and manuscript washing must be held responsible. The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

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