
Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

author:Yuzu is going to talk about it
Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

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Huang Baiming, a wise man with gray sideburns, sat alone in the study, affectionately stroking the precious photos in front of him.

With the trajectory of his fingers, time seems to go back to the nostalgic past, and the heroic young man in the photo is discussing the grand development strategy of the new art city company with Mai Jia, Shi Tian and others.

This scene was like yesterday, which made him feel a lot of emotion.

The Hong Kong film and television industry in that era can be described as a group of bright stars and shining. As one of the founding fathers of New Arts City, he worked closely with Mak Ka, Shi Tian and many other talented directors to propel Hong Kong's film industry to new heights.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

They are young and passionate, often forgetting to sleep and eat for the sake of script ideas, and Huang Baiming has won the admiration of everyone for his amazing writing speed.

Looking back, Huang Baiming was once an outstanding radio actor. During his years at Luk Chuen Radio, he has established a high reputation in the industry for his excellent on-the-spot adaptability and superb broadcasting skills.

Every day, he devotes himself to the creation of radio dramas, sometimes closing the door to customers, meditating on the development of the plot; Passionate at times, he skillfully navigates the rich personalities of various characters.

Time flies, in just three years, Huang Baiming has successfully created more than 200 radio dramas, covering many fields such as love, martial arts, science fiction, etc., which can be called talented.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

However, the social unrest in 1967 led to the forced closure of the Luk Chuen Radio Station, and Wong Pak-ming had to temporarily bid farewell to the former stage and work as an ordinary clerk in a foreign bank.

During the day, he toiled hard in the foreign bank; At night, Huang Baiming will be ecstatic to invite a few friends who love performance to form a drama club together. They often rehearse classic works in the small apartment rented by Huang Baiming.

During those days full of artistic pursuits, he met many elites who later shined in the film and television industry, such as the well-known Hong Kong host Gao Zhisen, who showed extraordinary talent since the age of 15; and the famous actress Ms. Liao Anli and so on.

In 1976, Huang Baiming's carefully created script "Huang Feihong" for TVB was broadcast, which immediately caused a sensational response. The audience imitated the costumes of the characters in the play, leading a fashion trend.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

The sensational grandeur of this work deeply touched Huang Baiming, and strengthened his determination to completely leave his original job and devote himself to the film industry!

In 1978, an era full of challenges and opportunities, Huang Baiming devoted himself to the film and television industry with passion. Despite the difficulties of his first self-directed film, Vortex, he was not discouraged.

Instead, he chose to rise to the challenge and bravely went to Garbo Film Company to humbly seek advice, from moving props, making scene notes to dubbing and editing, all the tedious work he took on without complaint, just to be able to have a deeper understanding of the production process of a movie.

After spending a fulfilling year at Garbo, Huang Baiming established a deep friendship with the bald Mai Jia. In 1979, they worked together to found Struggle Pictures. Just a year later, the fledgling film company quickly rose to become the leader of Hong Kong's film industry, New Arts City.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

In the early days of the business, the like-minded group of friends often stayed up all night discussing script ideas. With his amazing writing speed, Huang Baiming can complete the creation of a script in just two days, which makes everyone present amazed.

Although his career is booming, Huang Baiming's love life is not all smooth sailing. The contradiction with his virtuous and kind wife Xu Wenjuan became increasingly prominent, and he even had the idea of divorce for a time.

However, just when he was about to confess his inner troubles to his wife, Xu Wenjuan was unfortunately diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer, and her life was in jeopardy In the face of this sudden blow, Huang Baiming finally decided to reconcile with his wife after careful consideration, and wholeheartedly protect this marriage that has gone through ups and downs.

After careful consideration, he made up his mind to fight for his wife and himself. Since then, Huang Baiming has been like a loyal guard, waiting in front of his wife's hospital bed day after day, interpreting the true meaning of "unswerving until death" with practical actions.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

In this way, the long and arduous 15 years passed quietly. When the miracle finally came, the cancer cells in Xu Wenjuan's body disappeared incredibly! Huang Baiming's eyes were full of tears of excitement, and he hugged his wife who had regained his life tightly.

Today, the gray-haired elderly couple are just an ordinary and loving couple, holding hands, leisurely strolling through the streets and alleys, with happy smiles on their faces, no longer bothered by the troubles of the past.

However, it is embarrassing that with the scientific and technological revolution in full swing, the piracy of movies has become more and more rampant, posing an extremely severe challenge to the survival of the entire film and television industry!

In the old days, getting a pirated version of a movie was a daunting task, requiring a lot of manpower and material resources, and the quality of the final product was difficult to meet expectations.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

However, nowadays, the rapid development of science and technology has lowered the threshold of piracy to an unprecedented level, and people only need a few clicks of the mouse to easily obtain high-definition movie resources on the Internet, which is simply a blatant contempt for the bottom line of law and morality, and unscrupulously steal cultural treasures belonging to the whole society!

What's even worse is that some lawbreakers have even implanted all kinds of highly misleading advertising content into pirated films, hyping up false information such as the so-called "secret to getting rich" and "the way to get rich quickly", which is undoubtedly polluting the social atmosphere and misleading the masses of people into the wrong path of breaking the law and committing crimes!

Thinking of this, Huang Baiming couldn't help but clench his fists tightly and frowned. He has personally experienced the terrifying scene of the Hong Kong entertainment industry being infiltrated by gangster forces.

During the filming of the well-known "Happy Family" series, a group of vicious gangsters broke into the set with weapons and forcibly snatched the film copies, which brought huge financial losses to the producers.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

If it is still outrageous to be forced and blackmailed by the underworld, the behavior of these pirates is even more intolerable. Because they are not only seriously destroying the living environment of the entire film industry, but also corrupting the social atmosphere and luring the ignorant to the road of no return to breaking the law and committing crimes.

For example, in some pirated resources, there are some hidden advertising information from Macau gambling websites, where you can often find so-called "gambling cheats", "the way to make a fortune" and other outrageous lies.

This is undoubtedly tempting people to deviate from the right path, indulge in gambling, and eventually fall into the endless abyss of poverty and bankruptcy. As a generation of comedy masters, Huang Baiming is naturally heartbroken and worried when he sees such a phenomenon.

Looking back on the eventful years that have entered the ancient years, Huang Baiming is full of emotion. As a generation of film comedy giants, he skillfully blends a sense of humor and positive energy with superb acting skills, guiding the audience to establish correct values, which has undoubtedly become one of his most glorious honors.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

The well-known "Happy Ghost" series of movies is a vivid embodiment of Huang Baiming's comedic attainments.

Since the first "Happy Ghost" came out in 1984, it has achieved a box office success of HK$20 million, and the subsequent four sequels - "Happy Ghost Summer Vacation", "Happy Ghost Hit Ghost", "Happy Ghost Save Happy Ghost" and "Happy Ghost on the Wrong Body" have also attracted attention and become popular films in the hearts of audiences.

The reason why the "Happy Ghost" series of movies has achieved such a huge success is not only because of its interesting comedy elements, but more importantly, because of the profound life philosophy it contains.

With his warm and cordial brushstrokes, Huang Baiming narrates moral themes such as good and evil, right and wrong, and black and white, leading the audience to establish correct values.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

The characters he portrays often have to face all kinds of difficulties and threats from dark forces, but they are always able to resolve all difficulties with a broad mind and a positive attitude, and defeat evil with justice and kindness.

Huang Baiming hopes that with the help of this way, the audience can enjoy the joy at the same time, but also learn positive life inspiration from it.

In addition, another major achievement of Huang Baiming in his career is to tap and cultivate the creative talents of many literary and artistic youths, injecting fresh blood into the Hong Kong film industry.

Among them, the most praised is director Wong Kar-wai.

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

Wong Kar-wai used to be Huang Baiming's right-hand man in Xinyicheng Company, but due to the failure to create excellent scripts for a long time, he once fell into a trough.

However, with his outstanding literary talent, his "Mong Kok Carmen" won an enthusiastic response from the audience upon its release, and won a number of awards, thus establishing his unique artistic style in the history of Chinese cinema.

It can be said that if it weren't for Huang Baiming's insight and strong support, the most individual director in the Chinese film industry may not have emerged so far.

Chow Yun-fat, another bright star in the Hong Kong film industry, has a very similar growth path to Wong Kar-wai - both have experienced difficulties at the beginning of their careers, and were even once ridiculed by the public as a "box office cancer".

Huang Baiming has worked hard all his life, and he is heartbroken by this

However, it was the unwavering support and selfless acting opportunities given by Huang Baiming that Chow Yun-fat was able to turn the tide and win an important turning point in his life!

With his superb acting skills, he shined in many classic films, successfully created the legendary role of "Fairy Hair", and established his unshakable position in the Hong Kong film industry!

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