
Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

author:Junjun talks about entertainment


The return of Bai Yueguang Nuolan

In the sea of domestic dramas, fans are like hungry sharks, looking for characters who can touch their heartstrings. Nuolan, this name, for many people, is a touch of tenderness in the memory of youth. Her image in "Love Apartment", like the white moonlight, illuminates the night of countless audiences.

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

However, when Liu Mengmeng appeared on the screen again, with a gentle identity, the fans' mood was as complicated as paint on a palette, mixed with surprise, nostalgia and a hint of shame. Netizens left messages on social media, and some said: "Liu Mengmeng's gentleness is simply a copy of Nuolan, I give full marks to this wave of operations!" ”

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

Some people also ridiculed: "I've been looking for Nuolan Meal Replacement for so long, but I still returned to the original point, Liu Mengmeng, are you playing 'boomerang'?" And more voices are appreciative of Liu Mengmeng's acting skills: "Whether it is Nuo Lan or Wen Ya, Liu Mengmeng can vividly interpret the inner world of the character, this is the charm of a powerful actor!" ”

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

Wen Ya and Nuo Lan: similar cores, different stories


Wen Ya, the name, seems to have been born to echo Nuo Lan. They all have a firm and brave heart, dare to love, and dare to accept the end of love. In the play, although Wen Ya's emotional line is complicated, she always maintains a calm and kind heart. She can not get Yu Jian's love, looking at him from afar, just like Nuo Lan's deep affection for Zeng Xiaoxian back then, even if the other party finds happiness, she will silently bless him.

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

This similarity of the core makes the audience involuntarily think of Nuo Lan when they see Wen Ya. Some netizens commented: "Seeing Wen Ya is like seeing the shadow of Nuolan, this feeling is both familiar and unfamiliar." Some people also said: "Liu Mengmeng's acting skills are too powerful, she makes the two characters Wen Ya and Nuo Lan, although they are in different stories, they have the same soul." ”

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

Summary: Bai Yueguang Nuolan, is it a memory or a new beginning?

As Liu Mengmeng reappeared in the public eye as a gentle person, the discussion about "White Moonlight Nuolan" became more and more intense. On the one hand, fans are immersed in the nostalgia for Nuo Lan, and sigh that Liu Mengmeng's acting skills are still exquisite, which can once again arouse the emotion in their hearts. On the other hand, some viewers believe that although Wen Ya has a similar core to Nuo Lan, she is a brand new character and should be treated independently.

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

This controversy, like a war without gunpowder, is quietly unfolding on social media. Some netizens jokingly said: "Liu Mengmeng, is this going to start the 'White Moonlight Avengers'?" Some people also seriously analyzed: "Is the appearance of Wen Ya a continuation of Nuolan's image, or a consumption of classic characters?" ”

Nuo Lan returns, Liu Mengmeng sets off another storm of internal entertainment: Is Bai Yueguang still the same Bai Yueguang?

In such a discussion, we can't help but ask: Is Bai Yueguang Nuolan a beautiful memory, or a new beginning in Liu Mengmeng's acting career? This is a question that perhaps only time will tell. But in any case, Liu Mengmeng's gentleness has managed to attract the attention of young social media users and become the focus of their discussions. And this kind of attention and discussion is the best affirmation of an actor's acting skills.

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