
The smell on the body can be smelled from a few meters away, who understands this embarrassment!

author:Dr. Qian talks about orthopedics
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The embarrassing phenomenon of underarm odor

As soon as the weather is hot, some people seem to have an "uninvited" trouble, that is, the smell of armpits.

This is a big problem, especially in crowded places like public transport or offices, where the smell can be smelled from several meters away, and it's embarrassing to find a crack in the floor.

The smell on the body can be smelled from a few meters away, who understands this embarrassment!

Not only that, but the smell of the armpits often becomes an invisible obstacle to interpersonal communication, making people involuntarily keep their distance, even if they want to get closer.

Scientific explanation of underarm odor

Do you know what's going on with this underarm odor? There are two types of sweat glands in the human body: eccrine and apocrine (apocrine glands).

Eccrine glands are found throughout the body and are responsible for regulating body temperature, while apocrine glands are mainly distributed in the armpits, the bottom of the breast, and other places, and these sweat glands secrete not only sweat, but also proteins and other substances.

When these secretions are broken down by bacteria in the armpits, they produce a less pleasing sour or foul smell called armpit odor.

Some people say that the smell of armpits is sometimes so heavy that it can "smoke people to death", but that is not an exaggeration at all.

How to simply judge and self-test armpit odor in life

When it comes to armpit odor, many people "don't know why". In fact, there is a simple way to preliminarily determine whether you have an underarm odor, and that is to smell your clothes.

Especially after doing some physical activity, you can check the part of your armpit to see if there is any noticeable odor.

There is also a more scientific method called the Park method, which is a method of assessing the severity of underarm odor through a doctor or professional equipment, ranging from 0 to 3, with level 0 barely smellable, while level 3 has a distinct odor that can be smelled from a distance.

The smell on the body can be smelled from a few meters away, who understands this embarrassment!

With these methods, you can not only self-diagnose, but also find the right solution for the problem.

Association of underarm odor with health risks

Armpit odor isn't just a social embarrassment, it can also reflect some underlying health issues inside the body.

Studies have shown that the microbial community on the surface of the human body is closely related to physical health, while the type and number of underarm bacteria may be affected by a variety of factors, including personal hygiene habits, dietary habits, living environment, etc.

When underarm odor persists, it may mean that there has been a change in the microbial community in the body, which may have some impact on physical health.

Armpit odor can also be one of the early manifestations of some diseases, for example, certain metabolic diseases such as diabetes and thyroid problems can cause abnormal body odor, which includes an increase in underarm odor.

Changes in hormone levels may also affect underarm odor, and when underarm odor persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult a doctor promptly for further testing to see if there is an underlying health problem.

Conventional and advanced underarm odor treatments

For mild underarm odor, some prevention and improvement measures in your daily life may help.

The smell on the body can be smelled from a few meters away, who understands this embarrassment!

It is very important to maintain good personal hygiene, especially to pay attention to the cleanliness of the armpits, and use antibacterial soap or lotion every day when bathing.

Choosing clothes that are breathable and avoiding clothing that is too tight or synthetic can also reduce underarm odors.

In terms of diet, reducing the intake of spicy foods, onions, garlic and other foods that are prone to odors, and increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables can help improve body odor.

For more serious underarm odor problems, some medical interventions may be more effective.

For example, botulinum toxin injections are a common treatment that inhibits the secretion of sweat glands in the armpits, thereby reducing the production of underarm odor.

Advanced technologies such as miraDry Fresh Microwave Technology and Gold Microneedling can also be effective in reducing underarm odor, but they need to be done under the guidance of a doctor and may require multiple treatments to achieve the desired results.

The smell on the body can be smelled from a few meters away, who understands this embarrassment!

For underarm odor problems, you can choose a suitable treatment according to your individual situation and treat it under the guidance of your doctor.

Mindset adjustment and social understanding in the face of underarm odor

Armpit odor, while a common problem, is not unsolvable. With the right precautions and treatments, most people can effectively reduce or eliminate underarm odor and restore confidence and comfort.

We should also strengthen the social understanding of underarm odor, avoid discrimination or prejudice because of odor problems, and establish an open and inclusive social environment.

By working together, we can make life healthy and comfortable for everyone.

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