
Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

author:Big Mouth said

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Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Text/Big Mouth said

Editor/Big Mouth Says

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

There are always some bizarre people and things in the entertainment industry, which make us sometimes sigh and sometimes cry and laugh. The divorce battle between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, the former couple, is one of the fascinating shows. In and out of the play, in front of and behind the scenes, there are thought-provoking clues everywhere, which are worth clearing the clouds one by one and peeking into the wonderful chapters.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Of course, a good drama is indispensable for wonderful characters. In this divorce drama, Da S is undoubtedly a well-deserved heroine, who has left the scene several times and returned again driven by the plot. Her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei is the actor of the male lead, hovering left and right in the divorce turmoil, with a hesitant attitude.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

And what impressed the audience the most was probably the supporting role of Huang Chunmei, the mother of Big S. At the beginning, Mrs. Huang just made a cameo appearance in the plot and went through the motions. But as the plot progresses, her role becomes more and more exciting, making the whole drama reach a new climax.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

A detail recently revealed by the media is making the role of Huang Chunmei more three-dimensional and vivid: it turns out that in the divorce dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, Huang Chunmei was not a "hard girl" who supported her daughter with iron and blood from the beginning. At first, she was still that supple, always as soon as she finished the quarrel, she immediately smiled and laughed at her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, eating, drinking, and getting along as usual.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

This made the outside world wonder for a while whether Mrs. Huang was just a mercenary "fake kindness". But this unusually tough action made people see the other side of Huang Chunmei.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

It turned out that under the gentle appearance, Huang Chunmei had already bred dissatisfaction with Wang Xiaofei in her heart. It's just that for the sake of her daughter's marriage and future, she has been suppressing the anger in her heart and trying to maintain the apparent harmony. But when Big S really reached the point of being penniless, Huang Chunmei finally couldn't hold back and decided not to be soft on Wang Xiaofei anymore. She even pointed out that Wang Xiaofei still had more than NT$20 million in cash and 4 famous paintings of great value in hand, and asked the court to seal these properties first and transfer them to Big S.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Looking at the elderly Mrs. Huang tearfully accusing her ex-son-in-law, we seem to travel through time and space to see the tragic scene of a twilight mother fighting alone for her daughter's rights. In the face of the loss of property, she was full of grief and indignation, and tears rolled down like tears. This old man, who is usually known for his gentleness and elegance, is strong and unyielding at the moment, and finally can't bear it anymore and is determined to break with Wang Xiaofei completely.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

In fact, no matter how the media interprets it, the behavior of "tough tigress" Huang Chunmei to defend her daughter's rights and interests stems from her deep affection for Big S. In her eyes, her daughter is her pride and everything. Seeing that Da S's marriage broke down and her life was in trouble, Mrs. Huang's mother's love burned in her heart, and she would never allow her daughter to continue to be wronged.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Huang Chunmei is just a mercenary "fake kindness". But how can we criticize a mother's actions to defend the rights of her children? Even though her behavior seems selfish on the surface, the motive behind it is selfless maternal love.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of empathy, if it were our own mother, wouldn't it be painful to be implicated by others in financial difficulties in her later years? The reason why Mrs. Huang made up her mind was because of a mother's selfless nature.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

When interests and feelings are inseparable, maternal love is often the final pinnacle. A mother's love for her children has been uncomplaining and completely given since ancient times. Huang Chunmei may be a person who loves money, but what she does is the presentation of the most simple maternal affection.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

In this divorce drama, Mrs. Huang was just a dispensable trick at the beginning, but she showed her weight more and more in the later plots. We see the process of a mother who has to harden her heart for the benefit of her daughter, and we see her painful struggle between feelings and money.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

It's a human struggle. Who can be sure how they will react when their mother or child is in the same situation? Do you keep your composure sensibly, or do you go into battle without hesitation? This probably depends on the situation.

But in any case, the love between mother and child has been the purest emotion in the world since ancient times. It transcends and is often held hostage by monetary interests. Mrs. Huang's behavior of fighting hard for her daughter this time reflects the human nature of this contradiction.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

is also thought-provoking, as well as the scene of Mrs. Huang crying in front of the Taiwan media. This is undoubtedly a "divine turn" she made in order to call on the power of public opinion and arouse Wang Xiaofei's guilt. On the surface, it seems that the mother is heartbroken, but in fact, she is secretly trying to maintain her daughter's image and win sympathy.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

I have to say that although this old lady Huang is over seventy years old, she is still comfortable and familiar with the familiar territory of the entertainment industry. She understands that using the power of the media is crucial to her own struggle, so she does enough drama in front of the camera.

On the one hand, she has a financial grudge with her ex-son-in-law, and on the other hand, she is acting for her daughter's reputation, and Mrs. Huang seems to have both the dual character of profit first and maternal love. This contradictory human nature is also in line with the world of "drama spirits" in the entertainment industry.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Of course, Huang Chunmei's approach is not entirely hypocritical. In her eyes, if Big S, who lost money, is continued to be criticized by public opinion as a "greedy person who asks for money everywhere", it will be really colorless. So she had to put on a pitiful face in front of the camera to justify her daughter's name.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

At the same time, if a septuagenarian loses his financial resources and is forced to become a tenant, his life will be difficult. Therefore, in addition to thinking about her daughter, Huang Chunmei's own interests are also a major consideration. This may also be one of the reasons why she does not hesitate to perform "sensational dramas".

Coincidentally, the combination of rigidity and softness is exactly the portrayal of Huang Chunmei's previous divorce. She will quickly "get together and disperse" and put on a friendly posture after the quarrel between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, which is also out of consideration of material interests.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

On the one hand, she is reluctant to go to court and who wins or loses, so as not to affect material gains; On the other hand, she is afraid that the contradiction will be too intensified, and in the end, both sides will lose. So she chose the "cunning rabbit three holes" approach, which can properly calm things and protect her own interests at any time.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

It wasn't until this year that her daughter was completely in trouble and the loss was unbearable, so Huang Chunmei resolutely stood up and fought resolutely. And the reason why she is so materialistic, we can actually find some clues from her family background and experience.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

According to insiders, Mrs. Huang was born in a small businessman family and learned to be careful and thrifty since she was a child. This may be one of the reasons why she is so sensitive to money. Burdened by poverty in her childhood, she has an innate reverence and desire for money.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

When Big S got married, Huang Chunmei could be said to be holding a "golden doll". Wang Xiaofei's family is well-off and has a bright future, so it is natural to be involved with their family. Unexpectedly, her daughter's marriage ended without a problem, and Mrs. Huang's dream of being a "nouveau riche" was shattered.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Watching her daughter transform from a "golden phoenix" to a "poor egg", how could Huang Chunmei not be extremely sad? She had put so much in her hopes that she was about to achieve something small, but she fell short at the last minute when she was about to achieve it. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to her, and it is no wonder that she is now so tireless in seeking justice for her daughter.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

However, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Mrs. Huang's series of "performances" undoubtedly add infinite dramatic tension to this divorce drama. It is precisely because of her contradictory behavior and inner struggle that this play becomes more and more moving, interesting and engaging.

We can't wait to see how Huang Chunmei will maneuver next, and what will Big S do? Will Wang Xiaofei, a "scumbag", be forced to bow his head in the end? And how will the final result of the divorce battle end? The climax of this play is becoming more and more confusing, so let's wait and see.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Taiwan media exposed the news that Huang Chunmei was "tough to the end" to Wang Xiaofei, which added a new climax to the entire divorce drama. An old man over seventy years old is still struggling for his daughter's material interests, which really shocked us.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Facing the lens of the media, Mrs. Huang burst into tears, using both soft and hard, allowing us to see a mother's determination to defend the rights and interests of her children, and also her hesitation and struggle in the face of financial interests. This kind of contradictory human nature full of tension is the biggest attraction of this play.

Taiwan media revealed that Huang Chunmei was tough to the end, fully supported Big S to ask for money, and there was no possibility of reconciliation with Wang Xiaofei

Mrs. Huang's words and deeds in and out of the play, in front of and behind the scenes, all made us have infinite curiosity and yearning for her. We can't wait to see how she will deal next, and what will Da S and Wang Xiaofei do? The climax of this divorce drama is becoming more and more confusing, let's wait and see.

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