
Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

author:In White


From Xia Xue to Yang Zi: The gorgeous transformation of a child star

19 years ago, the family sitcom "Family with Children" quickly captured the hearts of countless audiences with its humorous and witty style. The young actors in the play, especially Yang Zi, who plays Xia Xue, have become well-known child stars with their youthful acting skills and cute image.

Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

At that time, Yang Zi was selected as the role of her sister because of her height advantage, and her performance was natural and real, as if she was the naughty but loving young lady around us.

Time flies, the little girl has grown up, and Yang Zi has proved her growth with her strength. She not only showed her changeable character shaping ability in film and television works, but also blossomed in business, fashion and other fields, becoming a leader among the post-90s flowers.

Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

Every time she appears, she can trigger heated discussions among fans, and some netizens joked: "Yang Zi is trying to dominate all ages, even my grandmother has started chasing her drama!" ”

Child Stars Past and Present: A Symphony of Destiny


What is the growth trajectory of the other young actors in "Family with Children"? Some child stars, like Yang Zi, have counterattacked and become the focus of the entertainment industry, while others have chosen to live in obscurity. The changes in these child stars can't help but make people feel the changeability of fate.

Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

Zhang Yishan, who played Liu Xing back then, is now also a dazzling star in the film and television industry. His acting skills are becoming more and more mature, and his role choices are more diversified, from "Residual Sin" to "Seven Me", Zhang Yishan has proved his growth with his strength. and another child star, You Haoran, who plays Chubby, although he does not have many works, he is still active on social media, and occasionally shares his life, which can always attract a sigh of "Chubby has grown up".

Controversial summary: The aura and challenges of child stars

The growth speed of child stars is always amazing, they have grown from cute on the screen to actors who can take charge of themselves. However, the growth rate of child stars also comes with great challenges. In the process of growing up, they not only have to face the expectations and pressures of the outside world, but also have to deal with the balance between personal growth and professional development.

Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

Some netizens commented: "Child stars grow up so fast, sometimes I forget that they used to be so small." "This kind of rapid growth is both an opportunity and a challenge for child stars. They need to find their place under the public gaze, while also remaining authentic and independent as individuals.

Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

In this process, we have seen the success of Yang Zi, Zhang Yishan and others, as well as the different choices of other child stars. Their story is not only a story about growth, but also a story about how to find oneself and realize one's self-worth in the aura and challenges.

Do you remember the young actors of "Family with Children"? The contrast between the past and the present will leave you hooked

We can't help but ask: The growth of child stars is inevitable, but can they continue to shine on the road of acting in the future as we wish? Or, will they have more different options and possibilities? The answers to these questions may only be known by time. But in any case, we look forward to these former child stars, who can continue to use their talents and efforts to bring us more surprises and touches in the future.