
In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

author:Will speak the world

A legendary story that belongs to "The Family of Gold Powder" and the actors behind it

In 2000, a shocking classic, the TV series "The Family of Gold Powder", was born, which completely ignited the enthusiasm of the whole country for the TV drama industry and became the undisputed focus of the year.

With its unique perspective, this drama vividly depicts the touching story of a group of enthusiastic young people in the 90s of the last century, with dreams and bravely facing the challenges of life, which deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

The luxurious lineup of the crew has attracted countless eyeballs, bringing together the hottest 15 new generation actors and young actors full of youthful vitality at that time. Each of them embarked on a new journey of life with infinite expectations and ambitions for their future careers.

However, who would have expected that only 19 years later, the fate of these once high-spirited young actors has quietly changed dramatically and gone to a completely different path.

The shooting scene was filled with the unique vigor and vitality of young people, and laughter and laughter came one after another. They competed for each other, frolicked and played, and deduced wonderful moments that made people laugh.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

However, who would have expected that it was such a group of friends who talked about everything, and the fate would be so disparity 19 years later, some people have become dazzling superstars, while others have fallen into the predicament of life.

Although it has been a long 19 years now, that period of passion and joy is still deeply imprinted in their hearts. Those joyful plots, those days when you chased me, have become indelible precious memories in their lives.

Part II: Today, 19 Years Later

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

Time is like an arrow, time is like a shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, 19 years have passed. The actors who once shined in "The Family of Gold Powder" are no longer what they used to be. Among them, some of them have emerged in the entertainment industry with their firm will and outstanding talents, and have won everyone's attention, such as Xiong Dailin (01) who played the role of "Little Leap Year" in the play and Sun Chun (04) who played the role of "Ming Truth", their hard work over the years has finally been richly rewarded; There are also such as the popular flower Dan Cecilia Cheung (12), who has been baptized by wind and rain, and still maintains a strong popularity, which can be called full of stamina.

At the same time, we have to deal with many frustrated people in our lives, who have faced setbacks and fallen into deep difficulties. For example, Zhu Rui (02), who is very popular in the play, has tried to regain his strength several times, but every time he has made great efforts but has ended in failure, and now he seems to have disappeared without a trace; In addition, such as Zhong Hanliang (03) and other "second students" in the film and television industry in the past, although they had a brief moment of glory, they have never been able to break the monopoly of the industry; The acting careers of actors such as Lin Xue (08) and Zhang Yadong (09) have also experienced ups and downs, and they have hardly heard any news from them in recent years.

The most embarrassing thing is that Li Jingfei (05), the once lively and lovely "little ruffian" with excellent popularity, died suddenly at the age of 29, which is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching tragedy.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

The image she created in the play is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, she was so naughty and cute at that time, and she was loved by the audience, but who would have thought that she would leave us at this age.

From the once popular to the obscurity now, from fame and fortune to poverty, everyone's fate is like a roller coaster, as if they are worlds apart.

Those former classmates and friends have now embarked on different paths, some are soaring, and some are in deep trouble, which can't help but make people feel the impermanence of life.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

3. Looking back on the past

Looking back, the 2000 TV series "The Family of Gold Powder" is undoubtedly the most precious memory in the hearts of that generation. At that time, the crew brought together a group of young actors full of dreams and passion, and they were full of endless expectations for the future.

The shooting scene was filled with youthful vitality and enthusiasm, and was full of laughter and heated arguments.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

Each character in the play has a distinct personality and leaves an indelible impression on people. For example, Gao Xiaofan played by Zhu Rui (02), he was sunny and handsome, and he became the prince charming in the minds of many female audiences at that time; Zhong Hanliang (03) played Lin Jiawen, he is affectionate, pure, talented, and has won the love of countless fans; Lin Xue (08) played the role of a little nurse, she is lively, cute, and positive, and has won the love of the audience.

Everyone's expectations for the future are extremely strong, and the frolic and slapstick between them, you chase me, constitute a wonderful plot of love and hate. However, who would have expected that such a group of close friends who talk about everything would have such a earth-shaking change in their fate in just 19 years? .

As it turns out, each of us has experienced some decisive turning points in our lives that not only completely changed the course of our lives, but also led us to a completely different path of development.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

For example, the actor Zhu Rui (02) encountered a career bottleneck in his acting career, which made his acting talent unable to continue to be displayed; Although the first-line superstar Zhong Hanliang (03) once became popular due to an accident, he failed to seize the opportunity to continue this glory; And the career of the powerful actress Lin Xue (08) has gone through twists and turns, and finally ended in a gloomy departure.

However, it is these unforgettable experiences, whether they are sweet and beautiful memories or painful and arduous grinding, that have become the most precious treasures and experiences in our life's journey.

Time flies, those years flashed back in our minds like a marquee, when we recall the passionate and energetic youth, our hearts are full of emotion.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

Fourth, look forward to the future

In these 19 years of joys and sorrows, some people chose to give up their dreams in order to survive and change careers to work in other fields; However, there are also people who always stick to their original intentions and continue to pursue their ideal career with firm belief and perseverance.

For example, Zhong Hanliang (03) felt lost and lost during the low point of his career, but he did not give up because of this, and finally regained his identity as an actor and stood on the stage again.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

After years of hard work, he finally won the recognition and love of the audience again, and the actor Sun Chun (04) also went through a downturn for several years, but he never gave up, and through unremitting struggle, he finally won the success of his career.

In addition, there are stars such as Ding Zigao (10) and Son Ye-jin (11), who have always maintained a never-say-die spirit no matter how many difficulties and challenges they face, and have gone all out to forge ahead in the entertainment industry until they achieve their goals.

They are undoubtedly the best and leading figures in this industry.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

And for those who have succeeded in the end, the road they have traveled is undoubtedly full of hardships and challenges. They have to endure the cries of skepticism from the outside world, the dark moments of physical and mental exhaustion, and the huge obstacles that lie ahead of them.

Whenever they encounter setbacks, they will fall into deep self-doubt and even waver in their dreams, however, as long as they always hold on to hope, they will be able to be reborn in adversity, take root in the darkness, and welcome their own bright future!

As Li Xiang (07) said in simple terms: "The dawn of the morning illuminates the way ahead, and when you are in deep despair, it always comes as promised." Only with unwavering faith can we get through that moment like a burning fire.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

"It is with such perseverance and confidence that we can be invincible in the face of difficulties and obstacles in life!

Fifth, there are dreams in life, and there is a lot of light

In the body of many outstanding actors, we have witnessed their persistent pursuit of dreams and brave qualities. For example, Zhong Hanliang (03) and Sun Chun (04), they have never been crushed by difficulties, even if they are at a low point, their deep desire for dreams is still burning.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

Zhong Hanliang has experienced a low ebb in his career and his future is confused, but he has never chosen to give up. He gritted his teeth, persevered, and through continuous hard work, he finally returned to the peak of his career and created brilliance again.

Sun Chun is after years of tempering, finally climbed to the top of life, can be called the latecomer to pursue the road to pursue the dream is often full of twists and turns, the key is whether you have enough courage and determination to chase.

Some people's fate is like the modern version of "Mu Guiying in Charge", with ups and downs and exciting. For example, Li Jingfei (05), born in a privileged family, but suffered repeated setbacks and blows, and finally even suffered misfortune, and passed away at the age of 29, which is embarrassing.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

Another example is Zhu Rui (02), he has a sunny and handsome appearance, excellent popularity, he was the focus of attention back then, who would have expected him to experience all kinds of hardships in life, and now his whereabouts are a mystery, which makes people worry.

Witnessing the vicissitudes and ups and downs of these former idols, we can't help but feel deep sympathy for what happened to them.

However, not all of them are stagnant. Some people's perseverance is astounding, and they work hard in the face of adversity, and finally win their own brilliance. For example, Cecilia Cheung (12), she overcame obstacles and perseverance, and finally stood at the peak of her career; Another example is Xiong Dailin (01), she also adhered to her original intention after many twists and turns and achieved today's success.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

With so many inspiring stories, it is even more important for us to cherish the present moment and be brave enough to pursue our dreams. Because as long as you persevere, the seeds of ideals will surely take root and sprout in the face of adversity, and eventually bear abundant fruits.

6. Summary of the finale: tenacity and good hope in the passage of time

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the once prosperous TV series "The Family of Gold Powder" has gone through a long 19 spring and autumn seasons. The former group of young actors full of dreams have now undergone earth-shaking changes, some have achieved world-renowned achievements, and some have experienced vicissitudes under the tempering of life.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

For example, actors such as Xiong Dailin (01), Sun Chun (04) and Cecilia Cheung (12), with their outstanding talent and unwavering perseverance, finally made their mark in the highly competitive entertainment industry and won the love and respect of the audience.

Their path to success is full of challenges and opportunities, and they are a model for rising stars!

However, in stark contrast to the above-mentioned successful people, it is those who have encountered setbacks on the road of life and fallen into a trough, such as Zhu Rui (02), Zhong Hanliang (03) and Li Xiang (07) and others. They may have gone through countless struggles and struggles to try to get back on their feet, but they have always failed; Or it has suffered a major blow in the critical period of career development, and in recent years, few works have been published, which makes people regret it.

In the past 19 years of "The Family of Gold Powder", the status quo of the 13 actors has been very different, and one of them died unexpectedly at the age of 29

What is especially distressing is that the lively and lovely "little ruffian" Li Jingfei (05) died at the age of 29 in the prime of life, such an ending is really embarrassing.

From fame to obscurity, from household names to deep troubles, the current situation of these former idol stars is very different, and people can't help but sigh that the world is unpredictable.

However, regardless of success or failure, the two qualities of "tenacity" and "hope" shown by them are worthy of our learning and reference, as long as we have these two strengths, we can always maintain faith in the ups and downs of life, move forward bravely, and finally realize our dreams.