
Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

Yoga in the morning, it not only wakes up the body, but also allows you to focus on what you want to accomplish and maintain a positive mindset throughout the day. Morning workouts don't need to disrupt your plans. In just 10 minutes, you can get your day energized!

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Yoga has many benefits for both the body and the mind. Since yoga is an introspective practice and a mindfulness exercise, you'll benefit from connecting with your body in the first place, which in turn will help reduce stress and anxiety in the morning. In addition to this, energy and flexibility are increased.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Over time, yoga can gently lengthen or "stretch" muscle fibers. Gently moving and stretching your body's muscles will eventually improve your flexibility,

The best posture for yoga in the morning

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

The goal is to help wake up your body, so where to start? Focusing on the larger muscles while stretching will attract the most amount of blood flow and circulation, therefore, focusing on the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, erector spinae, and chest area will be best.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Here are 12 morning workout asanas. You can adjust it to suit your preferences and body. Follow these movements to complete a gentle 10-minute exercise.

Infant pose (scoliosis)

Benefits: Stretches the hips, spine, thighs, and ankles

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Get on all fours. Hips to heels, arms stretched forward. Elongate to your fingertips and tailbone. As you exhale, let your chest sink between your arms and thighs. Take 4-5 breaths here, immersing yourself deeper into the asana with each breath. Walk your hands to the right side of the mat with your hips away from your hands. Feel the length of the left side of the body. Switch sides and repeat.


Benefits: Moves the vertebrae and increases the flexibility of the spine.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Cats: Get on all fours and let your neck relax. Gaze inward. Pull your navel and ribs towards the ceiling to round your spine. Gently press your hands and calves into the mat.

Cow: Inhale, look up slightly and arch your spine. Exhale, then to Cat Pose. Repeat 3 times.

Lower dog type

Benefits: Stretch the posterior chain (hamstrings, spinal extensors, and gluteal muscles). Strengthens arms, legs and feet.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Get on all fours. Pull your toes together and stretch your hips upwards so that your body forms an inverted "V" shape, feel the stretch of your back and push your tailbone towards your heels. You can bend one knee and then another. Do it as many times as it feels good. Repeat 4-10 times.

Warrior-style variant

Benefits: Stretch the pectoral muscles and front of the thighs. Helps to open the hips and shoulders.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

A big step forward. The front knee is bent and the back knee touches the ground. Make sure your front knee doesn't go over your ankle. Clasp your hands behind your back, stretch your arms back, lift and open your chest. Repeat on the other side after a few breaths.

Half split

Benefits: Stretches hamstrings and calf muscles.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

In a kneeling lunge, support your front feet with both hands. Bring your hips back and lean forward to feel the length of your hamstrings. Try to keep your hips square. Relax your head and neck. Repeat on the other side after a few breaths.

Sit and bend forward

Benefits: Stretches the posterior chain and creates flexibility in the spine and hips. Improves digestion.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Sit back and stretch your legs forward. Fold your upper body forward and place your hands on your shin to relax your head from your shoulders.

One leg head meets knee forward flexion and extension

Benefits: Stretches hamstrings, spine, shoulders, and groin. Stimulates the liver and kidneys.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Sit, bend one leg with your feet on the inside of your thigh. Bend forward. Gently press your hands into the cushion next to your front legs. The abdominal muscles are gently pulled inward to support the spine. Focus on inhaling and exhaling completely. With each breathing cycle, allow yourself to relax and adjust to the posture.

Wiper type

Benefits: Improves hip mobility and relieves tension in the lower back.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Sit on a mat with your knees comfortably bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and place your hands behind your hips. Support yourself with your arms in this position. Swing your knees from side to side like windshield wipers. Do 3 sets.


Benefits: Improves spinal flexibility, opens shoulders, improves posture and breathing.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Sit on the mat and bend your knees. Keep your foot as close to your right hip as possible. Gently rotate your right leg and wrap your left arm around your leg with your right hand directly behind your right hip. Look at the right shoulder. Focus on breathing fully.

Supine twisting

Benefits: Improves spinal mobility. Lengthens the muscles that support the spine and relaxes the lower back.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Arms stretched out to the sides. Bring your knees down to the right. Look to the left. Maintain 3-5 complete breathing cycles. Then repeat on the other side.


Benefits: Strengthens the hamstrings and glutes while working the muscles in the front of the body.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Heels below the knees. Legs hip-width apart. Place your arms at your sides and gently stretch your knees forward as your hips are raised. Hold for 3-5 breaths.

Happy baby pose

Benefits: Relaxes the pelvis and lower back. Can help improve breathing.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Lie on your back with your knees raised to your armpits. Grasp the shin bone with your hand. Gently rock from side to side and massage into the lower back. Inhale and exhale deeply.

Seated pranayama

Benefits: Improves breathing patterns, oxygenates the body, calms the mind.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Cross your legs, close your eyes, and sit. Exhale all the air from your lungs through your mouth. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through the mouth. Repeat for 5-10 breathing cycles.

Morning Yoga: Do 12 asanas in 10 minutes to make your day full of energy!

Tip: Everyone is different, so always trust your body and listen to its needs.

When you're done, you'll need a cooldown whether you're sweating or not. Take a few minutes of rest in the corpse booth and start your day feeling refreshed.

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