
How fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai? Each army played a unique style

author:Xiong Xiong talks about history

Lin Shuai, one of the ten marshals of the founding of the People's Republic of China, was the commander of the Fourth Field Army during the Liberation War. The Siye Army under his command was the largest main field army on the battlefield of liberation, with a total strength of more than 1 million at its peak, making it the largest field army at that time.

At the same time, the five main forces from the Fourth Field Army are the elite divisions of this army and the trump card with the toughest fighting style.

So, how fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai?

How fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai? Each army played a unique style

The 38th Army was reorganized from the First Column of Dongye in November 1948, and its first commander was the founding general Li Tianyou.

The 38th Army is the most hard-working and hard-working force among the four field armies, and in the northeast battlefield, it is famous for being good at fighting big battles and tough battles, and it has played a tough style in four battles and four draws in the battle of fame, and has become one of the strong forces that Lin Zong, the commander of the field army, relies on very much in the northeast battlefield.

In the Battle of Tianjin, the 38th Army took the lead and took the lead in attacking the city, destroying more than 20,000 enemies. In the southward operation, the troops pointed directly at Zhennanguan in Guangxi, crisscrossing most of China, destroying a total of 160,000 enemies, liberating a large area, and making great achievements in speeding up the founding of New China.

And this is not the highlight moment of the 38th Army, friends who are familiar with history must know it. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 38th Army ushered in the most important battle in its life, established the status of the big brother in the army in one fell swoop, marched 70 kilometers rapidly, successfully interspersed Sansholi and Longyuanli, seized Songgu Peak, cut off the enemy's retreat, and the two sides fought fiercely for two days and two nights, which played a key role in the victory of the second battle. After the war, it won the reputation of the Long Live Army.

How fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai? Each army played a unique style

The 39th Army was reorganized from the Second Column of Dongye in November 1948, and its first commander was the founding general Liu Zhen.

The 39th Army inherited the tough style of the Red 25th Army, which also made the army fight many beautiful tough battles in the Northeast Battlefield. The second column participated in important battles such as the three visits to the south of the Yangtze River, the four protection of the Linjiang River, the Battle of Jinzhou in the decisive battle, the annihilation of the enemy in western Liaoning, and the liberation of Shenyang. In these battles, the second column fought bravely and destroyed a large number of enemy forces on the battlefield, and the Fifth Division under its jurisdiction was the main division of the Northeast Field Army with the largest number of enemy annihilations.

From the three northeastern provinces to South China, the footprints of the 39th Army were left. After the founding of New China, the 39th Army was the first batch of troops to enter the Korean War, and encountered the founding father of a certain country in Yunshan, and then the two sides launched a fierce battle, the 39th Army really deserved to be the ace army, and it could still achieve the first victory in the face of the powerful US army.

The second battle was the liberation of Pyongyang by the 39th Army. The third battle captured Seoul (this place is now the capital of a certain country). In the fourth battle, the 39th Army created another brilliant battle, and in the battle of Hengcheng, it destroyed more than 3,000 enemy troops, of which 800 were from beautiful countries, setting a record for the largest number of American imperialist troops captured by the volunteers in a battle.

The 39th Army, which has won many victories on the battlefield, has also played the reputation of a victorious army.

How fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai? Each army played a unique style

The 40th Army was reorganized from the Third Column of Dongye in November 1948, and its first commander was the founding general Han Xianchu.

The 40th Army is a unit with very strong mobile combat capability under the command of General Lin, and because of its agile movements, it can always surprise the enemy on the battlefield. Therefore, the 40th Army also won the reputation of the Whirlwind Army, including the army commander Han Xianchu also became the whirlwind commander in the people's army.

In the Northeast Battlefield, Han Xianchu, the commander of the third column, was a famous general in the East Field who was admired by his opponents. In the Battle of Western Liaoning, the third column was like a whirlwind, destroying the command post of Liao Yaoxiang's corps, leaving the hundreds of thousands of troops leaderless, flying like headless flies. This move played a key role in the victory of the Battle of Western Liaoning.

At the end of the Liberation War, the 40th Army participated in another classic battle, crossing the Qiongzhou Strait to liberate Hainan Island, and winning the victory of our army's first sea-crossing operation.

On the battlefield of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the 40th Army took the lead in firing the first shot to resist US aggression and aid Korea on a foreign battlefield, and it was also the only ace unit of the volunteer army that had gone through the whole battle.

How fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai? Each army played a unique style

The 41st Army was reorganized from the Dongye Fourth Column in November 1948, and its first commander was Wu Kehua, the founding lieutenant general of the People's Republic of China.

The 41st Army is the Tashan Tiger Army of the Fourth Field Army, in the Liaoshen Campaign of the Great Battle, the Fourth Column fought in Tashan, withstood the enemy's fierce artillery attack, successfully blocked the enemy's eastward marching corps, and played a key role in the final victory of the Jinzhou Campaign.

Entered the customs operation, cut off Fu Zuoyi's westward retreat, advanced into Central China, participated in the Battle of Hengbao, marched into Guangxi, participated in the Guangxi Campaign, and eliminated Bai Chongxi's military group together with his brother troops. Entered Guangdong, and successively liberated Nanao Island and Nanpeng Island.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 41st Army guarded the southern gate of the motherland for a long time and was the main armed force in the defense of southern China.

How fierce are the five main forces under Lin Shuai? Each army played a unique style

The 43rd Army was reorganized from the Sixth Column of the Northeast Field Army in November 1948, and its first commander was the founding general Hong Xuezhi.

The 43rd Army is the iron army of the people's army, and it is also the Tiger Army of the fortified army. According to statistics, in the entire War of Liberation, the 43rd Army experienced as many as 100 battles of all sizes, annihilated 180,000 enemies, and a large number of combat heroes emerged one after another, making it a veritable heroic force.

Summary: During the liberation period, the five main forces under Lin Shuai played a unique combat style on the battlefield. The 38th Army is good at fighting tough battles and is a long live army in the people's army. The 39th Army was both offensive and defensive, and was a perennial victorious army in the people's army. The 40th Army has strong mobile combat capability and is a whirlwind army in the people's army. The 41st Army was good at defense and was the Tashan Tiger Army in the People's Army. The 43rd Army is both offensive and defensive, and is the iron army of the people's army.