
Note! Yellow warning for lightning →

author:Illinois Internet Information
Note! Yellow warning for lightning →
Note! Yellow warning for lightning →

The Yizhou District Meteorological Bureau issued a yellow warning signal for thunder and lightning at 19:23 on May 9, 2024

Note! Yellow warning for lightning →

At present, thunder and lightning weather has occurred in some areas of Yizhou District, and it is expected that the thunder and lightning weather will continue to be accompanied by gusty winds, short-term heavy precipitation, hail and other convective weather

1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of lightning protection in accordance with their duties;

2. Pay close attention to the weather and avoid outdoor activities as much as possible;

3. Pay attention to the prevention of sand and dust weather caused by local short-term strong winds.

Source: Illinois Zero Distance

Note! Yellow warning for lightning →

Note! Yellow warning for lightning →

Note! Yellow warning for lightning →

Note! Yellow warning for lightning →