
Is Wuyi rock tea suitable for old tea?

author:Puppy Uji

Wuyi rock tea is one of the teas that many people who love tea now, and the general old tea is preferred by many people, and the tea is fragrant, so is Wuyi rock tea suitable for storing old tea?

Is Wuyi rock tea suitable for old tea?

Is Wuyi rock tea suitable for old tea?

Wuyi rock tea is easier to store for a long time tea, in the process of storage, as long as to avoid adsorption of peculiar smell, avoid dampness, mildew, avoid direct sunlight, and prevent pollution and insect pests, then over time can achieve the effect of "fragrant, long-term, clear, long-term, mellow".

Is Wuyi rock tea suitable for old tea?

Aged tea that meets the three conditions can be preserved and tasted better and better

(1) The inner quality of the tea itself should be good.

At present, there are two kinds of aged tea on the market, one is aged without being sold in the year (poor quality), and the other is the rock tea that is very good and especially aged (better quality). Of course, the latter is suitable for aging old tea.

(2), charcoal roasted foot fire tea

The water content of Zuhuo tea is about 5% after repeated roasting, which tends to be stable and is not easy to return to green. Tea lovers who often drink Wuyi rock tea understand that the freshly refined medium and high foot fire rock tea cannot be drunk immediately, and it must be left for a month to a few months, and some even up to a year. At that time, the tea soup was more mellow and had a strong flavor, and it was not hot to drink. The lightly roasted rock tea has a good aroma, and if it is not stored properly, it is easy to return to green, and aging is not recommended.

(3) Store properly (protect from light, seal, keep away from peculiar smell), and re-bake in a timely manner.

Wuyi Rock Tea Aged Tea, in addition to the aroma is not obvious, the taste of water is indeed very mellow and smooth, and it is particularly nourishing to the stomach. Of course, the premise is that it must be sealed well, and it must be refired every one or two years, and tea lovers generally do not have the conditions to refire charcoal, which causes the general poor quality of Chen Yan tea circulating on the market.

Is Wuyi rock tea suitable for old tea?

Theoretically, as long as the tea leaves have not deteriorated, they can be stored for a long time, and new tea will become old tea after many years of storage. But whether it tastes better when it is stored as old tea is another matter. For example, green tea is definitely the best to drink in the first year, and after many years of storage, it may not have deteriorated, and it is definitely okay to drink it, but the original freshness and aroma have long been gone. Therefore, green tea is discouraged from being stored. And what we generally call old tea should refer to the kind of old tea that will get better with the increase of storage years, at least in some aspects. For example, old Pu'er tea, old black tea.