
Discover the poisonous flowers

author:Sister Na's witty words

In the world of flowers, all kinds of flowers attract people's attention with their unique charm. However, not all flowers are safe, and some poisonous flowers are hidden. These flowers may attract people to approach with their gorgeous appearance or charming fragrance, but if they are not careful, they may cause harm to the human body. Today, let's explore these poisonous flowers together.

Discover the poisonous flowers

First of all, I have to mention oleander. Oleander is a common ornamental flower that is loved by people for its bright color and long flowering period. However, the whole plant of oleander contains toxicity, especially the fruit and seeds. Its toxin is mainly an alkaloid called oleandrin, which can inhibit the normal beating of the heart, leading to arrhythmias, heart failure, etc. Therefore, when appreciating the beauty of oleanders, remember not to pick or eat them at will.

Discover the poisonous flowers

Secondly, the mandala is also a poisonous flower with a mystical tinge. The flowers and fruits of the mandala are beautiful, but they are equally poisonous. Its toxins are mainly some alkaloids with anesthetic, hallucination, and stimulant effects, such as scopolamine, atropine, mandalatine, etc. These toxins can have serious effects on the body's nervous system, leading to hallucinations, coma, and even death. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant when touching mandalas and avoid accidentally ingesting or touching them.

Discover the poisonous flowers

In addition, there are some flowers that are common in our daily life that are also poisonous. For example, daffodils, whose bulbs contain Latin toxins, can cause vomiting and enteritis when ingested; Another example is calla lily, whose flowers, leaves, and tubers are poisonous, and can cause burns to the mouth, throat, and esophagus when ingested. Therefore, when caring for these flowers, we should be especially careful to avoid accidental consumption or accidental touch.

So, how do you identify these poisonous flowers? In fact, these poisonous flowers often share some common characteristics. First, they tend to be more showy in color to attract pollinators such as insects; secondly, their aroma tends to be more intense to attract people to approach; Finally, their juice or fruit often contains toxins to ward off pests and diseases. Therefore, when touching these flowers, we should pay special attention to these characteristics and avoid accidental ingestion or accidental touching.

In conclusion, although the poisonous flower is beautiful and charming, the potential danger should not be ignored. While appreciating these flowers, we should remain vigilant and cautious to avoid unnecessary harm to ourselves and others. At the same time, we also need to learn how to identify these poisonous flowers so that we can better protect ourselves and our families.