
What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

author:Duck Duck shares new things

Today's sharing: What is the experience of parents cooking hard since childhood?

When I was a child, my mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of two pimples [in a daze] said that I was a picky eater

I smile like a madman at work [covering my face] a bowl of two lumps [covering my face]

Have you finished eating, then I'm going to say Ang [covering his face] like a long nematode vs long qu...

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

‬ 笑死了,你妈妈是不是搞错了,菠萝蜜的核能炖排骨不是菠萝蜜[捂脸]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

‬ 那个。。。 Have you ever eaten porridge and boiled dumplings [tears]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

Last time my mom fried a dish with tofu and duck blood, no kidding, the moment I saw it, I thought the family was going to eat [tears]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

My dad put a spatula of salt in the stir-fry [awkward laughter] My mom asked me about the salt, and I said pickled your daughter

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

‬ [泪奔]我朋友嫁江西她也说那边菜巨难吃,菜都是黑黢黢的[尬笑]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

‬ 为什么你不去就生气。 'Cause only you are really eating [tears]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

‬ 我家就是,煮什么都是水煮闷熟的[微笑]主打一个熟了就行[泪奔]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

Like my daughter, I just learned to cook and I didn't do it well, she retched while complimenting me on how awesome and delicious [tears run] told me that I loved her so much and learned to cook for her, and quietly asked her dad if I was going to poison her [awkward laughs]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater

‬我舅妈以前做饭难吃,什么程度呢,就是开饭前我舅舅给我拉到一边,和我说:你等会假装吃点。 I'll take you out for dinner in a moment. But you have to give your aunt some face, so you can eat two bites [tears]

What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater


What is it like for parents to cook unpalatable? My mother mixed pimple soup, and a bowl of pimple and pimple also said that I was a picky eater