
"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

author:Sight Sports
"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

In today's entertainment industry, talent shows have always been a hot topic of attention.

With the popularity of "Sister Lang 5", the audience has begun to realize the unfairness and unspoken rules behind the show.

And one of the characters who has attracted the attention of the audience is Wanida.

Her story, like a mirror, reflects the cruelty of the talent show and the real feelings of the participants.

Wanida, a girl with a strong appearance and a soft heart, her performance and emotional display are moving.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

On the stage of "Sister Lang 5", she is wearing cat pajamas and pink manicures, but she is not a tough guy, she is an emotional and fragile female rapper image.

As soon as the soundtrack came out, the audience seemed to see the fragile man, and Wanida's tears also touched the hearts of the audience.

On the other side of the screen, netizens began to leave messages one after another, lamenting Wanida's true feelings.

Someone said, "There is no braver thing in the world than to show your vulnerability unreservedly in front of others." ”

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Another netizen sighed: "Wanida's performance made me see myself, and her honesty and courage made me respect." ”

A conversation that struck a chord with everyone.

A netizen asked: "Why does Wanida look so strong, but so vulnerable?" ”

Another replied: "Perhaps it is because of her strength that she is able to show her vulnerability bravely." In this world, everyone has their own weaknesses, and true courage is to be able to face and show those weaknesses. ”

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Vanida's story is not just her alone, but the story of many.

Her performance provokes reflections on emotion and vulnerability, allowing viewers to see themselves and others more realistically.

Perhaps, after Wanida's brave display, more people will dare to face the weakness in their hearts and move forward bravely.

Wanida isn't the only player in the spotlight.

Zhao Yihuan's interaction and suggestions have triggered people's thinking about the unspoken rules behind the talent show.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

He recorded it on his phone and told Wanida, "Where can I get another three points?" It's more than me, or don't say much. ”

Although this sentence seems to be a joke, it actually implies the unfairness in the talent show.

This phenomenon not only exists in "Sister Lang 5", but also runs through the entire history of the talent show.

Wanida isn't the only player in the spotlight.

Zhao Yihuan's interaction and suggestions have triggered people's thinking about the unspoken rules behind the talent show.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

He recorded it on his phone and told Wanida: "Where can I get another three points?" It's more than me, or don't say much. ”

Although this sentence seems to be a joke, it actually implies the unfairness in the talent show.

After this scene was broadcast on the screen, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Someone commented: "Zhao Yihuan's words really hit the nail on the head, exposing the unfairness in the talent show." ”

Another netizen said: "The talent show is originally a competition, but the existence of unspoken rules makes the competition unfair. ”

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Some netizens joked: "It seems that in the talent show, in addition to the performances on the stage, the competition behind it is also a wonderful scene." ”

Although this ridicule has some jokes, it also reflects people's doubts and concerns about the authenticity of the talent show.

Zhao Yihuan's interaction not only allowed the audience to see the unspoken rules behind the show, but also triggered people's thinking about the overall fairness of the talent show.

This phenomenon not only exists in "Sister Lang 5", but also runs through the entire history of the talent show.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Whether it is "The Voice of China", "Creation Camp 2021" or other talent shows, there is a dark box operation between judges and contestants, which has become a part of the talent show that cannot be ignored.

In the past, players like Wu Mochou have experienced similar difficulties.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Her experience of a round of travel is embarrassing, but at that time, everyone can only silently accept this unfairness.

Now Wanida's appeal makes people start to think: Does the audience's acquiescence contribute to the unfairness of the program team? Maybe it's time to change the rules and judging criteria of the show.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Vanida's performance experience!

In January 2017, Wanida attended the "Ball Battle 2016 World Finals and Year-end Ceremony" as a guest performer, attracting the attention of many fans.

She sang two songs live, "Colorful World" and "Burning Heart with Fire", and conquered the audience with her unique musical style.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

When the news spread, netizens expressed their love and support for Wanida.

Someone said, "Vanida's music is really intoxicating, and every song touches people's hearts." ”

Another netizen commented: "Her performance aura is really strong, and she completely holds the audience." ”

And on April 18, Wanida released her solo rap single "Queendom", which sparked a heated discussion as soon as it was released.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

One person said, "The lyrics of 'Queendom' are full of feminine power, and people feel the unique charm of Vanida. ”

Another netizen said: "This song is full of rhythm and easy to get started, and Wanida is really the new favorite in the rap industry." ”

Not only that, on April 29, Wanida also participated in the "Strawberry Music Festival" held in Shanghai, and her wonderful performance once again attracted the attention of many music lovers.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Some netizens shared on social media: "I saw Wanida's performance at the Strawberry Music Festival today, it was so shocking! ”

Someone else commented: "Wanida's stage charm is really not to be underestimated, she is a rap queen." ”

Through these activities and performances, Wanida not only showed her musical talent, but also attracted more people's attention and love.

Her unique style and strong stage presence make people look forward to her future.

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

Finally, let's call on participants and viewers to unite and work together to change the behavior of the program team.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, "Grasshoppers naturally can't shake the tree, but they can still do it when they gather together and shake off a few leaves." ”

Everyone has the power to change, and as long as we work together, we will be able to get out of the shadow of injustice and usher in a more just and transparent entertainment environment.

On the stage of this era, let us move forward hand in hand and strive for a fairer and better future!

"Sister Lang 5": Wanida's crying puts the injustice of "Sister Lang" on the bright side!

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