
Meet the Season of Beauty: Central Park, New York, USA

author:Xinhua News Agency client

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The heat is gone, and the autumn mood is getting stronger. At present, the haze of the new crown pneumonia epidemic still hangs over the United States. In Central Park in New York, people have a rare opportunity to rest and relax.

Meet the Season of Beauty: Central Park, New York, USA

During the pandemic, Central Park has provided New Yorkers with its vast space as an oasis. People can often be seen working remotely sitting on grass or benches, and more and more people are running here, exercising on the big lawn.

Meet the Season of Beauty: Central Park, New York, USA
Meet the Season of Beauty: Central Park, New York, USA

Reporter: Zhang Mocheng Xie Yi

Editor: Yin Heng

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

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