
Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

author:Hua Fei repented

A "Wolf Warrior 2" ignited this summer's summer vacation file, 4 hours to break 100 million, a single day to win 357 million box office, 85 hours to break through the 1 billion box office, as of August 15, "Wolf Warrior 2" the total box office has reached 4.7 billion yuan, and the rally is still continuing, successfully among the global film box office TOP100.

Even though Wolf Warrior 2 was a great success, Chinese directors still held very few places on the world stage. Today Xiaobian will take you to take stock of the top ten directors in the global box office as of 2017, and see how long the road of Chinese directors is.

Tenth place: Ron Howard

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Cumulative box office: $3.803 billion

Representative works: "The Da Vinci Code", "Angels and Devils", "Dante Code", "Apollo 13", "Speedy Wind"

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!
Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Biography: Born in Oklahoma to an acting family, Ron Howard was on screen as early as 18 months ago and became a child star. He began shooting films on ultra-8mm machines at the age of 18, and Howard eventually jumped into mainstream Hollywood films by directing low-budget small-budget films. He won the 81st Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director nomination for "Foster Talking to Nixon".

Ninth place: Tim Burton

Cumulative box office: $3.632 billion

Representative works: Edward Scissorhands, Batman, Decisive Battle of the Apes Ball, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, Frankenstein Dog

Profile: American film director, born in Burbank, California. While studying at the California Institute of the Arts, he received a Disney scholarship, which is a fund to sponsor young animators to help them achieve their dreams. He officially became an animator at Disney and later a director. Tim Burton is passionate about depicting dislocations, using symbolism and metaphor, often known for his black humor and unique perspective.

Eighth place: Gore Verbinski

Cumulative box office: $3.728 billion

Representative works: "Pirates of the Caribbean 1·2·3", "American Version of Midnight Bell", "Lone Ranger", "Lango"

Biography: Wympinski, who came from the advertising industry, can be described as a successful example of "changing careers", and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series has won him a huge fan base around the world. Gore was also a guitarist for several obscure punk rock bands, and he is said to have sold his guitar in exchange for his first super-8mm camera. His directing career officially began in the world of music video and advertising, he has shot music videos for Bad Religion, 24-7 Spyzt and other bands, and has worked with major brands in advertising including Nike, Coca-Cola, Canon, Rainbow Candy and so on.

Seventh place: Chris Columbus

Cumulative box office: $3.815 billion

Representative works: "Little Devil Is Home 1/2", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Change"

Biography: Columbus director and producer is one of the main directors of the contemporary Hollywood film industry. At the age of 15, he was very infected by watching "The Godfather" and began to have a strong interest in movies. In 1987, he directed his first film work, "A Night at the Stilt House", and then directed "Little Devil Is Home" and "Little Devil Is Home 2", and in 2001 Columbus took over the direction of Harry Potter, which is based on the series of works by J.K. Rowling.

Sixth place: Robert Zemeckis

Cumulative box office: $4.029 billion

Representative works: "Back to the Future 1/2/3", "Forrest Gump", "Sun Princess", "Time-out Contact"

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Biography: Robert Zemeckis, a famous American film screenwriter and director. In the early years, he mainly wrote film scripts. "Forrest Gump" is the real pinnacle of Zemeckis, setting off a "Forrest Gump fever" around the world. The film grossed nearly $330 million in the United States and Canada, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film in film history. The film grossed $550 million worldwide and was called a miracle by the world film industry, and Zemeckis became famous and ascended to the supreme throne of the American directorial world.

Fifth place: David Yates

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Cumulative box office: $4.158 billion

Representative works: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows On and Off, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Biography: David Yates is a British film director. He lived in Washington, D.C., for a year before returning to London to study at the National Academy of Film and Television. In 2007, he took over the Harry Potter series and became the director of the fifth Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, receiving critical acclaim and winning worldwide fame. After that, he continued to direct Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Fourth place: Piet Jackson

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Gross: $5.35 billion (excluding Hobbit 3)

Representative works: "Lord of the Rings 1, 2, 3", "The Hobbit 1, 2, 3", "King Kong", "Corpses Play Across the Line"

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!
Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Personal Profile: Peter Jackson was born in Wellington, New Zealand in October 1961, from the age of five or six, he was a loyal TV fan, at the age of 8, because of the influence of the monster film "King Kong", he became fascinated with film special effects, at that time, his ideal was to be a good special effects artist. After the completion of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, although Peter Jackson made many mistakes that contradicted the original, he won the love of 99% of the ring fans, and thus won the admiration of countless fans around the world.

Third place: Michael Bay

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Cumulative box office: $5.59 billion

Representative works: "Transformers 1/2/3/4/5", "Pearl Harbor", "Brave To Die Island", "Jedi X-Men"

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!
Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Biography: Michael Bay was born in Los Angeles and graduated from Wesleyan University. In his twenties, Michael worked primarily on advertising and music videos, and in 1995 he began working on films and produced his first film, X-Men. His second film, Daredevil Island, was also a considerable success, which eventually established Michael as a film director.

Second place: James Cameron

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Cumulative box office: $6.131 billion

Representative works: "Avatar", "Titanic", "Terminator", "Alien 2", "The Abyss"

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!
Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Biography: James Cameron is a Canadian film director who specializes in action and science fiction films. In 1984, James Cameron released his first self-written and self-directed film, The Terminator. In 1986, James Cameron's second self-written and directed work, Alien 2, was released and received seven Oscar nominations. In 1997, James Cameron filmed the famous Titanic, which received 11 of the 14 Academy Awards nominations, for which James Cameron won the 70th Academy Award for Best Director.

1st prize: Steven Spielberg

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Cumulative box office: $8.888 billion

Representative works: Schindler's List, World Wars, Saving Private Ryan, E. Lee T", Jurassic Park

Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!
Inventory of the world's top ten highest-grossing directors, dump Chinese directors N street!

Biography: Steven Spielberg, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, is of Jewish descent and is a well-known American film director, screenwriter and filmmaker. Over the course of four decades of his film career, Spielberg has touched on a variety of themes and genres, including the Holocaust, slavery, war and terrorism, and Spielberg has twice won the Academy Award for Best Director.