
Pity the hearts of parents in the world

author:Balanacean people in the seventies
Pity the hearts of parents in the world

Pity the hearts of parents in the world.

Even if this sentence comes from the mouth of the traitor Cixi, I will praise it, because this is an eternal truth in the world. A few days ago, a small incident that happened to my family made me realize this more deeply.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

Because my daughter was going to graduate school at the end of the year, she used the summer vacation period to enroll in a graduate school training course for one month. I just got home from school a few days ago, and I can only stay at home for about ten days. We haven't seen our daughter for more than half a year, I have missed my daughter for a long time, I am very happy, I prepared a large number of food and fruits that my daughter loves to eat early, and I felt that the more the merrier, and this episode was in the process of my cooking.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

The afternoon after my daughter returned, I hurried home after work and began to make fried chicken wings for my daughter, which was my daughter's favorite from childhood to adulthood. Perhaps because the chicken wings were not thawed in time from the refrigerator and the heat was uneven, there were several pieces of chicken wings that were over-fried, and the color was like Zhang Fei's black face.

At this time, her mother happened to come back from work, saw the chicken wings on the table, and suddenly the old face sank, and then screamed.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

"How can such chicken wings be eaten?"

I was already annoyed, and when I heard his words, the fire suddenly hit upwards, and I pushed back hard, "What can't you eat, didn't you eat mushy steamed buns when you were a child?" ”

At this time, the daughter hurried over to persuade her, she could eat and eat, and it would be no problem to tear off the skin.

Naturally, the meal was not eaten well, and I was depressed all night.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

In fact, my wife is a person with thick lines, she is usually busy at work, it is rare to leave work on time, and the task of cooking naturally falls on my "nine-to-five" office worker. She is rarely picky about food, a little bit almost, a little salty, not a thing, this time something abnormal, I must ask her!

The next day, the wife was like a person who had nothing to do, specially took a day off, Xingchong rushed to the supermarket to buy a bunch of fish, shrimp and vegetables, hot and cold, not to say, and began to make dumplings, saying that it was to treat the girlfriend well.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

I laughed darkly and said to myself, Your two sons in the kitchen are far apart!

While she was in a good mood, I consciously reminded her, "What happened to you yesterday?" ”

At this time, she still had a hard mouth, "It doesn't matter what kind of food I eat, but I must let my girlfriend eat the best!" ”

Hahaha, I couldn't help but laugh out loud and continue to tease, "We have already learned your cooking skills, dare to call it the best?" ”

At this time, the daughter on the side intercepted the conversation, "Hey hey dad, congratulations on your correct answer, mother's taste, the best taste in the world!" ”

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

I was immediately relieved.

We only have one daughter, before I served in the field to take care of the family, they can be said to be dependent on each other for more than ten years, food, clothing, shelter, food, drink and wear, mother and daughter have long reached a tacit understanding. Although the wife's cooking skills are average, she will take time and do her best to make some food for her daughter in a variety of ways; her daughter is also good at understanding her mother's will, no matter what the taste, she always says, delicious! I have long seen this in my eyes and am quite pleased.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world

Yeah, what parents don't want to give their kids the best to eat, with the best! This is the sincere and selfless love of parents for their children. Of course, on the other hand, parents are not perfect, it is impossible to do everything and do the best. Children, I also hope that you will give more understanding, your kindness, your smiling faces, is the best return to your parents, the best care, but also the best filial piety!

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