
Pity the hearts of parents in the world

author:Horse in the Wind

The love of fathers and mothers in the world is the most true, and tears and blood dissolve into the bodies of children. Exhaustion will eventually be a son, poor parents in the world!

This is a poem written by Cixi for her mother, and it also writes the mood of all parents in the world. Parents all over the world are full of complaints and regrets and wholeheartedly give everything for their children and worry about their children. This is something that cannot be experienced without parenthood, and can only be understood when you are a parent and are preoccupied with your child. Many people are only able to understand their parents when they become mothers, or when their fathers are later, can they understand their parents' painstaking hearts, and gradually reverse their views on their parents. Many people also learn to be good to their parents after they have become parents.

I got married late, and for various reasons, I wanted kids too late. I was forty years old when I was a dad, and I was entering a year of confusion. Other people's children are older, and some of my friends are as old as I am, some of them are in college, and some of them are in elementary school. Only now am I starting to send my children to kindergarten. At this time, I realized that when I was young, I did not want to get married, and my parents have been urging me to get married and have children.

Many middle-aged children will spoil their sons very much, and even coddle, unconditionally meet all the needs of children. I also love my child, but I know that I can't just love him materially, but also give him love spiritually and let him grow up healthy. When I was old, my children were still very young. If I dote on him now and hold him in the palm of my hand, he will not do anything in the future, and if one day I leave him, how will he live? So, in the beginning I tried to meet his material needs as much as I could. It also cultivates his ability to live independently. Usually teach him some things as much as possible, and let him do what he can do. As far as possible, let him adapt to society and learn to survive. Never be pampered, do not allow his family to spoil him, tell him rules, and cultivate good habits.

After this year, I found that I had gray hair, so I also had to face up to the fact that I was already getting old. The day before yesterday my son was playing with me, looking at my hair and saying, Dad, you have white hair, I said yes Daddy is old. I'm old, will you feed me? He said, yes. Although I knew it was just childish language, he didn't understand it yet. But there was a little relief to comfort myself. Continue to work hard, life is still far away, but also to raise him as an adult, not necessarily to cultivate into a good, but at least to cultivate a normal person, can live on their own, can face the reality is not afraid.

I can't make a lot of money now, and I don't know which day I will fall, so I will take care of my body, develop as much as possible, and can't lay a piece of the sky for him, so I will first ensure his normal growth and not be hungry. At least plant a tree for him, and it will be better to avoid the rain when it rains.

At the same time, I am also my mother's son, and I also spend as much time with her as possible, taking care of her, and letting her spend a peaceful old age. I didn't have clothes to return to my hometown, I didn't have a glorious ancestor, I could only let my mother eat and dress warmly, and be happy every day.

Ordinary people's lives will continue, and strive every day!

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