
Pity the hearts of parents in the world

author:A one-of-a-kind cowherd

People have been over thirty and have experienced many things, of course, good and bad. In recent years, the pressure has gradually increased, thinking that I have contact with any work but I have not been able to do a good job. Now I suddenly miss the days when I was a child, when I was shouted up by my father every morning to herd cattle. Lay a mat on the back of the cow, lie on the back of the cow, and then hunch me back when the cow is full. When I was a child, I was very happy that there was no pressure, and because there were many sisters in the family, my parents were also spoiled for me as a boy. A lot of people think I'm spoiled and rebellious. In fact, in my bones, I am still afraid of doing something wrong and causing my parents to blame. People who should have learned to be good at what their family expected to become talented did not give them a good explanation. Only today do I realize how indisputable I am. When I was a child, my family was poor and couldn't open the pot, and I lived in three thatched houses. At that time, my parents could only support us all by the few crops harvested in the field. I still remember when I was a child, I had a fever, my father couldn't find a way, and there were two small clinics in the village that were empty. Fortunately, there was also a veterinarian who specialized in giving pigs a look, and my father took two tablets of fever reducer from his house and ate them, and the fever also subsided. I also remember when we were young, we didn't have rice to eat, and we could only eat the hand-rolled noodles made by our mother. At that time, there was not even a dried radish, so I looked at the dried chili pepper hanging on the side of the door and chopped it up, and then poured some vinegar and mixed it with clear soup noodles and ate it. It tastes so good, even if you don't have rice to eat, it feels good to be full. Then the adults went out to scavenging, the father went outside for a long time to come back once, the mother took care of our children alone, and there was no oil, salt, sauce and vinegar at home. My mother cooked some soybeans to fill our hunger, and then I asked my mother and father in tears when they would come back and when we could eat the oil. My mother said to me: You go to the South Road Junction Bridge and kneel down and beg your father to come back. What could my mother do at that time without a phone, let alone a mobile phone, and it was even more impossible to write letters and not be able to read. I ran to the bridge and cried and knelt, and my father might not come back for a moment and a half. At that time, don't talk about fruit snacks, there is a sugar can be happy for half a day, which is like now feel that life is bitter to eat a sugar. The three thatched huts that my parents bought from my grandparents for four hundred dollars when they got married were really astronomical at the time. There is a pine cemetery in the west of my grandparents' house, which is named Songlingdi because of the two pine trees and two graves. In the field are the onions planted by grandpa, which is equivalent to a small vegetable garden. I didn't have any food to eat, I ran to the vegetable garden after elementary school, anyway, it was my grandfather's family, I caught the onions in the field, and I could eat five or six onions with a steamed bun in my hand, and it didn't grow much. When the steamed bun was finished, he grabbed the onion and nibbled on it, and the tears of the nibbling snot whimpered. Some adults passing by laughed and teased me: stealing onions from others to eat, little doll. I would hold my head high and say, "My grandfather's, with a snort, and then nibble on the onion that I haven't finished in my hand." The most amusing thing in my memory is not only this paragraph, but also a paragraph where my mother is also out, and my sisters are taking care of me at home. At that time, I was only six years old in the first grade of elementary school, and my eldest sister did not know where to find a pair of jeans for me to put on, and the sister who had long jeans was also rolled and rolled. I sat in the last row of classrooms, and although the school was a tile house, the ground was still dirt. One day after class, I felt panicked, and I couldn't open my jeans when I wanted to pee, and I peed a pair of jeans. Pee ran down the jeans to the foam bottom of the small cloth shoes and then flowed on the potholed floor of the classroom, looking helpless. I can remember for the rest of my life the expression on which the girl from the same village next to me looked at me. Finally, when the bell rang after school, I dragged my heavy pair of wet jeans back home for two miles. Looking at the mother from a distance, it was like seeing the figure of my mother, so coincidentally my mother came back today, and my mother looked at my legs with a puzzled expression. The eldest sister said that he was wearing jeans, and he couldn't get wet. My tears of grievance could no longer be broken... Then I grew up a little longer, and liked the summer rainy days, after the heavy rains, the small ditches and ditches were full of water. I walked on the edge of the ditch to watch the water carefully observe, and suddenly two long whiskers came out of the water, and I leaned down and reached down to carry the lobster out, big and red. In this way, I carried more than a dozen of them in a row, thinking that there were lobsters to eat. There was also nothing in his hand to hold shrimp, and he pulled a long "pickpocket head" long like a rope and a plant. One by one, I tied up the lobsters and took them home, and happily let my mother cook them for me to eat. After a long time, when it rained, I ran outside, and there was a young man in the village who was a generation older than me, and when he saw that I liked to catch fish and shrimp, he said that he had a mesh cloth that he could sell to me at a low price. I thought that I could catch a lot of fish by making a netcloth, so I went to ask my mother for two dollars, and my mother also went around rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find two coins. I happily gave it to the older youth, and he gave me a window screen, the mesh hole was very small, and it was quite strong. I found the wire and two wooden sticks, and begged my mother to sew the net with needle and thread, and just such a simple little net was ready. After that, it will be the end of the world. As soon as it rained, I didn't see anyone, and I went out to catch fish and shrimp. After a long time, my mother scolded: "I know that I caught fish and shrimp, and there was no oil burning at home!" "Later, I gradually became less afraid to go out and catch fish...

There are several things that are very unforgettable, the shoes worn at that time, the mother found the shoe sample, bought foam soles on the street to give us a few shoes, and wore the cloth shoes made by the mother to be happy. Sometimes when it rains, I'd rather carry cloth shoes barefoot than get dirty. There were two commissaries at school, and there were wine bottles in the commissary at that time, and broken glass could be replaced by a popsicle, and when I was a child, I also knew that this was the condition at home. After that, my parents also broke their hearts for my studies, and I didn't fight for that breath. Hope son becomes a dragon, but becomes a worm. I failed to live up to the expectations of my family, and I felt a lot of pressure from a very early age, and I couldn't breathe.

Then into the society, to marry and have children, to divorce, to see the people around them are complete. I am still this unashamed look, faceless to face my parents. They are all in their early thirties and want to do something, but they still live to become the biggest concern in the hearts of their elderly parents. Whenever I think of them full of white hair, my heart is more and more uncomfortable, inexplicably sad, I have never complained about the world, but I hate myself for not arguing, so that they are still working for me at the age of happiness. The road they have traveled is far more difficult than we thought, and I have pushed myself forward. Maybe it wasn't so quick to reassure them, I called my father a few days ago, and my father said that the neighbor's child was probably in his twenties and couldn't be contacted, and I was also shocked. No matter how big people live, they are the worries of their parents at all times, no matter how unbearable or how prosperous we live, three or two days to our parents to report peace, let them feel at ease.

Finally, borrow a lyric from "Father", I wish the parents of the world to spend the spring and autumn in peace.

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