
Accompany full-time children to start a business

author:Ningning 0918
Accompany full-time children to start a business

There is a small neighborhood in the courtyard where I live, and the reason why I call her a small neighborhood is because this baby is just in her early 20s this year.

Da Reiko, a little girl with a round face, I almost watched her grow up, the first time I saw Reiko, this baby has not yet gone to elementary school, and now she has graduated from college.

White and chubby face, face like a full moon, Reiko is really good-looking, I think her Hanfu photo is like Xue Baochai, holding a fan and dancing butterflies, delicate and embroidered shoes, oops,

A piece of leisure!

And I found that Reiko's baby is not only classical, but her heart has also traveled from ancient times, and she has no modern consciousness at all.

To be honest, what freedom, liberation, feminism, education, for some alternative women, it is all superfluous.


Because this kind of girl doesn't want to come into contact with society at all, they are willing to lie comfortably at home and not go down the show, and on the other hand, we have to say that people have a good life, and the family can really afford it, and there is no shortage of her to earn that little salary. This is called Zuyin!

To this, I admit that I have a bit of a lemon bubble in my heart. Like my aunt, when I was young, let alone gnawing at the old, the old still had to count on me to support it,

My father left me a mother who was a housewife,

A younger brother who is not yet an adult, he went to see Marx early.

can feed this continuation of the little mother, plus a minor little brother. This glorious mission has been entrusted to me.

Alas, this is also a passing of the torch!

As for me, as an older sister who is ten years older than my younger brother, and as a new woman who can go out to study and work, I have to pick up a burden. With my mother in front and my brother in the back, like Wu Dalang who sold cooking cakes, he trotted forward.

A lot of things just caught up!

It is a sentence that my wife often said at the meeting:

That's what it's like that, that's what it is.

Alas, the pig-headed director then slapped the table and shouted: Comrades, what shall we do?

What to do?


So, I gritted my teeth and went to college while earning a small amount of money, of course, the money is not much, but I must, to provide a comfortable life for my relatives!

This is the minimum goal I strive for!

And the source of this struggle is two words, responsibility!

In the world of life, everyone has a little responsibility, you are like the mansion in the past, watching the young master enjoy happiness all day long, in fact, he is also bitter. Why Jia Baoyu was beaten was not because he was unwilling to study for the imperial examination.

And those girls who are oppressed all day long are not bad at this point, no one forced them to learn Bagu and take the Jinshi exam.

Now we also know that studying is actually quite hard, and many people would rather enter the factory to play screws than repeat the college entrance examination!

For Jia Baoyu, he has to bear the burden on his shoulders, hundreds of people up and down the whole house are looking at you, waiting for you to pick a family and start a business, you are a monk, but you have no worries. What can happen to these 100 or so people? When I read Dream of Red Mansions, I just looked down on Jia Baoyu, how big a thing to do, it is more important than supporting a family!

Let go of Jia Baoyu, and then talk about my neighbor, my little neighbor, she shouldn't live in the contemporary era, she should live in ancient times, because the biggest problem with this girl is that she really doesn't want to go to work, what do you say?

Because of her old age, her parents are worried. Several times they begged me for help, because their daughters didn't listen to what they said. So, Auntie, I took action.

I said to this fat girl:

If you don't want to go out to work and go to work, you can start a business online.

For example, go and do a photography follow-up. How beautiful the photos you took, posted on the circle of friends, I like it very much!

In this way, I was coaxed and coaxed, and finally took her to do a few deals.

At that time, taking orders online and taking street photos for others was quite simple.

Because the little girl herself is a photography enthusiast, she still has a certain foundation.

As for the photographic equipment, it is even more readily available. Cameras, computers. She can contact online, but as for offline, they are usually lesbians. Bring your own clothing. Need ancient costumes, in addition to contact the rental order to increase the price, now many people are also honest and understand, generally do not owe money!

As for taking pictures, it's even simpler, when I was younger, I also did art photography, and photography at that time was very academic, and it was quite complicated. What photo granularity, light and shade, and learning composition and finding exposure, it's quite mysterious, and now, thanks to the retouching function of the mobile phone, a lot of things are saved. Street photography is a process.

For this reason, I also specially made up a set for this girl, for example, a middle-aged girl in her 30s. Eh, put on a dress, in the summer of the moon lace, on the boulevard, so a stop,

There is a small western-style building in the back and a large meadow in front.

The beautiful lady is holding a Starbucks green cup in her hand.

Come dead dogs!

The first one, reaching out and kicking his legs, grinned. Click!

In the second photo, Hu strokes his hair with his head facing north. Click!

The third, sitting on a bench and straightening his legs. Click!

The fourth, holding a bottle of water on his forehead. Click!


And so on, we can use a camera to give you 20 shots in one go. Oops, the assembly line is alive, this thing is so neat.

Just one water park in Tianjin and its surroundings can take these photos perfectly. Diversity. As for the set menu, there are four types. They are VIP. VIP in P. VIP2P,VIGDP!

Well. There are other words that are familiar to me. I'll think about it again, anyway, it's these five set meals at the moment, you can eat as much as you want.

The price is from 200, and if there is a paper film, you can add 50. A photographer, plus an assistant, we only make a pair of two hundred and five, you tell me how valuable it is, of course, there is no cap. Five hundred and one thousand, let's also shine it out!

In fact, this fat Lingzi is very popular, her job was found by another netizen for her, and I don't know how she met others.

Anyway, a kind sister dumped two jobs for Reiko, and I, an enthusiastic aunt, accompanied her to work, but that's it, one of us is online and one offline. One is stretched, and the other is pulled. One walks up and one pushes...

In such a concerted and two-pronged background, this little aunt and grandmother did not push into the market of self-employment.

A while ago, in April, the two of us took a few photos of ancient costumes together and took a few jobs. To be honest, I still made money.

Forget it. It can be four digits.

But the problem is, I haven't been able to go out with her lately, because I have a lot of things under my hands.

A while ago, my brother and daughter-in-law and her mother were hospitalized, and they all entered the VIP room in the hospital. Well, the hospital may not be in our ranking, but it's a very heavy kind anyway!

The old lady's life was once in danger, of course, after rescue, she was back to the ordinary ward, but the problem is that as an in-law, I have to show my face, we have always been the chief image ambassador of my brother's mother's family. If I don't show my face, it will be too bad for my brother and daughter-in-law.

So, I made a few trips to Beijing, and I had to go to see my mother-in-law. Oh, plus a few old revolutionaries, my parents' relatives and comrades-in-arms, oops, the schedule is quite busy anyway.

I was not in good health, I couldn't stand it, and I didn't do much in a day, so I ran back and forth two or three times, and stayed in Beijing for several days.

I just returned to Tianjin yesterday and rested on the kang for most of the day, but today I finally took a breath and can deal with some daily affairs. So, I asked the big fat Ling who said that she wanted to start her own business, and I said:

Ling! How have you been doing this lately? Is our street photography business still going on?

Who knew that after I sent this text message, no one paid attention to me for a long time, I thought she was busy outside, cough, I didn't expect that it took several hours before this girl called me back, she said:

Aunt Cat. I, I, I'm too lazy to move! It's too hot, I'm afraid of heat stroke!

Oh, when I heard this, my feet were reflexive, if this was my daughter, I would have to kick her out.

I inquired carefully, co-authored, since I accompanied her to do a single job in April, she has not appeared at work, she has been going from house to house to regulate her body and mind, Taoguang to recuperate!

In the words of Da Chubby Ling, that is, I am tired, and I am afraid. I have pollen allergies, I am depressed, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I feel uncomfortable, I can't move.

But according to her mother, she just made half of the roast duck yesterday, plus seven lotus leaf cakes!

What to do?

I can eat and drink, I can play with my mobile phone until midnight all day long, I don't get up until 10 o'clock every morning, and I order a glass of ice American after getting up.

Oh, this proper boudoir life!

This proper dream of returning to the Red Mansion, this little celebrity who was born in the wrong time and space, just sat in her embroidery building, unable to live or die!

I was walking in the yard with my brother that day, and I saw the big fat Lingzi at a glance, and after we said a few words to this baby, Lingzi went home, and I was still chattering with my brother behind my back.

I said that in fact, this girl, I really like it. Just her chubby look, oops,

I think that face can be pinched out of the water, but it's such a QQ bullet, but the cute and loving baby, why can't you go to work?

My brother laughed dryly, and he said:

Otherwise, if you take care of this baby, I will give her 20,000 yuan a month, you are his gold owner!

I was so angry that I said to my brother:

Your mind is full of three wrong views, and young people don't go out to struggle. If you don't go out to work, you spend all day at home, it's not a matter of how much money you have, in fact, Reiko's family is not short of food and drink.

His father's and his mother's pensions are all five-figure, but a person can't be idle without giving birth, even if he is a young master in the mansion in the past, the parents also hope that he will be down-to-earth, either to take the test for fame, or to run business, how can he do nothing all day long?

But who knew that my brother didn't like to hear this, he pursed his mouth and said:

You are a person who has solidified thinking, and what it means to not be production is not to be produced. Literature, art, painting, gardening, philosophy, theology, these things are all created by people who are not producers, and this society needs people who work diligently, and also needs those who have money and leisure, and they should be appropriate.

This sounds strange to me, because in my mind, my brother can't do anything, but there is one thing, this guy is very willing to endure hardships and struggle. Don't look at his current suit and leather shoes, when he was young, when he started his first project, he ate and lived on the construction site, for fear that the local black people would come to make trouble!

So much so that the 30-year-old did not go home, living in a small house on the construction site that was ventilated everywhere, and was maintained by electric heating. Oops, I feel distressed when I look at it!

After so many years of doing business, going south and north, this kid has always talked to people and made ghost sounds, whether it is at the wine table or the card table, whether it is an entertainment city

Or at the negotiation table, he can accompany him to the end, full of energy, I don't think he is the kind of idle person!

I told me what I meant, but when my brother heard this, he pouted and said:

I want to be idle, but the problem is that I don't have that life, alas, we have the form of a young master, and we don't have a young master's life.

In my life, people have shown me that the work of the stagecoach, just like the old horse in the post station, is rushing all day long.

At this point, my brother pursed his thin mouth, blinked his slender eyes, and complained to me again and again.

You said:

You are a hardworking and capable man, but how did you get a heart attack? Why can't you continue to work to support your family?

When I was in junior high school, I still had a dream of being a sister and brother for the rest of my life. Just sit in the car you pulled, live your life comfortably, go to college casually, and then start falling in love, with my youthful face, I can fully compete for the role of the horse master, let's do a reverse door? Be a soft rice man,

was recruited as a so-and-so man's land,

Take the route of a son-in-law, and then casually hook up with a few broad widows outside. It's a good and easy day!

But what about you,

Is this sister of yours competent? I lay down early. The level level has not rushed up, and you have not spread out the network and network. Alas, sister, how good it would be if you weren't sick, so that I could enjoy life and still have to endure all these hardships?

As soon as I heard this, I jumped up, and said to my brother:

With the big mess of your life now, if you rely on your sister and me to support you, then it will not be a matter of hard work or hard work, then you will have to take a huge risk, it is estimated that I am now not using public medical treatment, then I have to rely on medical parole!

In order to feed you and your foxes, this must force your sister and me to take risks!

But when the younger brother heard this, he snorted disdainfully, and said:

Hmph, then you won't quit your job and go to the sea to do business, you can't hurt me anyway. Who made you my sister?

Alas, forget it, it's useless to say it now, let's not bite each other, it's all fate, I don't have that blessing.

So by analogy, when you see those children who gnaw at the old in the future, don't be indignant all day long, people don't eat you, people are all food in their lives, their parents are willing to support them, if you don't want to raise them one day, really kick them out, and naturally they will make a living.

The last emperor Pu Yi didn't learn to water the flowers in the botanical garden, and the last princess Yun Ying learned to sell cigarettes on the front street.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the family has no money to work on their own!

But uh, since the parents are not dead and they are willing to give them support, then these babies who are gnawing at home do not need to PK with those babies who need to support their families.

It's better to free up jobs, which also leaves some space at the bottom so that they can move upwards more.

As for those middle-class babies, will they fall from their social class in the future? That's not something you should think about.

This is exactly what it is:

Full-time as a child, stewed toads in warm water,

Biodiversity, gnaw at home!

Hehe. To exist is to be justified.

Accompany full-time children to start a business