
Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"This patient had a sudden heart attack while eating, and the rescue was ineffective."

Doctor Zhang Wei sighed helplessly and explained to the family in front of him. Patient Wang Qiang is an ordinary factory worker who works weekdays, but always likes to eat at the dinner table. This time, however, he collapsed at the dining table and was powerless when he was taken to the hospital.

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Wang Qiang's wife, Li Mei, asked with tears in her eyes: "Doctor, why did he suddenly have a heart attack?" He's usually in good health! ”

Zhang Wei nodded and began to explain in detail: "In fact, many heart attacks are closely related to our eating habits. Wang Qiang's usual eating habits are actually buried in this hidden danger. ”

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

He pointed to some leftover food on the table and said, "Like these foods that are often eaten, the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss." He pointed out one by one: "First of all, this braised pork. Braised pork is greasy and high in fat, and eating it regularly can easily lead to increased blood lipids and hardening of the arteries.

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Then there are these fried chickens and fries, which are high-fat, high-calorie junk foods, and long-term consumption will seriously affect cardiovascular health. ”

The doctor continued: "And this salt-baked chicken, which is too salty. A high-salt diet can lead to high blood pressure, which is one of the most important causes of heart attack. ”

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

He went on to explain: "The most important thing is this – beer, and excessive alcohol consumption not only directly damages the heart muscle, but also causes blood pressure to rise, increasing the risk of heart attack. ”

Li Mei frowned: "Then will we definitely get a heart attack if we eat these?" ”

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Zhang Wei shook his head: "It's not that you will get a heart attack if you eat a little, but if you eat it often, it will accumulate for a long time, and the damage to the cardiovascular system is great."

The incidence of myocardial infarction is more than twice as high in people who have been on a high-fat, high-salt diet for a long time than in people on a normal diet. The iron-beaten blood vessels really can't bear such a toss. ”

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

He went on to explain: "The occurrence of myocardial infarction is actually the result of the accumulation of long-term unhealthy lifestyle habits. A diet high in fat, salt, and sugar is a risk factor for myocardial infarction. Coupled with Wang Qiang's usual work pressure and lack of exercise, these factors combined to cause today's tragedy. ”

Li Mei nodded, as if she understood or not: "Then how are we going to eat in the future?" ”

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Zhang Wei smiled slightly: "Actually, it's very simple, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat less greasy food, control salt and sugar intake, and exercise moderately, so that you can greatly reduce the risk of heart attack." ”

"People who maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle have more than 60% lower rates of heart attack than people who have an unhealthy lifestyle.

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Specifically, eating enough fruits and vegetables every day, maintaining a moderate amount of exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, these simple lifestyle habits can greatly reduce the risk of heart attack. ”

Zhang Wei continued: "Also, weight control is also very important. According to statistics, the risk of heart attack in obese people is 2.5 times higher than that of people of normal weight. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight is also essential to prevent heart attack.

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Li Mei looked at Zhang Wei and asked worriedly, "What if you already have high blood lipids or high blood pressure?" Is there still a way to prevent a heart attack? ”

Zhang Wei nodded: "Of course there is." The first step is to aggressively treat the underlying disease and control blood pressure and blood lipids. At the same time, pay more attention to your diet, reduce the intake of fat and salt, and increase the intake of dietary fiber.

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

In addition, regular physical examinations, early detection of problems, and timely intervention are also very important. ”

"In fact, the key to preventing myocardial infarction lies in daily habits," he said. Don't think that the occasional indulgence doesn't matter, it's these unhealthy habits that accumulate over time that will have serious consequences one day. ”

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Just as Li Mei was about to leave, she suddenly thought of a question: "Doctor, will the instant noodles that Wang Qiang usually likes to eat also be a problem?" ”

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded: "That's right, instant noodles are also a big problem." Instant noodles contain a lot of trans fat and high sodium, and long-term consumption is also very damaging to the cardiovascular system.

Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss

Therefore, try to eat less instant noodles, choose more fresh ingredients, and cook your own food, which is the best protection for the body. ”

After hearing this, Li Mei nodded heavily, and left the hospital with a look of determination.

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Is heart attack related to eating? The doctor sighed helplessly: the iron blood vessels can't bear such a toss