
The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Lao Li, you are so powerful, you have been running at night for two years, and this persistence is not comparable to our young people."

Lao Zhang sighed as he walked. The two of them made an appointment to go to the hospital for a physical examination together today, and they happened to talk about Lao Li's night running habits. Lao Li, a 67-year-old retired electrician, started running at night two years ago. Why choose a night run? Lao Li said that the night is quiet, there is less hustle and bustle during the day, and there are no people on the street, which is especially suitable for running slowly and enjoying your time.

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

Lao Li has been rain or shine in the past two years, and he has never stopped. His friend Lao Zhang admired his persistence very much, and was also a little curious about Lao Li, who insisted on running so much, how was his body. The doctor's surname is Wang, and he is in his fifties, and he is a veteran doctor. Dr. Wang carefully read Lao Li's physical examination report, and a smile appeared on his face. "Lao Li, your physical condition is really good."

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

Lao Zhang couldn't wait to ask, "Doctor Wang, what are the benefits of running at night so well?" ”

Dr. Wang nodded and began to elaborate. "There are actually many benefits of running at night, let's look at it from several aspects. First of all, running at night can help improve heart and lung fitness, and running for at least 30 minutes three times a week can significantly improve the function of the heart and lungs. You see, Lao Li has insisted on running at night for the past two years, and his heart and lung function have been maintained very well. ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

He flipped through Lao Li's report, "Also, running at night can help control weight." Running at night burns a lot of calories and can effectively prevent obesity. Lao Li, your weight has been maintained very well, right? ”

Lao Li nodded, "Yes, my weight hasn't changed much in the past two years." "Also, running at night can improve sleep quality. After running at night, the fatigue of the body will increase and it will be easier to fall asleep. Lao Li, how have you slept in the past two years? ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

"I slept soundly." Lao Li said with a smile. Dr. Wong continued, "Also, running at night can relieve stress. When you run in the evening, the environment is quiet, which is a great way to relax and release the stress of the day. This is very good for mental health. Lao Zhang listened attentively, "So in addition to these, is there any other benefit?" ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

"Of course," says Dr. Wang, "running at night can also boost immunity, and moderate exercise can strengthen the immune system and reduce the chance of getting sick." Lao Li, you have had fewer colds or something in the past two years, right? "It's really less." Lao Li nodded.

"Night running also increases the body's metabolic level and improves blood circulation. You see, Lao Li's blood pressure and blood sugar are all normal, which is the effect of long-term exercise. Lao Zhang couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Lao Li, your night run is really worth it." ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

Lao Li is also very happy, but he has a problem that has been bothering him. He asked Dr. Wang, "Dr. Wang, I've been running well for the past two years, but sometimes my knees are a little sore, what's going on?" ”

Doctor Wang smiled, "Lao Li, this question is actually very common. Night running has many benefits for the body, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the way and method. Knee pain may be due to the wrong running form or the wrong running shoes. ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

"It is recommended that you change into a pair of running shoes, and pay attention to your posture when running, don't run too fast, and do what you can. When necessary, you can add some strength training to strengthen the muscles around the knee and reduce the burden on the knee. ”

Dr. Wong continued, "One thing you should be aware of is that while there are many benefits to running at night, you should not overdo it. Moderate exercise is the most beneficial to the body, and excessive exercise can cause damage to the body. Lao Li also smiled, "Okay, good, I must pay attention." ”

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health

And just like that, they ended the medical examination. Lao Li's physical condition made him more confident in running at night, but he also understood that to exercise scientifically, not only persistence, but also method. Dr. Wang's explanation gave him a deeper understanding of the benefits of night running and answered the questions in his mind.

What do you think about night runs? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 67-year-old man insisted on running at night for two years, during which he never stopped, went to the hospital for a physical examination, and now he is in good health